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December Daily® 2022 | Story 16

Story 16 in my 2022 December Daily® album is about celebrating Elliott's + Audrey's December birthdays. 

Let's dive in to the process video: 

Here's a look at my story via images: 

In the video for this story I mention how much I love full page photos and how once I start bringing them in it's almost hard to stop. I love them so much. 

For today's story I selected a photo I took after our birthday dinner celebration as we were all saying goodbye before going our separate ways. I had turned around and saw everyone interacting with one another and I snapped one photo - this was what I got. This is so us and I love capturing the interactions and am 100% here for imperfect photos. 

I paired the full page photo with a fun, festive tag page. 

On top of my full page photo I added one of the felt circle pockets. On top of the journaling circle I stapled a 1 and 6 from the Numbers Scrapbook Kit. I also added another sticker tab along the outside edge to encourage the reader to pull out the circle. 

I added a vellum quote strip to the top of the vellum pocket in the same way I did on my Reason Why page. 

On the back of the circle I added our selfie shot. That circle is 3 inches wide. Based on the way we were situated on the photo I added a bit of text on black along the edge. 

On the second page - one of the die cut papers - I had added the rubber tags and a puffy Santa when I was creating my foundation pages. To that initial design I cut out the wreath circles from one of the 6x8 transparent pages and added journaling circles on top that are 1.5 inches. 

I love the look of pairing those tag shapes with the wreath circles. 

I added a red/white ribbon to the tag page (the ribbon was on a gift from a friend so I don't have a source for it). 


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2 thoughts

  1. Mpasquini12 says…

    I just love how you used the rubber tags here! It’s such a fun and fresh color palette!

    Here is my day 16:

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  2. adawson816 says…
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