On Getting Back In The Swing Of Things


Returning from a long vacation is always interesting.

Towards the end of my trip I was longing a bit for home and the normal everyday routines of life.

I was also missing my kids.

Divorce is a funny thing in that it's given me a bit more freedom from time to time but also tugs at my heart in so many different ways. I focus on the span of time, that things are temporary, that I should enjoy the moment I'm in and take it for the gift it is vs. wishing it away. All things we all face in our lives as we navigate different events and transitions.

Returning home means coming back to George (Katie's Mom lovingly visited him while we were away) and his silly antics.

Returning home means checking out the unplanned tomato garden. They are still going strong and getting closer to turning red.

Returning home means a change in the seasons is coming. Back to school plans and shopping are underway. Big changes for both kids as they each enter new schools this year.

Returning home means back to work. It also means a decompression of all the work-related observations and ideas I had while gone. Ideas about products, about ways to change up the things I've been doing, etc. Thinking about things to let go of to make room. Back to school time also feels like a good time for me to take a look at all my work stuff and figure out what's been working and not-working and plan/envision what's next.

Many people experience the desire to spring clean in the spring. I usually do too but I also acutely feel it as we transition from summer to fall. I'm going through the kids clothes making room for Anna's uniform staples and for longer pants and bigger shirts for Simon. I have plans to go through closets and tackle the toys too. I like the idea of fresh starts all around as we move into September.

I'm also thinking a lot about what it means to thrive. Emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, creatively. Lately I've felt a little like I've just been "making it through."

I realize my voice has been silent here for the last few weeks and probably a bit longer as a majority of my creative energy has gone into my Hello Story workshop. I'm looking forward to embarking on Week In The Life next month and finding new ways to share and express myself here.

As always, thank you for being here. For reading and commenting and being a part of this experience.

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69 thoughts

  1. Paula says…

    Reading this after a grueling last couple of weeks that actually started at the tail end of a lovely beach vacation and "stuff" has unrelentlessly kept me feeling like a ship on a stormy sea. Your post today hit home, I guess my translation of "making it through" is that I feel like I'm always "dealing with something" - be it a work assignment that is enjoyable but rushed, or a child situation that is scary or heartbreaking (sensory overload, OCD issues, fears & tears etc) - the ups and downs come in waves and are a way of life. Your post is a reminder to me though that this is my one and only life to live, and I have to find ways to shift and sometimes turn the boat around and head in new directions regardless. Thank you.

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  2. Andrea Melville says…

    I have definitely missed your posts while you were away but was so happy to see you having what looked like a truly memorable break..... will look forward to reading your posts...but take a breath and savour being home with your sweet children and all that home life has to offer...theres something about walking in the door of home after a break that brings new perspective and you don't want to hurry that moment.

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  3. ana frazee says…

    funny that you mentioned the word 'thrive'. for the last couple of years i've wanted to do 'one little word' but i haven't been able to find a word i felt. but a few weeks ago i while reading i came across the word thrive. it's exactly how i feel. i don't want to just exist, to live in the moment. i want to thrive, to expand my wings, to learn, to look forward to everything y life can be.

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  4. Betsey says…

    Always a pleasure hearing from you.

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  5. Johanna says…

    I so understand the feeling of just "making it through". It's how I've felt a big part of the last two years, and I'm pretty done with it. But it's not easy to transition back into thriving - so many things seem too much a bonus, time-wise, energy-wise. Thoughts and feelings and excuses need to shift. Here's to tossing those out and making space for us.

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  6. Debrajean says…

    Hi Ali, you convey such real feelings and emotions; your words reach out and touch me. Like many others here, I feel like we are kindred spirits. You remind all of us to take time to cherish our everyday lives, and that is priceless! So glad you had a great vacation. Thank you for all you share with us through your blog and workshops, it is so appreciated.

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  7. Marti Richards says…

    Great post, Ali. Back to school time is always like a "spring cleaning" for me. I love the fresh start. :)

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  8. Suzanne says…

    Love this post, Ali. Your voice on here as well as your inspiring projects have helped me through several tough times. Thank you for your transparency and genuine care for your readers :)

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  9. Kathy says…

    It's funny because I have been separated for over 5 years and officially divorced for over 2 years and I admire all those people entering into new relationships. I am flat out raising two kids (9 and 7) on my own 100% of the time so I can't imagine having time or the energy to put into a new relationship although I am secretly (in a nice way) jealous of the new love. Once the kids are in bed by 7 pm that's it for me I'm exhausted too.

    I too am so looking forward to WITL and in fact only wrote a post about it a couple of days ago.


    Regards, Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

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  10. Suz says…

    Welcome back Ali! Looking forward to seeing your travels to Europe documented and to read about Simon and Anna's transitions back to school. Thank you for sharing. Take care you.

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  11. Lindsay says…

    making it through....wow you have echoed my thoughts and feelings these past few weeks exactly. for some odd reason time, and the passage of it seems to be this tug of war game i am playing. trying to hold on, trying to get through...trying to enjoy, stop and savour. and of course trying to find the balance of it all and stay "present". i really loved reading your post. definitely helped me not feel so "alone". love you ali!

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  12. Julie says…

    I understand the Hello story would be draining for you. But please know it is not wasted time and energy. I am LOVING the class and have made it a daily discussion with my husband.

    I've asked him to give me a 6 word story of his day. and then we laugh....because he's so darn creative and can make something up immediately.

    Your posts and your classes are so 'thoughtful' - is the only word I can think of.

    Thanks for sharing your life with us. You Rock.

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  13. Kim says…

    Ali, thanks for sharing such personal feelings. Its hard I know as my oldest daughter (30) single mom of 2 lives with me. She has been divorced for 4 years and unfortunately still dealing with all that goes with that change in ones life. I try so hard to get her through the tough days, as I worry so much that she will managed to stay afloat. She was a stay at home mom, so going out into the work world with no skills has only added to her struggles. I'm working on getting her into some counseling,anything that may help her work though it all. She says she just looks at the entire World differently and hard to see joy in anything but her 2 kids. Thanks for sharing your journey with us all. Your an amazing women and know many will find strength in your words so thank you.

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  14. Nicolle says…

    Ali, I think you're awesome.

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