Documenting The Kids

[ sentiment strip available at Designer Digitals ]

Simon @ 7 years

- worked super hard for over three weeks to have three days "in green" for a reward trip to Target to get some legos (staying in green means following directions, no pushing, no arguing about who is first in line, accepting, etc)

- playing with the neighbor kids outside almost everyday after school: riding bikes, playing chase

- doing single number addition worksheets super-fast (and correctly)

- ate green peppers & broccoli

- working on accepting not being first in line after recess everyday + found a solution by holding hands (and sharing first) with the little girl you compete with the most
- lost your first tooth (you pulled it out all on your own)

Anna @ 3 months

- smiling a ton, especially when Simon comes into view

- liking very much to be held rather than in any other spot
- rolled over from stomach to back
- working on getting into a routine
- moved from the bassinet next to our bed to the crib in your own room
- had your first adventure to the 92 degree swimming pool (you loved it)
- started hanging out with a very special babysitter twice a week

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54 thoughts

  1. Ali says…

    I set the camera on the table - one of my favorite places to capture stuff ;).

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  2. desiree fawn says…

    Awe ^_^ So sweet.
    My little one is 15 weeks old now!

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  3. pink sky says…

    i love seeing your two little ones together. it makes me smile as i imagine a big brother and a baby to be soon to be smiling across the table from me :)

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  4. KatherineB says…

    LOL - I love that he needs to be first too - my son does as well and others just don't understand it!

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