One Little Word 2010

I am a fan of welcoming the new year with open arms. I love fresh starts, new opportunities, clean slates, possibilities.

Back in January 2007, as a way to celebrate these beginnings, I started a public tradition of choosing a single word to focus on over the course of the year.

Many of you are familiar with this tradition and have been joining me in selecting a new word each year. If this is your first time reading about the idea of one little word I recommend taking a few minutes to read my original post here.

Here's a look at my words from the past three years with links to the original posts.

2007 : Peace [ read my post for 2007 ]
2008 : Vitality [ read my post for 2008 ]
2009 : Nurture [ read my post for 2009 ]

Essentially the idea is to choose a word (or let it choose you) that has the potential to make an impact on your life.

Maybe you want to invite something or maybe you are hoping to subtract something. Maybe your word will be practical or hopeful or creative or fanciful. Maybe you need a big word, something in-your-face that will challenge you everyday. Maybe you need something smaller and quieter that will whisper gentle tidings as you make your way throughout the year.

Whatever word you end up with, make sure it is your word (not your sister's, mom's, partner's, child's, etc). You can share it publicly or keep it close to your heart.

My word for 2010 is STORY.

I'm planning to do a post with more details on my thoughts about this word on Wednesday (look for the finishing pages of my December Daily tomorrow). I am hoping to use my word as a springboard for a variety of different projects and inspirations, in my life and my scrapbooking, over the next 365 days.

Have you chosen your word yet?

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669 thoughts

  1. stefanie says…

    My Word for 2010 will be change.
    time for me to look for new job, to be able to scrap in a different way, to be able and welcome change. time for my relationship to head in new direction.
    thanks for the inspiration

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  2. Erika Mobley says…

    Debbie - I have picked your 2009 word for my 2010 word - BALANCE. Your focus for 2010 sounds a lot like what I will be focusing on as well (my past words have been Simple and Focus). I wish you the best with your goals for the year.
    This has been a year (especially the last few months) where I feel like I am tackling the next emergency instead of staying on top of things and being able to enjoy all aspects of my life. I need to find the BALANCE between work, school, church, taking care of my home, my husband, my photography, my friends, and everything associated with these aspects of my life (I am sure there are more). My husband and I are going on our 1st marriage retreat in January (we will celebrate 5 years in April), and it is about improving the health of our marriage by improving the total wellness of each individual - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Basically finding BALANCE in our lives.

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  3. says…

    Great Concept Ali - and I'm playing along this year. My word for 2010 is CONTROL. I'm hoping to take control of my weight loss efforts this year and finish losing all the weight I need to and I'm also hoping to release CONTROL of thinks so that i'm not so stressed. Thanks for the inpsiration.

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  4. Amy says…
    12/29/2009 word is Jesus. To let him lead and keep myself from getting in the way. I am opening a food pantry at my church where my husband is the minister. I want to have Jesus shine while we feed His sheep. Jesus-there is no better "word" for me than Jesus.

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  5. Icecat62 says…

    Obesity can be overcome, but it is a daily struggle. I know because I'm a compulsive eater and you have to be aware of everything you eat instead of just eating. It's so hard. Weight Watchers has helped me to stay at a normal weight for the past two years. I have a cousin who has been obese all her life...she's lost over 250 lbs. You can do it, but you can't do it alone. Look for online groups that are free, like 3fatchicks, if you can' afford to join WW. Even talking to others in the scrap community can help. I wish you all the best and remember...persevere.

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  6. karine says…

    I thought i would go for fearless but it will be create. Yes, "create" will be my word for 2010: create my business. create a world around me where I can grow as an artist, a business. create possibilities. create the person i really want to be!

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  7. Icecat62 says…

    You have my sympathies. I will say prayers for your daughter.

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  8. Amy says…

    My word for 2010 is going to be MOMENT. My daughter is 9 months and my son is 5 years, and both are growing and changing so fast. MOMENT is going to remind me to enjoy, appreciate and capture them, since I find time just whizzes by somedays. Thanks Ali!

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  9. carrie says…

    After almost loosing my dear baby sister this past year and watching her be resuscitated (an experience I don't think I will ever get over) to having to have a major surgery myself recently my word for 2010 is going to be CHERISH. I have learned this past year more than ever to cherish those you love and don't let the busyness of life get in the way of just spending time with those you love! Happy New Year!

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  10. Lynnelle S says…

    P A S S I O N
    Intensely stirring emotion compelling energetic action to that which you are devoted.
    As I began to make my choice of one little word to live by for 2010, a few things came to mind. *The love of my children burns in my soul. *My desire to help my students achieve their full potential is my reason for going to work each day. *Searching for my dreams and realizing not all of them have been achieved. One word comes to mind in order to ensure all these things occur. Passion.
    I do this activity the first day back from holiday vacation with my students. Last year they took it very seriously. I follow it up with a letter to my future self. As always Ali, thanks for your blog!

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  11. Theresa Merkling says…

    I think this year my word will be discover - I'm down to my last 2 classes for my Bachelors and am developing a passion for wide learning. I want to know much about many things - even areas I haven't been interested in the past. Thanks for the encouragement.

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  12. Sherry Cartwright says…

    My word for 2010 will be TIME. In my thoughts, I have planned out this word for each month and season. Thanks for the inspiration!

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  13. Susan F. says…

    My word for this year is, "stretch." I began taking yoga classes last year (love it!) and yoga is all about stretching. My family is looking to become more fiscally conservative, so stretching a dollar is important, and lastly, I want to take every opportunity to stretch myself creatively, by crafting (scrapbooking,needlework, sewing), journaling, and photography.

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  14. sylv says…

    Love, love, love your word and the reason behind it!!

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  15. sylv says…

    Great word! Actually, for those very same reasons, one of the words I'm contemplating for this year is "self". Good luck to you!

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  16. Janet says…

    My word for this year is follow-through. I want to complete all the many things I have started. Also, when I plan to do something, I want to follow-through with it. Often, I let other things get in the way and don't get around to doing what I planned. I want to change that in 2010.

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  17. amy says…

    my word will be - accomplish. there are so many things i aspire to do, improve my level of health, create experiences for my children, craft and scrapbook, and random projects around the house.

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  18. says…

    My word will be balance. With my children grown I filled up my time with volunteer work in our community and working with the youth and various other areas in our small church. My creative life has been left behind. It is important to serve but it is also important to nurture your own creativity. Balance is the key.

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  19. Diane Marra says…

    Ali, I have been following this challenge for a few years and it became an opportunity to demonstrate my faith. My first word was "the light", second was "Trust", now I am going to "abide" for 2010. I make a canvas (16x20) that is on my studio or LR walls to remind me daily and to inspire my family. Check out my website for complete faith art canvas directions. Or email me for directions I just made 3 canvas faith art projects for a commission- faith, believe and trust. See them on my blog:
    I hope others are inspired and will pursue this challenge!

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  20. NikkiFB says…

    Every year I read all this, but chicken out of making the commitment... lol...
    But I am looking for more structures for myself this year, and maybe this will help me make some. My word is WORTH. I've been challenged lately, realizing that maybe I don't think I'm WORTH the effort of self-care... and that has GOT TO change. It is okay to be self-centered sometimes!!!! :) But also I don't think I've done a great job of helping my kids and husband to feel as valued as they are, so I hope to do better at reminding them of their WORTH as well.

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  21. Caryl Hope says…

    I started joining this tradition last year and before the year is over I knew what my word for 2010 would be: JOY!
    I'm one of those people who looks at the glass half empty, thus dwelling on the should haves and could haves instead of fully experiencing the simple joy of living and loving. My word this year will remind me to do just that. :-)

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  22. Diane Marra says…

    Barb, I am doing the Lords Table online study and find that it is the only way for me to give up my sinful habits of satisfying myself with food. Check it out, I recommend it highly. It is free, done on-line and is about pursuing God not food!
    Let me know if you start.
    My email is

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  23. Melyssa says…

    so our word for 2010 is Prioritize. Prioritize what works best for our family of 5 and stick to it!

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  24. Els says…

    My word is heart. It's been hurting too much and at some point seemed to have stopped functioning properly even though still beating. I really need to feel it's there, reliable, able to love indefinitely. I want my heart, I want it to be big and beautiful and strong, and I want it to come with a sense of humour.

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  25. pam says…

    My word for 2010 is ...peace. I want to create a peaceful environment in my home and myself to counter all the chaos in the world around me.

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