One Little Word 2010

I am a fan of welcoming the new year with open arms. I love fresh starts, new opportunities, clean slates, possibilities.

Back in January 2007, as a way to celebrate these beginnings, I started a public tradition of choosing a single word to focus on over the course of the year.

Many of you are familiar with this tradition and have been joining me in selecting a new word each year. If this is your first time reading about the idea of one little word I recommend taking a few minutes to read my original post here.

Here's a look at my words from the past three years with links to the original posts.

2007 : Peace [ read my post for 2007 ]
2008 : Vitality [ read my post for 2008 ]
2009 : Nurture [ read my post for 2009 ]

Essentially the idea is to choose a word (or let it choose you) that has the potential to make an impact on your life.

Maybe you want to invite something or maybe you are hoping to subtract something. Maybe your word will be practical or hopeful or creative or fanciful. Maybe you need a big word, something in-your-face that will challenge you everyday. Maybe you need something smaller and quieter that will whisper gentle tidings as you make your way throughout the year.

Whatever word you end up with, make sure it is your word (not your sister's, mom's, partner's, child's, etc). You can share it publicly or keep it close to your heart.

My word for 2010 is STORY.

I'm planning to do a post with more details on my thoughts about this word on Wednesday (look for the finishing pages of my December Daily tomorrow). I am hoping to use my word as a springboard for a variety of different projects and inspirations, in my life and my scrapbooking, over the next 365 days.

Have you chosen your word yet?

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669 thoughts

  1. Sandi McMillin says…

    Last year my word was Savor and it helped me get through so much -- from financial difficulties to gray skies. This year the word is ENGAGE. I want to be more fully alive and participatory in everything....My husband and daughter picked their words last year and accomplished much with them....

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  2. Shaun at Oak Den says…

    My word for 2010 will be CHOICE. I took a college class in 1981 from Stephen R. Covey (my class notes- which I still have- matched pretty closely to his book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" when it came out!) and I learned this liberating concept: that we choose how we feel. Nobody can MAKE us feel _______ (fill in the blank), we CHOOSE our responses to every situation. That is what makes us different from the animal kingdom. I've tried to teach this to my children and remind myself of this through the years. In 2010 I want to CHOOSE WISELY and try to live with equanimity while life swirls around me. And the older I get the more life swirls!!

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  3. Sue says…

    I joined you in 2009 and it really changed my life. I have shared my successes with many friends throughout the year as I worked on SERENE. My choice for 2010 is CREATE and you can read my post at:

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  4. Jen says…

    I think my word of the year is going to be patience. There are so many things I want to do, want to get, want to be, want to accomplish but I'm so impatient...I need to exercise restraint and patience this year. So that's my word Patience.

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  5. Stephanie H says…

    I think the "one little word" has become my favorite new years tradition over the last several years.
    For 2007, I chose FORWARD and I ended the year having given my notice at my job and preparing for a new adventure.
    For 2008, I chose BLISS and spent the year following the path that made me happiest, becoming a mama!
    For 2009, I chose BLESSED and spent the year soaking up all of the perfect moments as we became a family of three.
    Now, for 2010, I'm choosing FOCUS. It feels like a fitting word for a photographer. Six months into being a mama, I still feel like I'm trying to figure out how to make it all work and realizing that I cannot be all things to all men. So in 2010 I'm going to FOCUS on the things that matter to me and hopefully become a better version of myself along the way!

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  6. Wendy says…


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  7. Barbara P says…

    My word is Healthy.
    I've been working out consistenly for the past 8 months and I really want to continue down this path. We have been watching what we eat and I have managed to lose 30 pounds. I have more to take off and want to accomplish my goal in 2010. I'm excited for the new year!

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  8. Leah Larson says…

    My word is health. Seems like every year for the past 20 years or more my resolution is to lose weight. Well this year I desire to be healthy. That is going to be my focus this year. Thanks Ali. You are an inspiration to people not just for your scrap booking talents.

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  9. micheller says…

    This is the first time I've heard about the "one word" and I'm definitely picking one. The first word that came to my mind was "embrace." This next year is going to be about big changes for my family and I want to remember to embrace those changes.

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  10. Susan says…

    i've been thinking about the word i would pick after i saw your post yesterday i think it will be "faith". i'll ponder awhile longer to see if it's the one. thanks for being so inspiring. susan

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  11. Lindsay says…

    my owrd for this year is forward. This last yearhasnot been a good one and this year i want my children adn I to move forward. Not sure which direction that is but whatever it is moving forward will be much better than where we are rightnow!

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  12. Brittany says…

    Growth in my faith.
    Growth in relationships.
    Growth in my business.
    In 2009, I think part of me was hesitant to indulge in the growing process. Change is very intimidating for me.
    This year, I am committed to being open to Growth in all aspects of my life.
    I will no longer sit back idly and watch the world pass me by.

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  13. Karen Nuce says…

    I have been thinking about this for about a week and wondering if you would post, Ali! I am excited about my word for this is AWARE or AWARENESS. I want to be aware of everything that I do and do it on purpose, aware of my words, of the food that i put into my mouth, of how I spend my time and money and of each of my actions & the affect they have on others. I am so excited about the fresh start of the New Year and my year of Awareness!!!! Thanks for your continual inspiration, Ali!!!

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  14. Becky Tuttle says…

    my word is persistent. I have so much to do and so many goals that this one word can urge me to continue when I feel unable to continue. I just finished school and beginning a new late life career change and this is the word to reflect what I have accomplished and what I need to continue with ... persistent.

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  15. Danielle says…


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  16. Ginger Arrant says…

    My word for 2010 will be LOVE; my goal will be to show love for family and friends through my artwork, home projects, handmade cards, etc., and let love be my motivation in all things.

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  17. Bobbi Miller says…

    Just found your website through Tim Holtz's website. I love this concept. I have been thinking about my goals for next year for a while now. My one little word for 2010 is relaxation. I find that my stress level is getting high in all areas of my life that I am no longer taking time for myself, my family or my crafts. When I have time I try to make up for all of it at once so that I am stressing when I am suppose to be relaxing. For this coming year, I want to relax and make my down time fun for myself and my family. Not stress the little things so that I can enjoy the big things in my life . . . my family, which includes my DH, DD, DS, mom, siblings, etc. I want to find time to spend with my kids to have some fun activities instead of spending time running from thing to thing and not enjoying each other. I want to find some time with my husband instead of worrying about what we have going on and running around all the time. I want to find some time for myself so that I can concentrate on my crafts and not just rush to complete a project because the event is coming up and I have to give them something, anything. I want to relax this year!

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  18. DawnS says…

    I still haven't found a word yet (or the word hasn't found me yet), but here's a link to an article that you might find interesting:

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  19. Tricia Dee says…

    My word for this year is: Grow. I'm looking forward to seeing growth, not only in me, but in everyone and everything around me in the coming year!

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  20. Jill says…

    I love RESOURCE. I have been quite a slacker at work and home during and after a major live upheaval at the end of 2009. I want to turn that around in 2010.

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  21. Laura says…

    Dear Friend, I started this practice 4 years ago. I collect ABC books and like alphabets. My A word was Amaze, B = bliss/bless C- Comfort/courage. And this year for D, I'm Deciding on Delight. Ain't Being Creative Delightful! Love, Laura

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  22. Deiga says…

    This is the first time for me to choose a word to focus on and I'm choosing BALANCE ... balancing my roles as wife, mom, grandma, and stepmom. balancing my wants vs my needs, and even balancing my checkbook. Yep, for twenty-ten, I'm focusing on balance. Thanks, Ali for the challenge.

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  23. Jeanne Ann says…

    I have been thinking about the word I wanted to represent me this year and I decided it should be CHANGE. I hit 40 in September and since then I have been looking for ways to change and improve ME. I have been more open to improvement and change in the way I live, my spending/saving habits and life around me. In just a few short months I can already see big changes in my overall attitude towards life and so can my family.
    Thanks so much Ali for empowering us with One Little Word. What a difference it can make in our lives!

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  24. Kirsten says…

    JOY is my word for 2010
    I want to be intentional in the choice to feel joy in the everyday. I desire to live fully in each moment-accepting it for what it is. I simply love the process of choosing one word to focus on for the year. It seems that each year my word chooses me rather than the other way around.

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  25. Lindsay says…

    My word for 2010 is DOCUMENT...not the most glamorous word I know, but it really hits home with me right now. I'm due with our 2nd baby in a couple weeks and getting prepared for her arrival has really made me think about how fast my 2 year old little boy is growing up. My word is a constant reminder that I want to document all the little things that our every day life consists of. Sure I want to make sure I get down the baptisms, birthdays, and holidays too, but I really want to be reminded to focus on the little things that really make our family who we matter how silly or unimportant it may seem at the time. In the past I have been so focused on the pictures, or the creative process that I have been left wishing I have more words to round out the story.

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