Week In The Life™ 2015 | Tuesday Words & Photos

Today I'm going to start my journaling with either "she" or "he" or "I" in an attempt to capture/write more about who each of us is right now (in alignment with my 2015 intentions). 

Please remember, as I share these photos with you, that this is my life. These are my moments and my stories and my real emotions and feelings. Please remember that we all have pain and we all have great joy. Please remember that I'm not pushing anything other than advocating for you to document and celebrate your own life. Please remember that real life is just that, it's real - which is often messy and most of the time doesn't fit into a simple little box that is easily photographed. 

My goal is sharing my real life with you is to encourage you in your own memory keeping. We probably lead different lives. You might not know what it's like to go through a divorce. I don't have a lot of experience with death. You might not know what it's like to have a child who deals with a very real disability that will impact the rest of his life in various ways. I don't know what it's like to have all boys. You might not know what it's like to see the possibility of a new relationship after divorce and you might not understand that the "normal" path you have always thought you'd follow might just not be the way it ends up. There are so many things I don't know about what it's like to live your life. 

A few years ago when I originally ran  31 Things, someone complained that I should not be teaching a workshop like that (writing about my life) when I was going through very hard times. It was too depresing for them. They didn't like the stories I was telling. They didn't like the sadness in my voice or the grey tint to my perspective on my own life at that time even as I tried to focus on the good. I will never forget that person's comments because for me, writing stories - even the ones that aren't always sunshine and rainbows - was part of the way I survived during that time. Maybe you are there right now. Maybe you are in a time in your life where it's really hard. Maybe this project or taking photos or writing about your life experiences becomes a lifeline for you as well. 

My point today, let's be kind and compassionate and encouraging to each other as we share our stories. Let's be the ones who lift each other up instead of tearing each other down. Let's remember that there isn't one path we all walk down throughout our lives. 

Here's a look at my Tuesday: 

I am thankful for his kind heart. 

I believe in the ebb and flow of life. 

Those of you who have followed along with this project for a number of years might remember other shower photos I've taken during Week In The Life™. The first one was taken during a time when it had become very evident that Chris was going to leave and my hands were over my eyes ( 2011) and I think I've taken others as well but I couldn't locate them on a quick search last night. 

These shower shots have become for me a story in and of themselves. 

Some people think it's crazy that I'd take my camera into the shower. For this one I turned on the water and then stepped inside with my camera in hand, knowing that I would take one or two shots right as the water was beginning to come over my face. This was the third shot. As soon as I took it I put it back outside the shower. 

I try to pay attention to the things I see all the time in new ways, or at least attempt to appreciate their beauty. And lines, always there are lines. 

She asks, "Mom, how do I get to that place where I can type the words?"

He sleeps. When we first brought Sam home he found this basket and it's been his spot ever since here in the office. 

She brought me a non-fat latte. We work.

The challenge to myself, when documenting starts to feel mundane (during Week In The Life™ and in life generally), is how can I see this scene differently? How can I see us sitting in the office differently? What happens if I shoot from above or below or on the ground rather than straight on? What happens if I go to the other side of the room vs. in the doorway. I'm conscious of these things as I'm shooting and I enjoy the creative challenge of attempting to see differently through the lens. This is one of the techniques I recommend to people who say their life is boring or their story uninteresting or that they do exactly the same thing everyday - my challenge to you is the creative task of seeing your life, your surroundings, your routines in a new light. It's one of the beautiful ways we are invited to grow through the process of this project - regardless of whether you have kids or a spouse or no two days that look the same. 

And in the very same breath, I still love the repetition. I love seeing the same shot in the same location over and over again - it might look like nothing has changed. Look again

What is a typical week in the summer for us? We don't really have one. Sometimes the kids are gone with Chris. Sometimes we are all gone on an adventure together. Sometimes they have camp. Sometimes they are with my parents. This week there is no camp so there's a lot of lounging and just hanging out. This is the first summer that camps felt less mandatory in terms of my ability to get the work done I need to do. My kids are getting older - they are able to occupy themselves and/or we have a friend or two come over for a playdate/hang out time. During the day while I'm working they do a combination of reading time, screen time, outside time, and general just play in your room time (usually that's legos for Simon and barbies or other people/animal toys for Anna). They don't play together much - the seven year age difference and the cognitive differences are both part of that. They do watch movies or shows together and have gotten pretty good at agreeing on what they are going to watch. Sometimes they will play a game together but most of the time they are doing their own things. Having some weeks that are definitely unscheduled is really nice - as well as having scheduled weeks with more activities. I like having both as a part of our summer lives. 

He sleeps. A lot. 

I fix a quick breakfast/snack for myself and both kids. 

She has pineapple, bacon and a hard-boiled egg. He has cantaloupe, bacon, and an english muffin. 

He was done with the photos early today. Both wear robes in the mornings. She has two pink ones - one that is almost beyond too small. He has a navy blue one and two Star Wars robes in his rotation. He needs a belt. 

I have cantaloupe, bacon and a hard-boiled egg. 

I'm having a hard time focusing. Might be that I know it's a transitional time as summer winds down. Might just be that I'm restless. Sometimes when I don't have immediate deadlines I have a harder time focusing (even though there are always deadlines) - it wasn't always that way but now that I'm overall producing more work it seems to be the case - almost like I don't know what to do when there's not something very specific to be done. It's always in flux. I mentioned on a podcast recently ( this one) that one of the things Katie and I are doing in the office is that when we get our tasks done for the day then we need to be done - as in leave the office, go do something else, live our lives. The kind of work I do can be consuming and my personality tends towards being all-in. In order for it to be sustainable, I have to take breaks and step away (mentally and physically) and have other hobbies and fill myself up in other ways. 

He watched way too many Scooby Doo episodes today. But he did go on a walk. A few weeks ago I implemented a 30-minute walk task for each day. He's got the Nike app on his phone and he walks for 15 minutes around the neighborhood and then turns around and walks 15 minutes back. He listens to movie scores (Star Wars and Indiana Jones) and classical music while he walks. He has been really open to this suggestion and I'm so thankful. 

She and I have caprese for lunch. 

He sleeps. Again. 

We work. My posture isn't usually that straight. 

She found this in a basket of things from her birthday party a few months back (remember how it was a later-in-the-year-friend-party?). It was wrapped. She shared it with each of us. 

He has an hour of reading to do each day. He often falls asleep. Today it was on the couch in my office. 

After Katie leaves for the day around 4pm I usually start dinner or do a pick-up around the house. Today I picked up just a bit before we took Sam to his first vet appointment. 

She had a meltdown in the care on the way to the vet. She'd like to be able to stay home with Simon or by herself, but it's not time for that yet. 

I had a meltdown because I forgot the paperwork from the Humane Society that had Sam's medical records. 

He ate three tostadas tonight and cut his own strawberries. 

I cooked artichokes for myself and Anna. 

He had horse lessons. Chris and I take turns getting him there and supporting him through his ups and downs. He's currently frustrated because they are intentionally switching horses to help him develop his skills communicating with the horses. He, as you might imagine, would rather ride just one. It's a lesson in sticking with it, in practicing things that are hard, in communicating and in not giving up. It's always been a fine line for us as we make activity choices for him - easy or hard, stick with it or let it go.

After all that, he actually got to ride his favorite horse tonight.

She and I ate dinner and then headed over to the pool for her to get some sillies out.

After we were there I wished I'd brought my suit. 

As we drove back home she requested Taylor Swift. She always requests something from her playlist now. 

By 8:30pm we were all back at the house for popcorn and a show before bed and working on this post. 

Thank you for sharing your stories with me. They fill me up. They give me hope. They teach me. 

Let's keep telling stories together. 


I'd love to have you share a link to your TUESDAY words and photos below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link. In addition you're invited to come over to the free Week In The Life™ Community Gallery & Message Board.

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99 thoughts

  1. Librarybug says…

    I haven't even gotten through the whole post yet, but I felt the need to comment. I took your 31 Things class a few years ago. I LOVED IT. I'm signed up for 31 More Things, and I can't wait. I am so happy you taught 31 Things class when you did. It showed me how committed you are to documenting your whole life: the good and the bad. I'm always inspired by you to show my good and bad, too. THANK YOU for sharing your life with us and inspiring people to document their lives in all it's pieces. Also? My life hasn't been so great the past 20 months since my uncle died. I've been grieving and unhappy for a LONG time. I haven't been documenting much of anything for a while, but I'm getting back in. I'm doing Week in the Life this week, and I have to say that it's getting me excited about words and photos again. So again, thank you. Thank you for sharing your life and getting me excited to document mine. You ROCK.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. jenjohnson2 says…

    Thank you, thank you for being so real and open and sharing your stories with us. As someone who went through a divorce a few years ago myself, with 2 young children, and now in a new relationship with a man with 2 kids of his own, I love reading your posts (especially your words on Monday - so beautiful!). It's nice to know that others are going through similar experiences & that beautiful things can come from the shattered pieces of our life. Loving this project, as always!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. JackieHaddock says…

    Thank you Ali x I love to hear about everyone else's lives, wouldn't the world be a very very sad place if we all had the same lives. That's what makes this group so tight .... we are all here to share x
    This is my first WITL and i'm loving the experience of looking at my own life in much more detail - all those boring daily tasks are part of who i am and what my family are, i'm cherishing every last one of them ...... who know's what around the corner to mix things up xx

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. angiereimer32 says…

    I also appreciate your honesty and openness for all of us to read. I have been thinking a lot about words lately (Elsie's blogpost about cyberbullyingand even Cathy Z wrote one awhile back) and just the whole social media thing where people somehow feel the freedom to just say whatever they want even if its hurtful because there really aren't any consequences for them. Life is not the perfect little pictures we share on Instagram or Facebook or wherever that make it look like everything we do and say is pinteresting. ;0) Life is messy and imperfect and full of ups and downs, happy AND sad things, exciting, overwhelming, and devastating things. But its ours and its worth sharing in all its realness. Fake just doesn't cut it for this Pacific NW girl...never has and never will. thank you Ali

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. AmberCA says…

    Aww...I love your stories. They inspire me. So simple. So real. I love how you find the beauty in the everyday. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. kislanykim says…

    Ali I haven't commented for a long time, but I just wanted to reiterate what so many people have said -- your candor and your grace make you, for me, someone to emulate and admire (i liked the comment on yesterday's post where the lady in Devon said she got off her duff and went outside after a long day at work because she thought that's what you would do. that's but a small example).

    I was also excited to see your mention in the photo of the embroidery thread something about a class you're teaching in Paris next month -- going to troll around and see what I can find out about it and see if it's something I can do! I missed you in the spring, I fooled around too long.

    Anyway - thank you, many people have said it better, but your words and thoughts have encouraged so many of us (even in completely different life stages/phases) so many times.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. JenHart says…

      I think that was me in Devon and I totally love what you have said here :-)

  7. TracieClaiborne says…

    You rock Ali. Love this post!! The best part of Week in the Life so far has been waking up to your words and photos. I'm blogging daily with mine and it's a lot of work so I appreciate the time you're taking to do this!! I was criticized for my Monday photos because I only shared a snippet about my 10th grader homeschooling. She is self directed by this point (11th year of homeschooling) but people are so ignorant about life, they would rather just jump to conclusions and call me a bad Mom, rather than think through how a 10th grader does her work. All that to say...all I can do is live my life, share it and hope it inspires someone even a percentage of the amount you inspire me!! My favorite part of this post was seeing what you guys eat!! I would love to hear more about eating an artichoke. Do you put anything on it? LOL I can't imagine that being my dinner! Your pics are so crisp. I've got to conquer my DSLR self-timer this week. Any words of advice for that would be great!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. abragg79 says…

      I don't know how Ali makes hers but this is essentially how my Sicilian grandmother made hers:

      (not her exact recipe but pretty dang close)

      They are amazing. Dip it in melted butter. *insert Italian hands to the lips "delicious" gesture here*

    2. AliEdwards says…

      Hi Tracie! I just put an inch or two of water in a large pot and set them inside. I turn the heat to high until it boils and then down to med-low for about 40 mins. We eat them dipped in a lemon/mayo mixture. Super simple and easy - my Mom used to make them that way.

  8. Trulymegs says…

    I love that you feel open enough to share your struggles. I documented my week last week and the weekend did not go as planned. It was difficult and I was trying to fit it in that box and got frustrated when it didn't quite fit. Thanks for the reminder that it's ok.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. sherrieray says…

    Well said Ali.. I love how you show your true life - We all have good times and bad and I for one get tired of seeing people only showing the roses. We don't have to air all our lives to the world but it's refreshing to see parts and to know that everyone has struggle in this life! That helps me to better walk through the rough times to know I'm not alone in my struggles we all have them in one form or fashion and that I need to enjoy the good with the bad. Life is hard but it can also be wonderful! Keep up all the great work you do and being real..

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Northrigg says…

      Well said.

      Thank you Ali for sharing even when times are tough. It helps.

    2. Seester2t says…

      Exactly. You never know who you might be helping by sharing a part of yourself and your life. Thank you for being real. I have to say that picture of Anna at the computer...geez she looks so grown up all of the sudden!

  10. Bookworm says…

    I've already had one "aha" moment from this week of documenting and I know it's because I'm looking more closely and taking the time to think about the everyday moments that could just as easily slip by. Once again, your pool picture is my favorite -- I think it's because of the great lines.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. kre8tivekate says…

    I took the 31 Things class at that time, and I did not have any issue with your posts. In fact, they inspired me to write some of the best stories I have scrapped! I am glad that you took away something positive, even if the comment itself caused you pain, because I really admire and try to find the same grain of truth in my stories that you tell in yours. Just keepin' it real.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. klweber2002 says…

    It leaves me sad that my favorite bloggers are being questioned on the stories there life tells at that moment in time. I don't know what it's like to have kids, been through the divorce thing, the trying to have a meaningful relationship. I've felt the pain of losing that special horse, the one whose halter hangs in that special place in the barn, the one halter no one has dared to move from that hook, even after 6 long years. I haven't tried the week in the life, but I keep telling myself that one day I will do it. I just hope that my favorite blogger are still around when I do. I have one blogger who quit telling her story as people thought that's all she did was go out and eat. It makes me so sad when that happens.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. desilei says…

    Hi Ali. I'm sorry you even had to include that disclaimer. I am doing WITL with you this year for my second time. I do WITL BECAUSE I am a divorced, single parent! Because it is important for me to document my/our lives FOR my children. Because my life is GREAT! I look to you as my inspiration. I admire you for how you have handled yourself post-divorce. I am happy for you when I see you with Aaron. I am proud of you for sharing your story. Never apologize or justify for anyone ever again because your life is amazing and great! I sure as hell don't apologize for my "imperfect" life! --Desiree

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. cathycaines says…

    you just made me really hungry Ali! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. nicholemoses says…

    Ali, the fact you are real, transparent, genuine, and honest is exactly what I find so refreshing about you. Life is not perfect, and if people cannot handle what you share here, I am sure they are not dealing well with reality in general. Not your problem. I love you, I think you're awesome, intelligent, talented, and you are a perpetual source of inspiration for me and many others for so many, many reasons. Keep doing you. I love it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. JenBradshaw says…

    The shower pics! The contrast from this year's vs. 2011 is so breathtaking and heartbreaking and hopeful and beautiful. I just love this! I can't imagine not documenting the bad with the good - that's LIFE. And how lucky that you did, because now you can look back and compare and realize how far you've traveled and how much good stuff is yet to come!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Peppermint says…

    First of all ... Oh, George! I'm glad to see he's getting enough rest. If he's like my cats he probably has the tendency to over-do it, and rest is just SO KEY in the life of a cat.

    Second, I'm pretty certain that I wouldn't have been willing or able to share much about my life during my divorce, or even through the often tenuous stages of the new relationship afterward. But it's been really awesome and inspiring to see how sharing your story continues to be a part of your process. Tell on, storyteller. Tell on.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. cannycrafter says…

    Week in the life has fallen in my hardest week ever, as I have had to arrange and put my father in a care home for respite and deal with all my mothers anger and emotions as well as my own. Dementia is another topic people treat as a taboo. I am sure if my mum could see my Instagram account this week, as I shared some of my pictures, she would be horrified that I am sharing this journey that she wants to keep between ourselves. We are all different. Something I have found out this week more than ever. Making difficult choices are hard for everyone, but no one should judge how others choose to tackle things. I am sure the pictures I have taken so far will help me come to terms with how life has changed forever this week. Writing down my thoughts is cathartic and thank you for encouraging us to document real life, however painful that may be.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. JenHart says…

      Good luck with this hard time.

  19. tccba says…

    I have to believe that more people are happy to see the real ups and downs of your life, joys and messes all, than those who complain. Your words and photos and children and house are beautiful. You could easily paint a very rosy picture of life and make the rest of us feel very inadequate. By being honest about it all, you not only work through it and process it yourself, you give the rest of us permission and inspiration to do so too. Please keep sharing the way you do!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Jennp6 says…

    Real life isn't always rainbows and unicorns, and we do ourselves a disservice if we choose not to value all of our memories, good and bad. I love everything that you do here Ali.

    And I completely forgot this started yesterday, so I'm starting with a two day catch up post. Because forgetting things is real life :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. jchurch2 says…

    I just want to reiterate what everyone else has said about the honest sharing of your life, Ali. I feel like I know you through all your stories. I feel like I know your kids. I love it!! I truly admire your take on life and your rules for the kids and your follow-through. You are real. Some days I want to be you, some days I feel like I am you, some days I just need some motivation to be me. All in all, your blog posts are a very big part of my life. Please keep on trucking.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. tealmyre says…

    Beautiful Ali! Thank you for your gift!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. andreasmom says…

    I have been following since you first posted on 2 peas. I can honestly say that what keeps me coming back is that you are real. Your life is real. Your family is real. You don't pose/compose/fabricate memories. You live them and then tell us about it.
    I am grateful that you share your ups and downs with us and your amazing way of documenting good and bad. I remember that first shower pic with your hand on your eyes and the ring on your finger. Raw and full of emotion. Look at yesterday's pic: you seem happy, relaxed, enjoying this day. Ebb and flow, ups and downs. We all have them, but not all of us want to acknowledge it. In a FB/Instagram/pinterest world, it seems like happy and perfect is the only way to be, so thank you for keeping it real.

    I loved 31 things and can't wait for 31 more things.

    Thank you!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. JenHart says…


  24. Mpasquini12 says…

    I am so thankful to know you and your projects. To think of someone leaving hurtful comments or negativity in any way hurts me. Even though you've gone through so much, you've always been there, sharing with us, providing inspiration for us, you're just so talented Ali, and I enjoy participating with you and improving my scrapbooking. This is my first time doing Week in the Life. And reading today's post has helped me so much. I've just been taking pictures and recording what's going on around here on the sheets you provided. But now I want to really challenge myself, take photos from different angles, and think about different ways to see the everyday things like you suggested.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Pprpluspics says…

    You're right, I have no idea what it's like to go through a divorce or raise a child with a disability, I have no children, only fur babies. In fact probably the only thing we have in common is our love of memory keeping. Even though our lives are so different I do have some struggles of my own. My husband and I are both having some health issues, and after 12 years at my current employer I will be dismissed in two months; I had planned on staying there until I retired in 25 years, that's how happy I was there. My eldest dog will be 13 in a month and is showing a lot of aging signs. This week in the life may be drastically different the next time I participate. Many times already this week I thought about giving up documenting this week in the life because of the sadness I've been feeling with everything I just shared. But you keep me going, especially after reading this post. You remind me how important documenting the right now is, and how much I will cherish these photos and words, long after I've moved on to a new job, and (hopefully long) after my fur baby has passed away. Thank you Ali, for always reminding us of how important it is to record our lives, all of it, the good and the not so good.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. JenHart says…

      Yes! And I wish you the best of luck.

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