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Travel Product Play 2

Travel Product Play 2

About this class

Join me and four of my Creative Team members - Ingunn Markiewicz, Amy Gretchen, Jen Schow and Jenny Theriault - as we each create a 3x8 or 6x8 travel album using products from the new 2019 Travel Collection. No matter whether your trip is near or far, from last week or many years ago, the new 2019 Travel Collection products can be used to help get your travel stories told. In this workshop focus will be on ideas for using the products included in the Main Travel Kit to document our adventures in a 3x8 or 6x8 album.

If you are looking for a more in-depth discussion about travel documenting including what to think about and do before, during and after travel to tell the kinds of stories you want to tell check out my Stories Of Travel Self-Paced workshop.

What Comes With This Class?

  • A video overview and how-to lesson from each Contributor that details how they told their story using a 3x8 or 6x8 album
  • Process videos from Ali for how she created her album from start to finish
  • Full color PDF handout at the end of the workshop with a compilation of tips

Class Schedule

Jun 25

Amy's 3x8 Album

Click here to check out Amy's 3x8 New York travel album.

Jun 28

Jenny's 3x8 Album

Click here to check out Jenny's 3x8 Florida travel album.

Jul 2

Ingunn's 3x8 Album

Click here to check out Ingunn's 3x8 Italy travel album.

Jul 5

Jen's 6x8 Album

Click here to check out Jen's 6x8 cruise travel album.

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