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Yesterday & Today (Self Paced)

with AliEdwards

Yesterday & Today (Self Paced)

with AliEdwards

About this class

The goal of Yesterday & Today is to help you meaningfully document and celebrate life by looking to the past before approaching the stories of today. The benefit of looking to the past is that we gain perspective. We see things differently after developing an awareness of what we know and what we wished we knew. Looking back, even if we're just viewing old photos of people we don't know, can change the way we approach the photos we take and the stories we tell today.

Topics this workshop addresses: 

  • Where do you begin creating with photos from generations past?
  • What do you wish you knew about your parents when they were growing up?
  • How do you document the challenging times in your life?
  • How do you create layouts that tell special stories when you don't have any photos?
  • What are the lessons of your life so far?


What Comes With This Class?

  • 13 lessons that each include a video presentation, video tutorials (where applicable), a PDF handout, and a hand-drawn quote that relates to the theme of the lesson.
  • Message board for asking questions and supporting each other. 
  • Gallery for sharing your projects. 
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