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What is One Little Word®?

In 2006 I began a tradition of choosing one word for myself each January—a word to focus on, to live with, to investigate, to write about, to craft with, and to reflect upon as I go about my daily life. These words have each become a part of my life in one way or another—a process I document via simple creative monthly prompts from January to December.

You're invited to join me in choosing your own One Little Word®.

This project centers around a year-long workshop designed to inspire you and offers monthly creative prompts and encouragement as you let this word into your life.

We are excited to offer a growing selection of One Little Word® memory keeping products for you to customize your own documentation process.

Read FAQ's and more information about the project here.

How do I participate?

1: Choose Your Word

There’s no right or wrong—your word might find you or you might select it based on what you hope to bring into your life in 2019.

Browse sample words for inspiration.

2: Sign Up For My Workshop

Join my One Little Word® 2019 workshop for inspiration, encouragement, and monthly prompts for living with your word. Enrollment also includes access to a private Facebook group where students share ideas all year long.

Enroll in One Little Word® 2019.

3: Gather Supplies

Customize your documentation process with our One Little Word® Main Kit and an assortment of albums, stamps, and more.

Shop 2019 One Little Word® collection.

4: Order Your Word

Commit to making your word visible in your life with our customizable acrylic words handwritten by me.

Shop customizable products.

What word will guide you through 2019?

Share your word on Instagram with #OneLittleWord2019.

Ready to start your journey?

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