Quiet Day.

Feels like the calm before the storm. I know that tomorrow we return to a more "normal" existence...more routine...work...etc. Hoping that I will be able to focus. I have one full month without any travel and I need to make the most of it work-wise. Productivity will be my mantra. That and exercise and watching what I eat...what I am calling my healthy living intention.

Sometime this month Simon will begin his speech therapy 2x per week in the mornings. That will make for some interesting scheduling and rearranging. I am considering having him go to school for an additional full day (right now he goes Tu/Th full days) to make sure I have enough time to get my work done.

I always love the start of a new year - feels fresh and exciting and filled with possibilities. I have a lot of trade show and convention travel ahead of me this year, including a vacation in Hawaii and a potential scrapbooking trip to New Zealand. It will be the end of the year before I know it - that cycle of life.

So for the remainder of the evening I will straighten up around the house, fold the laundry, simplify a bit more...and get ready to face a wonderful month of creativity.

And, thanks for reading guys :).

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1 thought

  1. chel says…

    I have no idea if you'll ever read this, but I finally have the time to go back and read some of these archives and I am REALLY enjoying them. I only started scrapping a year ago, so I am new to the whole "scene" and only discovered your blog a few months ago. Today I was reading through an old CK idea book and found a really old page of yours that had a Geocities address. I got the bright idea to go back and see if there were any archives to your blog- I decided that Geocities would probably be a lost cause, so I am starting on your archives here.
    I have a two year old daughter with a few delays. She's not speaking yet (at least not ENGLISH- she has a beautiful, descriptive, complex, and expressive babble language I love!), but the doctors are optimistic about it because she spent the first nine months of her life in an orphanage in Vietnam (she came home last summer). Your early entries are really resonating with me.
    I really love reading these old entries, about your everyday life and the little things that bring you so much joy. I know that maybe everyone expects a lot of ideas and inspiration from you, constantly, but I just wanted you to know that there are many, many of us who just enjoy the true life stories of Ali Edwards, as well as the art-sy adventures of A. I think I much prefer a story about Simon or a list of lovely things that made you happy to a layout idea. I dunno. It seems like all the bloggers are DOING something. I miss the days when people used blogs to share their lives.
    Thank you for leaving these archives around for me to find. I am looking forward to sitting here with my iced tea and reading along tonight.
    - chel

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