Back to school traditions.

One of my favorite times of the year is quickly approaching: back to school.

I was always the one begging my Mom in about mid-July to take me school shopping. Sometimes it was that I was excited about the clothes, but most of the time it was the supplies: pencils, pens, trapper-keepers (remember those?), lined paper, notebooks. I waited with anticipation for the day we would receive the letter in the mail from school that detailed all the stuff we would need.

I loved the freshness, the possibilities, the blank slate that came with each new school year.

Of course, back to school now has a whole different meaning for me as a mama.

I think I am still just as excited at the prospect of going and picking out school supplies (I think Simon may have little interest in this portion but I may be mistaken) for Simon as I ever was for myself. I am excitedly awaiting the supply list.

What I am wondering about tonight is if anyone out there has any great back to school traditions in your family that you would be willing to share here in the comments. Back in April I picked up so many great  tradition-related ideas for Easter I thought it would be cool to start another post for back to school.

What do you do to make it special? To commemorate the beginning?

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200 thoughts

  1. christen says…

    They still have trapper keepers where we are :) We have a special night the evening before school starts together and talk about everything that will be happening as a family (schedules, etc.) and my husband talks about safety with the kids.

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  2. Bec says…

    Oh, I loved getting a new notebook. We had a school store way back when I was in the 6th grade. I was chosen to be the store keeper. Hog heaven, I tell you ;).
    I still buy way too many cute cute office/school type things. Especially anything you can write in and alter.
    Have fun on your trip!

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  3. Dot says…

    One of my favorite things to do is to take a picture of my son on the first day of school. I try to take a picture in the same spot each year. My "little guy" is now a freshman in high school. It is amazing how fast the time as gone.

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  4. Lori Bailey says…

    I take the day off work, we take lots of pictures, my husband and I walk our son to school, and send him off with lots of love. Then I head to Starbucks and journal for a while - hopes and prayers and reflections. It's so fun to look back on 6 years of first (and last) days - seeing not just his growth, but mine as a mom. I spend much of the school day indulgently and also whip up a batch of snickerdoodles (his favorite). Then I walk to school to meet him and hear all about his day over some warm cookies. We end the day with a fun family dinner to celebrate the milestone.

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  5. Alisa Noble says…

    We wait until the very last possible the afternoon before school starts to start shopping. Okay, so maybe it is really just procrastination. I just hate for summer to end!

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  6. anne - paris, fr says…

    during my school years the back to school shopping with my mom was one of my biggest treat. she always allowed me to choose my new school bag with matching pencil case:-) all the new pencils/ballpens, notebooks & art supplies.. such a wonderful time & freedom to choose all the new school stuff!
    on september, our daughter will start her elementary. she's looking forward to go to her new school. we still don't have a list of school materials for her but i'm excited to start a back to school tradition with her. actually, i was so excited that as early as june, i bought her school bag with matching pencil case. hahaha

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  7. Ady Abreu says…

    I'm the same way with school supplies. My son and I went together to get supplies and I let him check off the supply list and he helped me find his uniforms at the store. This is a new school for him so I've been driving by a couple of times a week to show him the new school and I show him different things from the outside so he won't be frightened and it will seem familiar the day he actually starts school. The night before we put all his supplies in his backpack, get his uniform ready and I actually lie down and sleep with him that night... I'm getting tearry eyed... Hope this helps... You inspire me to journal what I feel and I am so happy that I will meet you at cku. I'm taking your class and I'm so excited... Goodnight...

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  8. Steph says…

    My mother always took us shopping for new clothes - the key that made it so special was that each of us kids got to go with Mom alone to pick out our 1st day of school outfit. I've continued that with my kids and it really is so much fun to go shopping for that one special new outfit. :)

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  9. Cammy says…

    We go out and get ice cream cones the night before school starts. Kind of a one last one for the summer thing.

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  10. kim b says…

    We do the 12 days before Kindergarten....they hang their new backpack on their bedroom door and get a little surprise every morning until it is the first day. Most of the days it is a picture book, or supplies that are needed for school.

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  11. patti says…

    my father singing the staples commercial song "it's the MOST wonderful time of the year"...silly-but i do it to my kids too when they start getting the grumps...

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  12. Emily says…

    What great thoughts to be thinking! I am a teacher and Back to School is sure on my mind!
    My mother alway took a pictures of us at the same spot on the lawn each year. She now has a wonderful collection of her children in their beautiful 70s and 80s outfits!
    This year I will be working on scrapbooks with my students. I have a file folder ready for each child! During open house I am going to take each child's picture. First with their parents and then alone. During the first week of school each child will be measured (For Height) Each child will write their name. Finally with my help they will fill out a questionaire. How old are you? What is your favorite color? Then every other month I will measure the children and have them write their names again. Of course, I will add in fun photos of our class activities and field trips. I hope that by the end of the year each child will have a wonderful book to take home to document their year in Kindergarten!
    Ideas from Google
    *The Family Book Worm is the kind of bug you want in your house! This is something you can do with children of any age. Create the head with a round piece of construction paper, add two antennae and let your children draw on the face. Cut out bright colored paper circles that will represent each new book your children read. Use the circles as bookmarks, and as they finish a book (whether you read it to them or they read it themselves), write their name and the book s title on the circle, building the body of your book worm. Watch as your book worm grows all around the room throughout the year.
    *Throw a Bus Stop BUFFET!!! Bring some doughnuts, bagels, hot chocolate, juice and milk for the young students and their parents to enjoy as they wait for the bus. This is the perfect way for your children to get to know their classmates, and a great opportunity for you to meet their parents. This photo moment can be collaged into your Back to School book.
    Family Fun Magazine is always a great source!
    Hint to parents: Baby Wipes, Ziploc Bags(Gallon and Sandwich),and Sticky Address lables are always great supplies to donate to your child's class

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  13. Gretchyn says…

    My favorite thing in getting ready for school when I was little was a new pencil box and a new box of Crayola crayons -- the 64 pack with the sharpener in the back of course! And then there was always the picture on the front porch before we headed off to school that first morning.

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  14. Emily says…

    OH I love the 12 Days before Kindergarten Idea!!

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  15. Jenn says…

    I hope bringing up something religious isn't off the point, but one tradition we have is that any child that is attending school is given a 'blessing' on the first day, a special prayer just for that child that focuses on whatever their specific needs are. My dad used to do it for me and my siblings when we were in school, and we do it now for my sons. I think it helps them to know we're thinking of them and that God will be thinking of them through the school year as well. Oh, and I LOVE school shopping and always buy supplies for our home art supplies at the same time I'm stocking up for school!

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  16. Heather says…

    I do the standard first day photos. To get excited about the first day, we made a drawing for our teacher (my daughter is starting pre-K, but we did this last winter when she started school part time and it was a big hit). I laminate a current family photo, and attach it to the inside of the backpack with a plain keyring. Breakfast is also extra special the morning off: pancakes made into shapes. Our class theme this year is Buzy Bees so we'll be (trying) to make bee shaped pancakes. Also, at some point during the summer, we decorate a storage box for all the art and papers that will be coming home during the year. I take photos of my child holding all cherished artwork for the scrapbook, but some special pieces make it to the box to be saved 'forever'. I also do a questionaire at the start and end of the year, complete with a handprint. (Which I hope to put into the school theme Kit of The Month by CK!) That is it from me. I adore the 12 days idea. Thanks again Ali for yet again being a wonderful resource on not only preserving memories, but making them as well.

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  17. Beth says…

    Nothing that exciting, but I'm a third grade teacher so I take full advantage of buying myself some fun new supplies (not always NECESSARY, but things that catch my eye) as well as a new first day of school outfit.

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  18. bcre8uv says…

    On the first morning we take a picture on the porch, and one in front of the classroom door (for elementary school, anyhow - beyond that, it's just not cool anymore). My kids take their teachers a caramel apple and I attach a little card to wish them a nice first day - doesn't hurt to make a good first impression! After I drop everyone off, I meet some mommy friends for coffee. We celebrate a little, and cry a little. This year will be the first time in 15 years that I will be without a little one in tow! *sniff* After school, we head to Baskin Robbins where everyone gets to take turns telling about their day over ice cream.

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  19. Molly Irwin says…

    Pictures. But that's an easy one for you. We take them in the same spot by the school each year. I also like to get shots of all the kids feet & backpacks as they file in together the first day.
    We practice a back to school routine for about a week prior, to rid ourselves (me especially) of lazy summer sleeping in and late dressing habits. And I get all my school lunch/snack things ready in baskets in top of the fridge to just toss them in each day.
    Not too exciting really. So I'm looking forward to reading other reader comments.

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  20. Sophie says…

    I get up in the morning and fix them their favorite breakfast...usually homemade chocolate chip waffles in the Mickey waffle iron...both DH and I take them to the school and get the requisite First Day photos...and then for dinner they get to chose what we eat and we talk about their first day!

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  21. amy says…

    i make a bus cake. looks just like a bus too. the kids love it even though they don't get to ride a bus.
    we always take pics of the kiddos in their new outfits and "charlie-go-fasters". (our word for shoes.)

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  22. Laura Reaux says…

    No back to school traditions here yet, but I'm sure I will excitedly implement some when Camden starts school. Just wanted to chime in that I LOVE school supplies! I am seeing them everywhere right now... Walmart, Target, CVS. Oh, the joy! I've even bought some, even though no one in the house is going to school yet. Haha!

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  23. Angie says…

    I love school supplies too. Our back to school tradition (I guess its a tradition) is that dh and dd's go on a daddy daughter fishing weekend up north at our cabin, a couple of weeks before school starts. Then after they are home for a couple of days. Dd's and I get up early and hit the stores. We start with the school supplies, then cloths, then shoes and go out to eat somtime in between there. Then when we get home dd's put on a fasion show, to show off all thier new cloths.
    On the first day of school, I take lots of pictures, from the time dd's wake up until the time the bus drives away. Then although I plan on getting tons of stuff done with the house all to myself, I usually just mope around all day missing my girls.

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  24. Wendy WVG says…

    I also LOVE the 12 days of Kindergarten idea. My little guy is going off to Kindergarten this year. We did do a great little 'first day of preschool' by getting our lunch list set and going to the grocery store to buy a loaf of bread, new jar of peanut butter, new jar of jelly, bag of apples and a bag of cheetos. Same lunch everyday! Charlie is my very structured kid. HA! I LOVED grocery shopping w/my mom when I was little and school supply shopping was great. We wore uniforms so no new clothes but I loved getting new pencils and notebooks. The thought of scribbling doodles and thoughts on a fresh piece of paper...wooohooo... enjoy! FUN! We havn't even started school shopping and I"m sure supplies are getting slim but we'll find what we need. GOOD LUCK!!! Wendy
    Good luck Ali!!

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  25. kelly-jo says…

    We read "The Kissing Hand" (which I need to practice as to not cry TOO much while reading) the night before the first day of school. The first day of school for me now means learning to trust someone new with the best part of my heart...

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