A new day.

Edited: I know many people out there may strongly disagree with the new choice for President and I fully respect your personal decisions. In the same vein, please be respectful of my desire to document certain parts of my life from time to time on this blog that may not fit with yours. At this time I am closing the comments as there is a fair mix of positive and negative that is most likely representative of the mixture of emotions that people are facing today.



Thank you for all the birthday wishes yesterday. It was quite a day around here as I am sure it was for many of you throughout the United States.

For me it was exciting and stressful and emotional and amazing. 

Chris and I spent some time checking-in at local election headquarters for Obama, Jeff Merkley (US
Senate candidate) and Kitty Piercy (local mayor). Witnessing the energy and the excitement of the volunteers who were tirelessly calling and walking and continuing forward was a really cool way to spend the day. 


In the early evening I watched the returns coming in on CNN up until the announcement that Barack Obama will be the 44th President of the United States. The three of us then headed down to the Lane County fairgrounds to watch the local and statewide returns, listen to Obama's speech, and celebrate with others in our community.


Here's to looking ahead to the future. 


[ obama rally at university of oregon : may 2008 : photo by local news photographer ]

I will never forget waiting in a room at the Oregon Convention Center back in September 2007 for the opportunity to meet Senator Obama. Meeting him that first time will always be one of the most memorable moments in my life.


Yes we can. A new day has begun. Let's get to work.


Two giveaways coming in a new post later today.

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76 thoughts

  1. Mikki says…

    Thank you America!
    I had my doubts that you would have the courage to vote bravely, but you did!
    I'm in the UK and stayed up till 5:30am to hear the results & speeches! It was spine-tingling stuff - what a moment in history to witness. President Obama is an inspirational guy - it was very moving hearing his speech. John McCain also was gracious in his defeat, and he comes across as a decent man.
    I still can't believe that in the year 2008, race is still an issue, and reading some of the negative comments from some Americans about Obama makes me worry - are people really that paranoid?
    However, I'm so glad you made the right decision for all of us - YES WE CAN!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Annie says…

    yes... a new day!!!!
    that's a great picture of Simon with the flag and you with oboma!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Sandy says…

    Happy Belated Birthday Ali. While I don't celebrate Obama's victory I won't put you down for doing so. Everyone has their own opinion. I however don't believe he will change all that much. I believe that he was voted in because Americans want an easy way out and there is no easy way out of the mess we have gotten ourselves into to. It's going to take a lot more than 4 years to get out of that. Anyone can speak well when someone else is writing for them and sound good to the public. I'm praying for my country right now, we're going to need more than Obama for a change that's for sure. I feel sorry for those who bought into his beliefs and his true colors are going to come out soon enough.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Missus Wookie says…

    Belated Happy Birthday Ali.
    Yep, yesterday was a great day :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. MandyK says…

    All I can keep saying is wow isn't this AWESOME!! Yesterday was my first time voting I was on a high all day stayed up till the wee hours in the morn and was sure glad I did. His speech was the best and I so can't wait to see what kind of puppy they will be house training in the White HOuse I think that is so cool!He is an amazing man I can't wait to see what he does as President.
    YES WE CAN! A New Day and CHANGE has come to this great nation.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Viki Worley says…

    Ali I love your blog. I'll still read it, even with the politics, because it is a part of your life. Your ideas about recording our lives are wonderful. I'm glad you had a wonderful birthday.
    Yesterday, well It wasn't so great for me.
    I'm worried, not excited.
    There was more to write but this really isn't the place.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Jennifer P says…

    I am so sad for this country today. While I am glad that a new demographic is represented in the presidency, I am scared for everything he believes in.
    I pray for the safety of the unborn and their souls. All life is sacred, and I pray for those babies that don't have anyone standing up for them. Give a voice to those without a voice! They deserve a chance at life too!
    And I hope that he doesn't do everything he says - I work for a small business in the oilfield, and if the taxes go up, I fear for my job. Our town is heavily oil industry, so it may be the worst thing we've ever had to endure. At this point, I feel I need to take care of my debts as fast and as soon as I can so that if I lose my job, we may be ok. IF YOU WORK FOR A SUCCESSFUL SMALL BUSINESS, GET YOUR FINANCES STRAIGHT, BECAUSE YOUR JOB MAY BE ON THE LINE SOON.
    IT TOOK A CARTER TO GET A REAGAN. Just keep that in mind...
    And thank God they didn't get to 60 in the Senate. Any party having an unchecked power is dangerous. I wouldn't want it for the Republicans, and I didn't want it for the Democrats. Everyone needs to hear a dissenting opinion.
    God bless everyone, and good luck.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Amy says…

    What a great election present for you Ali.
    I hope the Obama supporters will be pleased with how they voted and that he will make a change for the good.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. jennifer says…

    It is a VERY EXCITING day! I couldn't agree more...I think I even feel different :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Stacie says…

    Yes we can! and what a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday! This is the reason that I come to your site day after day, Ali. You speak your truth and aren't afraid of who that might offend. Shame on those that would presume to dismiss that right that living in this great country of ours affords you and each and every one of us!
    Oh Happy Day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Elizabeth Esther says…

    We can all be proud Americans today, even those of us who voted for John McCain. It's a beautiful thing when democracy works, when the people speak. We all love our country, so let's work to heal the divisions that separate us. I, for one, am offering the olive branch of peace to all my friends and family who voted differently than I did. Let's be friends!
    Happy Birthday, Ali!
    And God bless the UNITED States of America!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Jeanne Ann says…

    After casting my ballot yesterday I had a little tingle that lasted all day long. I felt that change that has been talked about for so long is finally coming to fruition. I was thrilled to see the outcome this morning and just know in my heart of hearts that this is a true turning point for our country. Change will not come easily or quickly, but with time and effort it will come this I do believe. Thanks Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Artful Yogi says…

    As for people who are afraid of socialism, it is already here. SOCIAL security, medicare--taxpayers have been paying for this for years. Public schools are socialism. ALL taxes are redistributing the wealth.
    No matter who had won, all people would need to watch their finances. Obama is a good man, even John McCain has admitted so. May all of this bitterness end.
    Thanks, Ali, for having the guts to make a political statement.
    Enjoy the good feelings that so many of us now enjoy.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. kim smart says…

    I must say congrats on your birthday! However, not so thrilled about the outcome of the election. I find it hard to understand how you can support someone who has no regard for the life of an unborn child. Yes, it is a child! I always read your blog and you seem like you stand for everything good about family. Does this particular issue not matter to you? or do you simply look past it because he is someone "different", someone for "change"? This kind of change I can do without. Really am fearful for the future of our country!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. scrapwordsgirl says…

    I must say I am feeling lots of different things today. I did not for Obamba. I am so excited to have our first African President but at the same time I am scared...not because he's African American but of his Democratic views. I hope he DOES unite Americans and DOES create the change we need in this world. I am hope I am wrong.
    I will be supportive of him as he will be our President. Here's to hope that he really CAN make a difference.
    Ali, glad you had a wonderful, exciting birthday!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Brenda says…

    Ali, even though I strongly disagree with you on politics I still enjoy reading your blog. Yesterday was a very sad day for me and I am fearful of what the future holds for our country, my children, and for the countless unborn babies that will never have a chance.
    Nevertheless, I respect the office of the President, no matter who holds it. It is my duty to see make sure I am doing my part.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Asha says…

    I too am so upset by Obama winning. I do not believe him when he says he will not raise taxes, that's a Democrats bread and butter, higher taxes and spend, spend, spend. Being a stay at home mom, this scares me, will I have to leave my little children to go to work? Also, the partial birth abortion issue is SICK. How anyone could support a man that supports that, is SICK also. We are talking about killing viable babies here people. I just don't get it. And this is the world my children are being raised it, where life DOESN'T MATTER.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. janel says…

    I am very excited about the coming changes ahead, and at "almost 60" I am thrilled that a new course is about to begin. Yes we can!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. noell says…

    It's such an amazing day. I haven't stopped smiling.

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  20. janie bailey says…

    It is quite amazing that the majority of the comments praising Obama are from PEOPLE WHO DON'T EVEN LIVE IN THIS COUNTRY!
    I sure hope my gut feelings about him and our country are all wrong. Read your Bible people.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Michelle W. says…

    Ali, I love your blog and I would never judge you for the presidential candidate you support (just as I wouldn't want my views to be judged on my blog).
    To the person who said that they would no longer come to your blog because it should only be about scrapbooking ~ isn't that what scrapbooking is? Telling the story of your life. Politics ARE a part of all of our lives.
    However, I respectfully disagree. I feel that traditional American values lost. Christian values and morals lost. I am very sad. I would love to say that I was "part of history" but not at the expense of electing the wrong man who has not proven his character with his actions but rather with is words alone. Words mean nothing without action. John McCain has proven he is a moral man when no one else in the world was looking.
    I pray for all of us over the next 4 years. We'll need a lot of them.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Sara says…

    Yes We Did!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Cami says…

    Yes we CAN!!!
    Happy Birthday- that's quite a present!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. {leah} says…

    Hey girl! Stopping by to help you celebrate!;) Glad you enjoyed your birthday.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. betsy says…

    So excited yesterday and last night and still this morning. I am praying that Chris can work along side President-Elect Obama for real change. Change that will include a health care system that works for everyone. Change that will include a public school system that actually responds to the students and doesn't warehouse them in aging buildings. Change that allows small businesses to grow and employ local people. Change that will help our planet heal while feeding all who are hungry.
    Thank you Ali and Chris (and Simon and baby Edwards) for the sacrifices you have made along this journey so that we all can make a better planet.

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