And only four + a half hours later...


The giant Lego Star Wars box was opened as soon as Simon arrived home yesterday. It was definitely the first thing he wanted to do after he came in the door.

It was about that point in time when I looked on the box and noticed it said ages 9-14. Um, yep, I knew I was in for it.



Upon opening the box I was greeted to somewhere around 14 bags filled
with lego supplies. Lots and lots of small and smaller pieces. My first
task was to go in the kitchen and grab a couple muffin tins, cookie
sheets, and some blue cups because there was no way this task was going
to be tackled without some serious organization.


There were over 1300 pieces and two booklets. This photo right here was step 10. I think there were 60 some steps. 

Simon's job in all this was simply not to whine and to help where he could. Amazingly, over the four + hours it took to put this ship together he did not break down once. He did ask if I was "done yet" a few times but no drama. He put all the little droids together - and practiced some counting as there were 23 in all. We had a nice little conversation as the afternoon and evening went along, talking about the legos, the baby, his birthday party, and school yesterday (they made a Chinese dragon that he was pretty excited about).


We took a little break for dinner and to put on jammies. And then it was finally done. It looks like this:


He didn't have much time to play with it before it was bed time, but it was a good start. I imagine tomorrow afternoon will be filled with some serious playtime. It's a pretty cool ship with lots of doors that open and close and three other small ships that go in and out (one carries all the droids).

I have to say that I liked the process. It's methodical and balanced and you just follow the small step at a time. As I was putting it together I was thinking that it's someones job to design these things and to figure out how all the pieces go together just right. Totally amazing.

Here's to a playful weekend at home and to 37 weeks tomorrow. 

Coming next week: a Valentine minibook, a superhero giveaway, and a tour of the baby's room.

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221 thoughts

  1. Robyn says…

    I may be a giant dork, but when I saw the title of this post in my reader, I thought for sure you were going to say that the baby girl had arrived.
    I know, having done it twice myself, how unlikely that is. It's just that you were just talking about when she might show up, and how you're coming up on 37 weeks, just like Simon, and... well.
    The Lego thing is cool, too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Sharyn Tormanen says…

    ha! I was wondering when you mentioned it yesterday. That's the exact one that my 13 year old got for Christmas - he spent a fair amount of time on it himself, well over four and a half hours I'm sure.
    Happy day after, Simon!!! Seven was one of my favorite years!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Margaret says…

    Have you seen The Brickman's Lego Art Gallery? He has commissions to build lego art from all over the world. He quite his job as a lawyer in New York to play with legos the rest of his life! Now he is quite a success. None of his designs have directions...have fun.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Kelley says…

    I am a huge fan of Legos & my 6 yr old son is immensely obsessed with Star Wars. However, one thing I knew ahead of time was to pick out lego set with 700 pieces or less! Now sorting into those muffin tins? EXCELLENT idea.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Robyn says…

    Ali, I mostly read your blog because I am so inspired by your creative style. I feel like you have single-handedly made scrapbooking cool (at least in my perspective). But, I love reading stories like these. There have been several Simon stories that you have posted that made me think that that guy is one lucky boy to have you. You just seem like such a level headed, easy going parent. And that, is inspiring too.
    So, thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Michelle Stepp says…

    That is SOOOO in my future!!! My son loves legos and I see making one of those when he's older. Love hearing that it's actually fun.. although time consuming.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Sharon F. says…

    Quite impressive. Well done!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. angie says…

    egads! that's a lot of legos. i remember when my son loved those. i think his favorite was the castle. i wish i'd thought of organizing the little pieces like you did - brilliant!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Meg says…

    Emma is totally jealous, she saw that end picture and asked if we could get/do one. Um, I said "no", I don't have as much patience as Simon's mommy, LOL!
    BTW, one thing we use allllll the time, commercial sized baking sheets. They are about 18" x 30" and heavy duty. They create a wonderful workspace for kid projects and the lip keeps everything contained. You can get them at a restaurant supply store, there's one on Maxwell if you're looking.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Lauri Bernet says…

    Ali-I am so glad you posted this!! I could write the exact same entry as my son Ethan is just like Simon in more ways than I could ever describe to you through the web....I also love Lego construction-but I have to wonder who puts the ages on there....they are oh so challenging. Ethan is in charge of picking up all the pieces and getting them together for me to complete the next step-but he gets tired-then its just me at the table alone with LEGOS. I admire you for tackling such a big one-you rock!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Pam says…

    I have been reading your blog and I have to say it brings a sense of calm into my chaotic life. Your pictures are beautiful and I love the organization of your office. My life with 3 young girls is a bit crazed at times so it is nice to turn on the computer and see order. :) On that note I want to thank you for mentioning the Cyndi Lauper and Sarah Mclachlan version of Time After Time. I went on itunes and ended up buying the entire Sarah Mclachlan album it was on, I thought I had almost all of her music but I was wrong. I find her very calming so it was very appropriate it came from you. Thank you for sharing the moments of your life.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Lauren says…

    Such a loving mama you are. Great idea to use the muffin tins for sorting the pieces. One Christmas day a few years ago I spent a very similar four hours with my son and the Playmobil airplane and airport that Santa brought him. I'll never forget it. Best wishes to you all in anticipation of that new little one.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Colleen says…

    I think you have more patience than I when it comes to Lego! This is DH's fun job in our house a lot of the time!
    Here's to baby and week 37!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Linn says…

    Ali, I really like your attitude about all this. I would have been tempted to get annoyed, want to return the thing to the store, and blow up, but it sounds like you used the time as a little time together with Simon to get a glimpse into his heart. What a great example. I'm heading into the Lego years and I know I'll remember this.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Cami says…

    Too cute! My oldest daughter loved Harry Potter at 6, and she got a whole bunch of Lego sets for Christmas that year. I found them on sale at Toys R Us super cheap (those big sets are really expensive!) so I got Hogwarts castle, a Hagrid's hut,a shrieking shack, the Hogwarts Train.
    Ho-ly-COW. It took literal days to put it all together!!!The instruction books were 50+ pages!
    She did play with them a lot, but when we moved a year later we lost the instructions to a few of the sets. SO no more castle- its impossible to figure out with out the instructions! I should see if I can get replacement instructions, now she is 10 and could probably put it all together herself. We love Legos!
    Moral of the story: Keep those instructions somewhere super safe!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Dana Nichols says…

    What an amazing ship! My baby boy is almost 26 and I can tell you that legos were not that involved when he was in to them! :)
    Have a wonderful, restful weekend and happy 37 weeks! I'm looking forward to what you have for us next week.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Lauri G says…

    This brings back so many memories. We have two boys (both grown now) and I was the official Lego Mom. Birthdays and Christmas were always full of Lego kits and there would be that huge set to be put together. Wish I had thought of the muffin tins but it was always so fulfilling when the project was done. I'm kind of looking forward to when my grandson (now 2) is old enought for these sets.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. vanessa says…

    you finished in one night? wow, my son has 4 of the large ships and 1 is still put together. they dont move well and after all that work he's not to thrilled about doing them again. the fun part now is to see what they can create from the destoryed ships.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. deb says…

    That was a good tip about keeping the instructions handy, they do unfortunately come apart, and as long as you have those instructions you can put them right back. We've had our share of meltdowns, my 8 year old daughter can spend hours putting a giant project together and one part falls off and she loses it. Good for Simon for keeping it together, that's some hard work!

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  20. JenaRN says…

    happy belated birthday to Simon and have to say that I have 2 younger brothers who were VERY into Legos when we were younger and I used to LOVE helping them put their lego sets together every birthday and Christmas!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Christina says…

    That is quite a project! My goodness-
    Your posts about your relationship with Simon make me look so forward to my son growing up (currently 16 months) everyday I seem to miss the baby version of him and then this week Simons birthday posts and seeing his room it reminds me that it is all good. And my word "today" helps me capture the baby that is left.
    Happy Birthday Simon- and 37 weeks to you, Mom!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Becky P. says…

    Ah-my son is almost 8 and we have many, many little Lego sets...they take over the kitchen counter for days at a time while he works on the larger sets.
    I do actually enjoy putting Legos together although my son rarely gives me a chance! :)
    Love the photos of all the little muffin tins full of Legos...great pictures.

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  23. Myra B. says…

    You are brave! Once the baby is old enough you all should head down to Legoland in So.Cal. if you haven't already been.

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  24. Bev says…

    Legos are still one of my favorite memories. Just be warned! I was still vacuuming those little bitty pieces years after my son had married and moved away from home. Don;t know where they keep coming from, but they take forever to disappear! Now I have a granddaughter I am waiting til she is old enough to hand off the Duplos to! And it will start all over again.

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  25. Michelle Suleman says…

    Wow...what a great idea for sorting the Lego pieces. My son is into Lego as well and will have to remember your tip when he gets a new kit.
    Enjoy the last few weeks of your pregnancy !!

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