Sponsor Giveaways | Freckled Fawn, Shimelle.com

GIVEAWAY | Two people will receive a $15 gift certificate to Freckled Fawn.

Freckled Fawn's shelves are packed with washi tape, fabric tape, paper doilies, tags, labels, and other crafting supplies. Go ahead and freckle your creativity with loveliness.

NOTE FROM ALI - If you are taking my 31 Things online workshop at Big Picture next month this would be a great place to order washi tape!


GIVEAWAY | One person will receive a spot for herself and a friend of her choice in Shimelle's upcoming online scrapbooking class Cover to Cover.

So much of the inspiration in the scrapbooking world comes one page at a time, yet we can't call it scrapbooking without the word 'book'! After more than a decade of scrapbooking, Shimelle found herself more in love with this craft than ever before when she found a way of considering the full book effect in a way that was entirely stress-free and allowed her to create albums that made sense to anyone who read them - not just other scrapbookers.

In Cover to Cover, you'll spend four weeks exploring a variety of ways you can put the book back into scrapbooking in a way that is always useful and never intimidating. This online workshop includes printable PDFs and videos as well as a private message board for discussion, and permanent access to all the class materials. The class itself covers techniques in organization, design, writing and supply-stretching while looking at five different types of books and how you can customize them to find the perfect system for you.

Registration for the class is now open and full details can be found here. This four week class is $30USD (or £18GBP), and if you win the class pass and you or your friend has already signed up, your full purchase will be refunded, of course.

If you're looking for further page inspiration, check out the current collection of challenges at shimelle.com or her self-paced workshop The Hitchhiker's Guide to Scrapbooking.


TO BE ENTERED into this giveaway please leave a comment below (if you are reading this post on Facebook please come to my blog to leave a comment). Comments will be closed at 8pm Pacific on Sunday. The winners will be posted shortly after. Please be sure to check back or subscribe (click here to get posts delivered to your email box) to see if you are receiving one of the items this week.

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982 thoughts

  1. Lynda says…

    Enter my name! Both prizes are fantastic!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Tannis Nishibata says…

    Washi tape looks awesome! Thank you for the opportunity!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Haley Beech says…

    looks great and I'd love to see it in my hands!

    Reply 0 Replies