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Artjournal_find_2 I think one of the reasons I fell in love with design and scrapbooking is that it gave me a reason to make art. A reason to play with papers and words and images. A reason to have something to say. A reason to solve a problem through visual means.

In my scrapbooks I can easily tell a story because there is always something specific to tell, a moment to capture, something tangible to recall. A focal point from which to begin.

For some reason, before scrapbooking, I had in my mind that I needed a reason to emake art. That I could not create just for the sake of creating. Well, I could do it physically, but in my mind I was bombarded with too many questions, fears, negative self-talk. I would start something and then stop myself...

Why am I doing this?

I have nothing to say?

This is dumb.

This is a bunch of abstract nothingness.

This sucks.

The few times that I did paint I was left with the feeling that I had nothing to say. There was no emotion behind my painting. In my mind, no reason. And my big question: who would want to listen to me anyway?

But you know what?

Through the few pages I have created for this Art Journal challenge, I am finding that I am the one who listens. It is me that needs to hear my voice through another medium (rather than in my head), through paint or collage or design or journaling or photography or typography or whatever.

I guess I needed permission from myself that it was ok to make art for me, to find my voice (even if I am the only one listening) through my own exploration of thoughts and supplies and techniques, to just create stuff. To play. Permission to make it what I want it to be. To let myself go. To reach inside myself and see what's in there...what creations have been laying dormant due to my own fears of having nothing to say.

I am learning that art is an expression of my self. That there is something in me, waiting for permission to come forth.

, like perfection, is totally overrated.

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33 thoughts

  1. stephanie/pearose says…

    wow-could not have said that any better!
    you seem to always say what i am thinking and then some :)
    thanks for giving me "the reason"!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Care says…

    Perfectly said, my friend. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. cathy says…

    you are so very cool.
    hey. did you know i'm getting a dog?
    : )

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. kristi says…

    Glad that you've had this little breakthrough...I feel guilt that I spend so much time on artsy endeavors, but they are ME. My voice. You never know where that voice will lead you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. tracy says…

    Hi Ali, I just love your post very insightful. I have often questioned or postponed many a project on the basis that there is no good reason for it to come to fruition. Thankfully, many of those projects nagged at me, until I would finally give in and thankful for that urge, because I learned so much about me along the way. Had I not started somewhere, I would not be benefiting each and every day from the many insights about myself, those creative projects provided. Your words tonight have circled around an idea I have often stuggled with, but had no insight for - until tonight. That art is simply an expression of who we are and if we try to find purpose for creation, we may never find ourselves. We may never unravel that intricate part of ourselves that takes time and alternate roads to find it's way outside of us. Thank you again for your words...they always seem to come at exactly the right time!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Rachel says…

    cool entry. cool art page. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Carolyne says…

    spot on Ali ... oh, did you know Cathy's getting a dog!!! she is such a hoot....

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Kass says…

    soooo true. And apt to what I just posted on my little patch of bandwidth.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Sharon says…

    Very cool perspective.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Mary says…

    Sounds cool and remember you _aren't_ the only one listening.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Rachel Ellington says…

    OK..."are you talking to ME?" Hello! I have recently had a similar insight....I call it my "letting myself go" time. I loved scrapbooking, but never loved it as much as I have this past month or so. I think you inspired me with the art journal, first of all. It was later that day that I was sitting in my studio, and my daughter was playing with play dough at her table and then quickly moved on to paint and making a jolly old mess....but she was so delightfully happy. I, at the time, was trying to figure out what to do for a magazine call and becoming a bit frustrated with myself. It was that moment that I just let myself go, gave up the struggle of trying to create something that I thought the publishers would jump over eachother to get their hands on and just have fun and create for the sake of myself just as my daughter was doing.....
    Man, for the first comment on your blog, I sure did ramble....Geez, Edith!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. julie says…

    Hi Ali,
    Wonderful! I'm sitting her thinking, "Yeah, what I do is MY voice"', whether anyone is listening or not. Kind of gave me chills reading your insightful words.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Jessi says…

    Awesome...I was wondering how the art challenge was going. I know it is about the inside voice, but this outside voice thinks that you do awesome work.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Lindsay says…

    Well said! I completely agree that there is something in all of us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. May says…

    WOW! you said it!!! I think you are right on and you have inspired me to go create... just to create!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. traci says…

    Love the art journal entry, and love the blog entry, too! Definately a powerful discovery--you're so brave! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. jamie says…

    u r cool. this is cool. totally, girl.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Celine Navarro says…

    that's exactly the way i feel...

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Shelley says…

    Wow you hit it right on the head. Your words are so true and real. They are also my words, that constantly play in my head. But I just couldn't quite say it like you have. Thank you for voicing it, for putting the feelings into words! I feel like I have received permission just by reading this.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Lisa says…

    honestly.. it's like you took the thoughts that have been bouncing around in my head for a while and wrote them out.
    i've always struggled with the why. why do i do this, what does it all mean, will anyone care but me?
    and lately.. i've gotten to the point where i don't care if anyone cares but me. and i like what i'm doing.
    on a less philosophical note - i'm in the market for a great white pen - what brand did you use on this?

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. sara says…

    amen. i needed that today. thanks, ali. ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. MarilynH says…

    That is a totally cool way of explaining it. :) Did'ja get my email the other day? ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Mirjam says…

    Thanks for sharing!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Tina says…

    You expressed this just so eloquently. Perfect. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Christie says…

    You go girl! I love what you have written and I am finding my own voice in my scrapbooking as well! Thank you for sharing your thoughts which come as inspiration to the rest of us!

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