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"One day I thought I'd have some fun."


Got to play the other night when some friends came over for a visit (hi friends). They were busy with their stuff so I busied myself with mine. Just for fun. Just as play.

I began with the three mini-canvases. I had some black pieces of chipboard that I covered with patterned paper, added a couple acents, and painted around the edges. My original vision was to create a bunch of these little canvases as part of a collection. But then I was handed a piece of cardboard that is used to reinforce 12x12 papers when shipping and my vision changed. Using my scrap box, I dug around finding pieces of this and that, sticking them down with my favorite tool of the moment (glue sticks), looking for little bits of stuff that had some words, painting around the edge. I had some older collage papers that included this man with his coffee cup - like that dude a whole heck of a lot. Her got matched up with the little saying (that looks like part of a song) "one day I thought I'd have some fun." The perfect title, reflecting not only the vision for the piece, but my vision for myself as I created the piece.

Not sure what the heck I will do with this thing. Maybe hang it up in here. Maybe somewhere else around here. But I like it. That old man makes me smile. The "view life" above the rooster makes me smile. "Pack your bags" will be the story of my life for the next few months. And the emphasis on art...hell, yea...that is my life!

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45 thoughts

  1. Sara B says…

    Hey Lady!
    I love it!! Love all the stuff you've done lately...especially the what is sexy page. Can't wait to see what you do next.
    Sara B

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  2. Chris says…

    Thanks for the smile today! I think I'll go play.

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  3. candi says…
    09/05/2005 fun letting go and playing! :)

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  4. Rachel says…

    Very cool Ali!

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  5. Melanie says…

    So that's what you were up to? Very cool... love that new collage style you are developing!

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  6. denise says…

    "one day I thought I'd have some fun"......hmmm, sounds GOOD...!!! Thanks for the inspiration!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Jen says…

    Holy cow..that's what you come up with when you are just playing around? You artist, you!
    Love the whole thing. I'm surprised that it's only 12x12. Looks like it's a much more sizable piece. It has presence.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Gina says…

    Beautiful, Ali! I love all of your work.
    What to do with it? Would you think about auctioning it on ebay to benefit the Katrina victims? You have at least one bidder right here.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Michelle says…

    I love how you can put things together that end up looking so great.

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  10. jenn says…

    wonderful inspiration ali ;) just what i needed as i play in my crafty space today :)

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  11. Angi B says…

    how liberating it is to take some time to just PLAY in the midst of your scrapbbooking projects for "WORK"... i love to see this side of you Ali. Whether it's work or play, i always adore your stuff!

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  12. Cami says…

    Gotta love art for art's sake.
    I love your dude too. Makes me want to shuck corn and visit my Grandma and maybe can some plum preserves!

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  13. elizabeth says…

    totally inspiring!! i need to "just play" more - much more. love it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Cathy says…

    Love this - that old guy with his coffee just makes me smile - and your choice of scattered words is lovely. I'm off to play now too! Thanks for the inspiration.

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  15. Stephanie says…

    how fun to play just for the sake of playing! :)

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  16. danielle collins says…

    cool. just plain cool. love it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Rhoda says…

    LOVe IT!!
    I can see that hanging on a wall. It's so fun to look around the house and see things created with your own two hands.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. KimP says…

    So cool! I would love that on the wall!

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  19. Lee says…

    Oh Ali totally love it!!! I wish I could create stuff like that by just having a play.

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  20. sara says…

    this is fabulous! i just bought some canvas today to do something similar. i have plans to make a mess of it -- an "intentional, articstic mess" if you will. :) i love yours!

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  21. Jeannie says…

    I don't know if you knew this or were curious, but that guy is from a larger photo collection of steelworkers, taken I believe in the 1930's or later. Remember that photographer who published all those steelworker photos atop the buildings? I recall that guy in your collage from that series of photos. HTH

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  22. MarilynH says…

    LOL i like the colection of stuff! fun, huh? :)

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  23. katherine says…


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  24. Peggy says…

    I LOVE THIS ALI! Very cool how you built around your focal image and created a flow of thoughts with your elements!! U rock!

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  25. Care says…

    Can I just be you? For one day in my life? LOL You are so cool, calm, collected and drama-free. ;)

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