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International Scrap Yourself Challenge : I am woman.


For the International Scrap Yourself Challenge I decided to go the art journaling route. It has been awhile since I had a chance to play in this book. Pulled it out and man it felt good. I like just sticking stuff down...and the layering. Makes me happy.

Most of you know that I totally advocate for scrapbooking about yourself. I think it is important. I think it is a way to take a look at yourself. Reflect. See who you have become. Figure out where in the heck you are headed. Or just to enjoy the company of yourself. If you have not done a page about yourself, stop reading this right now and go and do it. If you don't have a photo of yourself then get out your camera and take one of yourself. Take one of yourself in the mirror hiding behind the camera. Or stand in front of a window and hold the camera out in front of you and click away.

And then make something with that photo. Something that is you. Something that screams you...or maybe just whispers.

Now is the time.

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35 thoughts

  1. Becky Thompson says…

    LOVE this, Ali. I completely agree about scrapping yourself - once I lost the "ugh but I don't like pictures of myself" attitude, I started to really get into it. Now I can't imagine my books without some of "me" in them, and not just in the creation of the pages. My story should be there, too...and it is.

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  2. Keeley Tillotson says…

    This is breathtaking. Love it.

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  3. Suzannah says…

    WOW... this is powerful stuff today Ali! Taking baby steps in starting to scrap myself, but am inspired after having read and seen what you've been up to! THANKS!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Becky Cantu says…

    I so enjoy your philosophy, Ali.
    You are an absolute delight.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. jen says…

    this is great the look of throwing things together.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Rachel says…

    this is Fun Ali! Love seeing you hitting that art journal again :)

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  7. Shelby says…

    I love your art so much! Where did you find the personality profile for this piece? I'm so glad that you share so much of yourself with us. I get so much inspiration just reading your blog and I really love that you include so many links for everything. Thank you!

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  8. corinne says…

    omg this is just PERFECT, I so love this style of yours!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Gudrun says…

    Thank you for sharing this beautyful page Ali.
    You are such a great source of inspiration.
    I loved this "scrap yourself" challenge at Kirstys as well. :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Emine says…

    I just love it Ali... You are so amazing...

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  11. ArtsyMama says…
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  12. Lu says…

    already on it, ali! that is why i scrap myself. it is important and means so much to the kids later on.

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  13. Angi says…

    this is gorgeous, Ali. Between this post and all the extra ahots I got of myself doing headshots yesterday, I'm really determined to actually scrap myself :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Lynne says…

    This challenge comes at a perfect time -- been struggling w/"who" I am these days -- who I want to be -- thinking that what's here right now isn't good enough -- doesn't feel quite right. Me thinks it's time to take a second look at that. Perhaps all I am right now is quite enough -- imperfections and all! Thanks for this...

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Klala says…

    Love that hoodie!

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  16. amy says…

    you're awesome.

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  17. Jenrigg says…

    Kirsty is gonna LOVE this!

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  18. marcilambert says…

    amen, sister. i've been scrapping myself recently and it is very freeing. even did the international challenge.
    i totally love this piece of yours. you are not a woman. you are a goddess!

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  19. Elise Blaha says…


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  20. Mirjam says…

    Wow! I love it! Especially the quote of Storm Jameson. Thanks fot sharing.

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  21. Ann(i)e says…

    Love the layout Ali....who would have thought Kirsty and my little conversation about scrapping ourselves would have turned into this....Kirsty rocks!!
    Come on gals....scrap yourself!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Nic Howard says…

    I need to get onto this challenge. might do the 'take a pic of me' thing in the mirror. I've not done that.
    Thanks for the encouragment.
    How many sleeps til CC2006 in Wellington? Lookin forward to meeting you again there.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Kirsty says…

    When I asked the world to scrap themselves including those that lead the way by form of inspiration I did not expect perfection. But I got it and then some, and then a whole ton more. We are all beautiful be it inwards or outwards or even by the way we express ourself through our art.
    Ali, you are exceptional.
    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Joy Messimer says…

    Ohh. As always, I am inspired. Love the little quote towards the bottom " Oh look there's time". Made me giggle. I am always thinking that I have more time to scrap than I really do!

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  25. Kristin Thomas says…

    Wonderful what you are doing for women... like me. Keep up the good work for as long as you can, and when you need us, we are here. XOXO -- KT.

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