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Morning & Updates.

Morning. Thanks for all the awesome posts yesterday regarding Chris' run for the Oregon legislature. So very cool.

Here's the lowdown on what's happening the next couple weeks:

• Tonight I am chatting at Scrap Girls (6pm Pacific). Looking forward to chatting about combining digital & paper scrapbooking, printing photos, and anything else they ask. They have cool digital kits and elements over there as well...especially like this brush set (you know I am all about date related stuff).

• Tomorrow I head over to Apropos in Spokane, Washington for a couple classes on Saturday. Staying wtih Stacy Julian (who is also attending one of my classes -  can you imagine?). Totally excited. I will be doing a make & take Friday night in the store from 7-9pm so even if you are not signed up for the classes feel free to come by and say hi.

• Next weekend I will be in Portland, Oregon for the Creating Keepsakes Oregon Convention.  I am doing a Backstage Party on Friday night: you can expect a cool presentation about scrapbooking and a goody bag filled with a bunch of my favorite things right now. I will also be in the CK booth on Saturday (not sure on the exact times yet) chatting and hanging out. Love this event in my home state.

• The following weekend I head to Chicago for CKU-A. Been spending time getting ready to meet my new family - who have all been working really hard on their homework - this is totally one of my most favorite things I do...and Cathy will be there!

• Furiously working on articles today.

Hoping for a super productive, good day.

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27 thoughts

  1. jen paddack-hyde says…

    I'll be there for the backsatage party. Really looking forward tothe convention. This will be my first:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Sharon says…

    Any snow down your way? Portland metro has snow everywhere. My son's eating it up! Hoping for a crafty productive day. I'll be at the convention too meeting up with a bunch of Scraptalk gals...maybe I'll run into you too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Jenn says…

    Sounds like lots of fun! Have fun today getting things done;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Liz says…

    Ali - the infant outfits from the Netherlands you sent us were unbelievably cute. We just don't do baby like that in America! Truly the first gift I have recieved that made me ache to get this little one out of my belly and into the outfit you sent. I love white, so crisp and perfect - but you knew that! I'll call you tonight!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Brandy says…

    Are you going to be in Kansas City for the CKC?

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Denise says…

    Just wondering if you ever have extra kits from your classes and if you sell them? And when are you coming to Northern California to teach??????

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Nicol says…

    I'll be at Apropos this weekend! Can't wait. It's sooo cool that Stacy Julian is coming too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. karen Hobbs says…

    I'm counting the minutes till I leave for Portland. It is my favorite event and I will be there for your party!!! Can't wait! Have fun with Stacy, I am jealous that you'll be hanging and scrapping together, so be sure and put it in your blog so I can have my vicarious thrill!!!! Thanks.See ya next Friday, I'll be the one in green with a shamrock scarf for St. Paddy's Day!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Tracey says…

    omg, CKU-A is in 3 weeks?? I'm in Heidi Swapp's track, but still - I know I'll see you, and if not, at Reminisce the following weekend. Love your lo's, just love 'em!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Jenn says…

    I want to cognratualte your family on all of the great things happening. You all deserve it so much. Simon looks the epitome of sweet in his little man suit. It is a gift to read your posts and follow your work. You inspire me every day! I hope to meet you one day, sadly NYC is not a huge scrapbooking city! :( One day! Best of everything to you and yours!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Bonnie K says…

    Ali.. sounds like a productive day ahead.. fun! I want your life.. lol
    I would love to somehow get paid to scrapbook, write, create, design. How fun.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Monique van bekkum_ Jomi says…

    Hi Ali!
    Really looking forward to the chat tonight and talk to you again! I had so much fun at the workshop at Pien's :)
    TTY tonight!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. vanessa says…

    HI... I'm a little too addicted to you blog. I'm checking in all the time to see what cool things you've added. Have always loved your style and am getting tons of ideas... can't wait to see your stuff for jenni bowlin's march kit! I saw that you will be in FL in Dec. on your calendar... is that true?? I checked the store website, but they didn't have anything posted. Just looking for details to plan ahead! Thanks~Vanessa

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. ArtsyMama says…

    Busy, busy!! Can't wait to see photos of the stuff you're working on. Have a safe journey:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Sharyn (Torm) says…

    No snow pictures? lol

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  16. MaryRuth says…

    Looks like we'll be spending lots of quality time together... :)
    I'll be at the Convention in Oregon and then in your track at CKU... and if I hadn't just moved from Spokane I'd be seeing you there too... Just wanted to give you a heads up so you didn't think I was stalking you :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. corinne says…

    HI Ali,
    I think I just neeeed to move to the usa for real. I want to attend all of your classes! Hope you finish everything you need to finish today! go for it girl!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Lindsay says…

    Hi Ali!!!
    I am a designer from scrapgirls and just wanted to say thanks so much for the chat last night (even though I was more of just a lurker than anything) was great to hear your ideas and for you to communicate so many inspirations to us. Thanks again.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. laura t. says…

    darnitall, just missed CKC by a in Portland this w/e for family visit and headed back to that "backstage party" concept...would love to see some of it if you can share after the event. Safe travels to you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Talia says…

    Hey, Ali! I just wanted to tell you how freakin' inspiring your Studio A column is in CK. I looooove it!! I'm coming to CKU-A Chicago and you've inspired me to do a scrapbook on the road...can't wait to meet you and take a picture with ya! So excited! I just got my April CK today and you've inspired me to look around me RIGHT NOW and take in all those precious little moments...from my daughters toys all over the floor to her messy little face. Thank you thank you thank you!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Jennie says…

    Take a break Ali, you just sound too busy!! Jen from UK, x

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  22. Kelly K says…

    Have you seen this:
    It's video of an autistic boy kicking a$$ in a basketball game. Made me cry - totally worth checking out for any parent....

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. dawn says…

    Hey looks like I am the first Digi scrapper to respond :) Awesome that you chatted at scrapgirls! I'd love to know how it went! I'm a digital designer and would love to hear your thoughts on digital.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. christina says…

    I just have to say--though I know a zillion people already did--Simon is just so handsom in his little blazer! What a beautiful boy--he's more than lucky he picked you as a mom--if you look at it that way. And he and Chris look just thrilled to be with each other for the day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Mary Rogers says…

    Very cool ALi that Chris is taking on this adventure.....I too am a politician (on a local level for the past 16 years) and had once dreamed of taking a bigger leap.....what happened with Madison changed everything as I could never be that far from her on a regular basis, but kuddos to Chris for following his dream and to you and Simon for supporting him.
    ps. see you in Chicago! I having working really hard on my homework and so look forward to this opportunity to spend time with you!!

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