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one little word®

The AEzine is back up and running for 2007.

For those of you that may be new to the site, the AEzine is a weekly newsletter that I started last fall. I try to incorporate bits and pieces of creative information and inspiration - geared towards scrapbooking and life (and the concept of life art). You can check out the past issues here. You can subscribe by entering your email address in the box up on the top right of this blog.

To celebrate the new year I wanted to share the one little word® concept which is also featured in this weeks newsletter:

one little word®

A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be the ripple in the pond that changes everything. It can be sharp and biting or rich and soft and slow.

Last fall in issue two of this newsletter I wrote about the power of words and gave my top ten tips for getting those words down when you are scrapbooking. Today I want to introduce you to the idea that a single word can be a catalyst for enriching your life as well as your scrapbook layouts.

Last year I began a tradition of chosing one word for myself each January - a word that I can focus on, mediate on, and reflect upon as I go about my daily life. Last year my word was something I wanted to bring into my life in a more tangible way. My word was play.

I thought a lot about play and what it means to me. I tried to incorporate it more into my everyday and on my adventures out in the crazy world. For me, it was a lot about living without fear - about being more open to experiences with an attitude of playfulness. The word play found its way onto many scrapbook pages and into many stories I told throughout the year.

Can you identify a single word that sums up what you want for yourself in 2007?

It can be something tangible or intangible. It could be a thought or a feeling or an emotion. It can be singular or plural. The key is to find something that has personal meaning for you. This is not your mother's word or your spouse's word or your child's word - this is YOUR word.

One little word can have big meaning in your life if you allow yourself to be open to the possibilities. And here's one thing that is totally interesting: sometimes a word will pop into your brain and it will not make any sense to you right now. Give it some time. Let it percolate a bit. I have often found that our hearts speak to us in very unique ways. Maybe this is a word you need to hear but just aren't ready for it yet. Again, be open to the possibilities.

You may be wondering, what in the heck does this all have to do with scrapbooking? For me, words are at the heart of what I do. The photos are a huge part, but the words bring it all home. Often times I will begin a layout with a single word. That word becomes my guide as I create my page. It helps me focus the story I am trying to tell and gives me an instant, easy graphic title approach. How often has a word directed your creativity when working on layouts?

Take some time this week to think about your own word for 2007 and read on for a related
weekly challenge.

And in case you were wondering, my word for 2007 is peace.

weekly challenge

This week your challenge is to create something, anything, that celebrates your chosen word for 2007. Maybe a layout. Maybe a blog posting or a journal entry or a simple post-it note that you put somewhere you can see it each day. Make sure to journal about why you chose your word and what it
means for you - the more you let yourself explore the more benefit you will receive in the end.

Come by my blog and post your response to the challenge on Monday, January 8, 2007. Looking forward to seeing your creations and reading your

I hope everyone has a great day today. And thanks for all the super nice comments on the kit yesterday.

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339 thoughts

  1. Ana Maria Magloire says…

    Off to do the challenge! I really missed the newsletter. Glad it's back and here to stay, I hope.

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  2. melissa says…

    Oh Ali!!! you are challenging me and I love it. I am thinking long and hard on this one. Because not only is there a word I probably need to hear - I am sure there is a paragraph out there screaming my name.
    Thanks for what you do.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Jenny A. says…

    Ali, you have such an insight on how to live! Your words in AEzine came at just the right moment for me. Seriously, you are like the Oprah of scrapbooking. I totally took your advice about thinking about a word and just waiting for it to come to me. And it did. My word is ENJOY. I have so much going on in my hectic life (who doesn't) but yesterday was almost in tears with just trying to catch up with it all. I will ENJOY my life as it is. I do plan on trying to do a layout on this. Again, you and your inspiring words have made me look at my life at a different angle. I will ENJOY the process. Have a wonderful day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Tina J. says…

    Immediatley knew my word would be "Health". I'm so excited to get started on something! Thanks, Ali!
    Tina J.

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  5. Mary Rogers says…

    so, I am thinking of my word right now!

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  6. Lynne says…

    Freedom. That's my word. Freedom from unrealistic expectations (of myself and others). Freedom from worry. Freedom to let go of old concepts of who I am and what I should be doing with my life. Freedom to embrace the life I am meant to live.
    This is awesome. You are awesome. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. maria says…

    Great new challenge! Thanks! Looking forward to post my word next Monday! I think I have just what I want, but I'll give it some more thought.

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  8. JUDE :) says…

    So I did already pick a word... and posted it here
    I am planning on doing a LO of this as well, but thought I would let you know that your idea was so good, it was like that word/concept was in my head, but without the AEZine prompt, it would've never made it out... so thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. diana says…

    ACTION....that's my word.

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  10. jenn says…

    Very cool. I blogged back on jan1 or 2nd that my word for this year is "believe"!

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  11. Frances M says…

    And I had been thinking about my word too for the past week and it's ORGANIZE. And so bizarre the 3191 visual blog. I've guessed that one of these women in is the NY or east coast area and one in the UK and I just couldn't believe it because my dearest friend who I talk to via email at least 4 times a day is is 3358 miles away in London and I'm here in CT. Too funny! Great AEZine this week!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Kimberly White says…

    Thanks for this weeks ezine! I've been looking forward to it all week! Mulling over words in my head .. leaning towards LOVE. Have a great day Ali! Kim

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  13. Trish D says…

    Loved, loved this issue!! My word for 2007 is FREEDOM. I am currently at work so unable to create a LO immediately, so I have posted on my blog my reasons for this word this year. Thank you, Ali, for all your inspiration!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Molly Irwin says…

    simplicity. It was my theme for 2007 starting with my note to family at Christmas. This challenge is a great launching point for me, as I have felt creatively stuck for a bit. Thanks for the nudge. All the Best, from a new reader - Molly

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  15. reen says…

    "HAPPY"....It's a feeling, a state of's what I want for 2007. Thanks Ali,

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Jerrie says…

    Thanks for this challenge. On my morning walk I thought a lot about what my word should be. The word that kept coming back was believe...I'm excited to now do my layout!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Beth Wollweber says…

    Hi ALi:
    Happy New Year !! Trying to stay on track with my creative side, today your challenge is for me. I would have to say that my word would be CALM, opposite of Chaos. Hoping to live 2007 closer to calm and further from chaos. Thanks, your the best !!!!
    Beth in NY

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  18. noell says…

    It was a great newsletter and a wonderful surprise this morning!!! I can't wait to work on the challenge. I''m thinking about paint, brushes, my easel, and my giant painter's notebook...

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. melanie says…

    begin...thats my word.
    thanks for such a cool idea. i cant wait to begin with my word.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Diane says…

    My word for 2007 is reinvent. My only child just went to college and I started an Empty Nesters group and want to try new things, meet new people (mostly nice women but a good man would be great, too!), and do other fun things in addition to being a mom.
    Great idea!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Anna-Marie Still says…

    Love the diversity already! Isn't it amazing how the same prompt can evoke so many different words - each one specific and personal to each individual! So cool - Can't wait to see the results on Monday!
    As for me, I've got my word, no question about it, it came effortlessly - I'm going to ponder it some more, let it work in my soul a bit and then bare my soul on Monday!
    Love your process, girl! Time and time again!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Paula says…

    Happy New Year to you, Ali.
    I signed up for your newsletter & my sister bought your new book designing using patterned papers for my Christmas gift.
    I got my first Aezine this morning & am so excited. You have fired me up with your enthusiasm. I have done a blog post about my choice of word & plan a layout as an expansion on this.
    Thank You for your Style & wisdom. I am in awe of you!!

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  23. Suzelle Kasaian says…

    Love this word is balance :)

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  24. Janine says…

    I loved getting your newsletter and that issue spoke to me. My word is Balance and already I have done a blog entry on this and painted the word dream for my scrap room. I have much more planned!! Thank You Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Kristine says…

    SO BUMMED--the kit already sold out. I hope my name on the wait list comes up.

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