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Christmas Project #3 : Advent Boxes

This one came straight out of Martha Stewart Kids and can be seen online here.

I picked up the boxes at our local Ben Franklin. I went with three different sizes for variety - each will hold a special treat. First off was painting two coats on each box - I went with Making Memories Cranberry (of course)(11), Avocado (5), and Paper Bag (8).

After the paint dried I laid them out to get a feel for their placement and picked some numbers to work with. I decided to repeat some of the same elements I used in the December daily album. Circle numbers from, chipboard from Basic Grey, and foam numbers from American Crafts.

After I had my plan worked out, I painted the chipboard numbers cream and then sealed each of the boxes with Mod Podge before attaching/adhering the numbers.

Now I just need to figure out on which wall I am going to hang these and what goodies will go inside each one...

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92 thoughts

  1. MariaM says…

    happy belated birthday wishes!
    these boxes are so cute!!! love the color choices - very christmas!
    and...another etsy shop for me to fall in love with :) thanks

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  2. Deborah says…

    I almost e-mailed you YESTERDAY to ask you if you had any ideas for a box advent calendar. I do like the different sizes idea, but I decided to stick with all the same size and I'm going to make a box to hold them all in. I will have to send you a pic when I'm done.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Penny says…

    How cute!! I'm curious how you're going to hang them up. Simon's going to have a ball with these.

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  4. Carole Hepburn says…

    I got the boxes, painted them last night , also painted a canvas to put them onto
    (and will hang it with a big ribbon), tonight add the numbers and maybe some festive paper inside and then get some fun stuff to put inside !!! I love staying up late =) I was going to work on it at the crop Saturday at the store but could not wait one more day !!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Carrie says…

    Gasp - so amazing.
    When are you coming to my house to do all this domesticated, crafty stuff?

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Renee says…

    Hi I was just wondering is the one paint color called "Shopping Bag"?

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  7. Amy Hummel says…


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  8. Tracey Bish says…

    I love this idea and saw it a week ago because I always look at your blog! I am addicted to it. I have the link on my blog.
    Anyway I am on a local Design Team here in Indiana and we did the oragami boxes in December 2007's Creating Keepsakes. Thought that would also be a cool way to actually make the boxes. you could make them out of patterned holiday papers and cut the paper down to make them different sizes! -Love your blog, you give me so much inspriation! -Tracey

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  9. Alina says…

    you can make the boxes using origami, its on the december CK, but I figure a simple search can give you the instructions

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Alina says…

    the boxes can be made using the instructions for the origami trinket box on the december issue of CK, but Im sure they can be founf online as well

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  11. Kris says…

    We were inspired by your Christmas project and had a little craft day today! :)
    Thanks for sharing!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Pngwn says…

    I started an Advent tradition this year as well, all though a little different. I love your idea, and I wish I would have seen it earlier. Although, I can see our Advent tree as being a new tradition in our family.
    I bought a small tree (about a foot tall), got a small star tree topper, and a cute little tree skirt. I put lights on the tree and bought some cute little gift boxes. I bought two different kinds of mini tree ornaments and a bag of candy and filled the boxes. I then numbered them 1-24 using sticky foam stars and trees and put them under the tree. After we open the boxes and put the ornaments on the tree, we put the boxes back under the tree, so that it keeps it pretty. By Christmas, the tree will be totally decorated!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. PacificTonz says…

    These are fabulous - can I ask what you used to fix them to the wall, not quite sure what is strong enough to hold them and their candy contents and temporary enough not to need the wall repainted?

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Dana says…

    Very funny boxes!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Heather - Dollar Store Crafts says…

    They're super cute!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Jenna113 says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Susan515 says…

    you picked during the register phase. For safety purposes which need to go to the very least eight characters long.

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