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Happy Thursday.

Thank you so much for sharing your traditions - there are so many great, meaningful ones listed. I have read through the comments a couple of times now  and am planning to add some to our own traditions.

A couple simple ideas I loved was eating Christmas Eve dinner by candlelight with lots of candles (even if it is something perfectly simple such as pizza - we usually do a bigger early dinner on Christmas day - not sure what will happen yet this year with all our guests), spending the night in the living room all together near the tree + watching movies (just picked up Elf at Target this morning) + eating pizza (anything having to do with pizza is good in my book), and getting an ornament box set up just for Simon.

I have an ornament box that my Grandma Cathy made for me and my siblings (and cousins) when I was a kid that holds all the ones I have received over the years. My Mom even kept track of where they came from (who + when). She is so good at writing things down. It is a super special treasure and I want Simon to have the same sort of experience as well.

Here's a peek inside:

Today I am working on work stuff and getting ready for my holiday gathering tomorrow night. I am hosting my first every get-together (another benefit of not traveling so much) and I am really excited. Ever notice how inviting people to come over spurs you into action on projects that have been waiting forever to be completed? That is totally happening around here and Chris has been a major help in this department.

We got our tree last night at a local lot and it was the easiest and simplest set up we have experienced in our 9 years of marriage. Ever since I can remember we have been using my Grandparents old metal Christmas Tree stand. Last year it finally rusted (worse than it was already rusted) and ended up staining the carpet so I was finally justified in disposing of it. We should have gotten rid of it a long time ago.

Yesterday morning Chris picked up one of those Krinner Click Fix Christmas Tree Genies. Seriously, it is the best thing ever. You just set your tree in it, click a lever a couple times with your foot and it's done. We laughed quite awhile about how much BETTER it was than the old one which took forever to get set up. It's one of those great little things that made the whole experience a million times better.

Starting Saturday I will be posting my holiday December Daily journal pages each day over on CK's website (not sure on the exact link yet) - check back for more information on that one. Jessica posted an awesome digital template for her December Daily album here (instructions are located within the post). Love the idea of using one template foundation for each day and simply varying the content, papers, etc.

Happy Thursday!

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43 thoughts

  1. Maria says…

    Thank you, Ali. Thank you for sharing so much. You really do embrace what the season is all about - and it is highly contagious! :)

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  2. Terri says…

    I love that your Mom kept notes on origins of deco's. No wonder you are a list keeper! Great idea - thanks

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Laura says…

    I love the idea of an ornament box. I need to do something like that for my girls. Happy Thursday!

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  4. suetreiber says…

    the ornament box is sweet, and personal and such a great thing! We bought a pre-lit tree last year and it made life so much easier. Amazing how that works :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Camille says…

    Loved the blog today, thanks!
    My mom too wrote on the bottom of our ornaments what year and who from, I love that, it's so great.
    Hey if you love the movie "Elf" then you should pick up the soundtrack, *so* good!! I bought the Starbucks Chrismtas CD (the one you mentioned the other day) and it even has a few that are on the Elf soundtrack. The Elf one is probably our favorite holiday CD so far!
    Happy Thursday to you, looking forward to tomorrow night!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Erin says…

    Pizza is great any day in my book, too! I am REALLY excited to see your December album pages. Will you be posting them on your blog as well? Or just on the CK site? Thanks for always sharing your personal creations--love them! Erin :)

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  7. Trina says…

    One of my favorite Christmas traditions is eating pizza and homemade egg nog on Christmas Eve.

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  8. Nicky Anderson says…

    We have done this for all of our kids, we also make or buy a new special Christmas ornament every year for them to add to their box.
    It is fun every year to open the box and enjoy all the special ornaments!!

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  9. sheri says…

    love the ornament box!

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  10. Lisa says…

    Such a sweet box for the ornaments. My daughter has her own little tree in her room and every night goes to bed looking at the lights and then we click them off when we go to bed. I would love to do that in my own room. I must start her a box for her ornaments. I know she will treasure it. Thanks for passing on the idea. Also I agree the Elf soundtrack is great.

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  11. Anilu Magloire says…

    I loved the tree trimming day at my grandma's when I was a kid. I have such amazing memories from those days. How cool that you do too.
    Your ornament box is beautiful.

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  12. Welcome Youngs says…

    Just so you know.....i just got your book today...already HALF WAY through...i love it!!!! and i am now calling myself a "life artist"..instead of your traditioanl scrapbooker..thanks for the inspiration:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Michelle says…

    Re: the ease of setting up your tree this year, we drive over an hour to get our tree because of the tree stand we bought from them 5 years ago. It has a spike coming out of the center of the stand, and they drill a hole in the bottom of the tree trunk. You get the tree home, place the tree on the spike, and you're ready to decorate. No fuss, and better yet, no arguments!!

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  14. jessica says…

    awww... the ornament box. wow, those are amazing family specimens. you should show some pictures of your ornaments inside -- particularly the chandelier crystal ornaments and the fishing lures!
    love you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Cindi says…

    Hmm, an ornament box. I may have to make one to go along with my daughter's Ornament Scrapbook. The scrapbook is VERY simple. Each ornament has it's own page. It includes a picture of the ornament on the tree and the details of the ornament...what year she got it, where it came from, why is was given, etc. She's only six now but I plan on giving it to her along with the ornaments when she is grown and enjoying Christmas in her own place for the first time.

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  16. Carole Hepburn says…

    Christmas Eve - new jammies, pizza and Elf movie - simply wonderful !!

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  17. Donna says…

    Hi Ali...your blog today reminded me of another Christmas Tradition that we have. Each year I buy a special ornament for each of my 2 children....if I can I write the year & their initials on it somewhere inconspicous with a fine permanent marker. This way when they each grow up and are off on their own they will have their own starter set of ornaments for their first tree that will hopefully bring them happy memories of holidays gone by. Happy holidays to you & yours.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Valerie says…

    I was going to talk about making an ornament scrapbook - like Cindy! I started mine last year and am not caught up yet but I took pictures of ALL our ornaments - and I think there are at least 500 none of which are the same and all of which have a special story. I grouped them however I could - the Nisses (Norwegian gnomes), the pewter/silver ones, the "back of the tree" gang, the ones the kids made, the ones my husband gives me every year, the ones I give him, etc. And from now on out, I'll just add a page (or two) "The Class of 2007", etc.
    It's a 8x8 album and it looks great on the coffe table!
    Valerie, thinking personalized ornament boxes are a Good Thing

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  19. Anna says…

    Ali- thanks for your great blog. Your Christmas spirit is a welcome relief in all of the crazy chaos of life. Both of my kids have ornament boxes that contain ornaments that my Mom has made them, as well as ornaments that they have made each year. My twins are six. They also have boxes that container my sons nutcrackers collection, one for each year and my daughters snowglobe collection. It is so fun for them to pull them out and help decorate the house! Thanks for all of the insipiration. I think I will have to make a ornament scrapbook- what a great idea!

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  20. jenn shurkus says…

    have a wonderful time at your party ali ;) enjoy all the moments!!!

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  21. Traci in Virginia says…

    Hey Ali--I did not want 2007 to pass before sending you a big Thank-You! I attended CKU Nashville and took your class A Week In the Life--LOVED IT! Had such a great time and really enjoyed meeting you and spending the day with lots of amazing women. My sister and I sat with another 2 sisters and had a blast! I am still working on my album...almost finished and I love it!!! So, Thank you for a great experience. It was so nice talking to you...I got a great picture of you by the way. I have loved reading your blog and hearing about your Christmas projects. I am planning to attempt the one from last year with the square punches.
    Enjoy Elf...if you haven't seen it-it is a family favorite. My children and I quote from it throughout the year! So silly and fun...perfect really for the holidays! Have a wonderful holiday with your family and a fabulous 2008...maybe someday I will see you again at another scrap event!
    Merry Christmas!
    Traci Wren
    Vinton, VA :)

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  22. Mary says…

    Ali-my mom started this tradition with us as well. However she bought or made 2 of the same ornaments for us every year on top of what we got from friends/family members. She put one one the tree and the other in an ornament box. I never knew about it and the night before I got married she gave me the box filled with ornaments and other Christmas decorations she had collected for me over the years. My husband and I had a very special first Christmas will a tree full of ornaments we never would have had...I look forward to putting these on the tree every year and knowing that all though my parents are far away, they are putting the same ornaments on the tree too. I have started ornament boxes for both my children so they can have these for later in life as well.

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  23. Sara says…

    I really love your ornament box. I hope you enjoy your gathering as much as everyone else will. I am sure it will be wonderful!

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  24. Lindsey Cord says…

    quick question. what adhesive do you use on your acrylic Christmas album? I am going to make one and I dont want stuff falling off in a couple days, you know what I mean!

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  25. Stacie says…

    WOW! Ali, we have the same 1975 ornament. I have a wonderful Mom too who gave us an ornament every year that often coincided with some new hobby or event in our lves. She always dated them and now they are all mine to hang on my famliy tree. Fun stuff!

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