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December Daily : Day 17

(day 17 : "holiday" from a Kate Spade mailer)

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Oh man, I am really starting to get all excited. Updating some of the decor I put up earlier: making adjustments, moving things around, getting ready to have family here. I can hardly wait for all of them to get here.

Working a bit on wrapping each day so I don't end up doing it all at the last minute. I like being able to take my time. Here's a couple so far - going with a red + browns theme.

Found these bakers boxes at Shim + Sons. I like having a mixture of wrapped presents and others in simple brown boxes. Ribbon from Pottery Barn.

Red on red stripe wrapping paper at Target. Chocolate ribbon from Paper Source.

This is cool: today (Tuesday) through Thursday, December 20th Fontwerks is having a 30% off sale with a portion of the proceeds benefiting Autism Speaks. Enter "HoHoHo!" at checkout (don't forget the exclamation point).

And one more thing: could you say a little prayer for me today? I had three more abnormal moles removed this morning. Here's to hoping they are simply abnormal looking and not anything else.

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125 thoughts

  1. Diane Arias says…

    Good thoughts and warm wishes to you. I'm loving your low-stress/no fuss approach this year. And I see your creativity has benefited. Thank you for sharing the inspiring handmade crafty goodness.
    I've jumped on that band wagon this year and haven't enjoyed a holiday more. If it requires even a hint of panic or a sense of rush it just gets knocked off the list. No room for that funny business this year (or any other for that matter) I don't care how cheap the Barbie's are at Costco. HA! :-)
    Focus on health and those moles will have no room to grow. So that's what I wish to you ... love, warmth, and a wealth of health! You're a beautiful woman and mother. No wee moles can get in the way of your mountain-size dedication and appreciate for what you've got in life and in your work.
    Peace ... and health to you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. PJ says…

    Hmmm, I'm not the praying type of girl, but you're definitely in my thoughts... somehow I do believe in good things, and that's why I believe you will be oké... you make a difference for so many people, and do them good, so to speak, that you'll deserve a lot of goodness back!

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  3. Leanne Dietlin says…

    Hang in there and good luck with your health! Positive thoughts coming your way. Happy holidays!
    Leanne in CA

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  4. kristina says…

    Praying for you, Ali.
    Love the wrappings. Merry Christmas! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. kT says…

    *hugs* I'll be thinking of you. Keep enjoying the good things :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Elaine says…

    I hate the waiting part of getting those test results back. It's good that you have things to keep you busy. You're in my thoughts. ~Elaine

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  7. krisfred says…

    :-) ... ;-) ... :-) ... ;-) ... {one from each of us!!}
    BIG Hugs & BIG prayers for you, Ali!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Cara says…

    sending prayers and holiday happiness your way!!!!
    love the wrapping you are doing!Happy Holidays to you and yours!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Tammy M. says…

    Love those packages...prayers going out to you right now. [HUGS]

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  10. Leonie McLaren says…

    my thoughts and prayers are with you
    may God walk with you

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  11. Olga says…

    Here is my prayer for you:
    God, please look out for Ali. Please bless her and all her loved ones each day... Today and always. Please give her happiness, joy and above all health. For I believe in prayers, I know this has been granted. Thank you.
    To you Ali, don't you worry about a thing. Have a wonderful Holiday and thanks so much for sharing and giving us this gift of inspiration.
    Miami, Florida

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  12. Sara says…

    You are in my thoughts and prayers Ali. HUGS

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  13. Danielle says…

    Prayers for you today Ali! Don't worry too much about the moles- once you have had one Melanoma, the doctors will remove every little freckle and spot they see. It is great that you and they are being proactive and getting them all taken off early.

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  14. Rachel Greig says…

    Hey Ali - thinking of you - hope the moles are ok. I had my skin check last week and got the all clear. I am so amazed every time they say that, as I have so many freckles and moles over my body (all that Australian sunshine growing up!) But they keep saying they're the good moles, so fingers crossed they stay that way. Hope all goes well with you - and hope you and your family have a wonderful christmas!! xx

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  15. Jude says…

    Don't worry Ali! I have had about 8 off since I was in my 20's. I am getting 2 more off on the 2nd of Jan as well - that are looking a bit weird - 1 on my face (my beauty spot) and one on my arm. We are all paranoid about it here in Australia let me tell ya! I am sure you will be fine.

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  16. Sandi says…

    Thinking of you and holding you in my heart.

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  17. Conchi says…

    Hi Ali, desde España, all my love. I´ll thinking of you. I´sure you´ll have a very good holidays. Don´t think, only live TODAY and be happy.
    A lot of kisses

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  18. Molly says…

    prayers going out your way today. - Molly

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  19. Connie says…

    Sending prayers and kind thoughts. My grandfather had them removed and he lived to be 97. How about that! Thanks for sharing great projects this year. Looking forward to Ali inspirations next year. Happy Holidays.

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  20. Emma says…

    I would like to congratulate you on having time to enter your day to day happenings on your site so close to Christmas. I am having trouble keeping up with everything that is happening and don't have the time to sit down with out visitors turning up for christmas drinks.
    Enjoyed looking at the new poncho you brought. Wish it was cooler here but Very hot in Australia at the moment.
    MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family. And all the best for the new year.

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  21. Terri @ in His hands says…

    Lifting you up in prayer~

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  22. Lisa Jackson says…

    I say a prayer of thanksgiving for you frequently, and will definitely add another special prayer for you.

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  23. Kate says…

    Just remember that you are not the only one to have moles removed. If you are lucky (as I was) you will find out there was nothing wrong. And if not, it was good that it got caught early. Speaking as a person with two basal cell cancer surgeries (neither of which started from a mole), just remember that it is all treatable! I have to admit to panicking myself and it takes so long for the biopsy results to come back, but think good thoughts. At least don't let your mind run with the "what if's" until you know how it all comes out. Wishing you well! And thanks for all the wonderful projects you post and books that you write.

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  24. Julie Holleran says…

    My prayer flies out for you...thank you for a wonderful blog. All my fingers and toes are also crossed, Ali Julie

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  25. Netty says…

    Sending prayers your way. The brown and red theme rocks.
    My theme this year is raindrop color and pink. Have a blessed evening.

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