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Weekend Creative : Feb #1 : the little & big list

A couple weeks ago I read a post by Andrea over at Hula Seventy where she detailed 36 things that happened to her over the last year (she has a tradition of making lists and had recently turned 37). Her focus:

"lovely little (and big) things that snuck up on me from behind and took
me completely by surprise. things I never expected to happen, things I
had no way of knowing I'd do in the course of a year. these are the
things I never really saw coming."

She listed many of them with photos and words (or links) to accompany them. I love this idea. I love the angle. It is a creative way to look back over the last year and a great concept if you want to create a scrapbook page with the content. Check out her post and list here.

This weekend your prompt is to make a list of little & big things that were a part of your 2007. Your list could have as many things on it as you want, but I think the idea of going by your age is a great way to give you a bit of direction. Look back through your photos as a guide and a springboard to remember some of those great little & big things.

I am working on my list right now and will post with an edit in just a bit. Edited on Sunday: still working on my list - using my blog + my iphoto library to jog my memory of different things that happened in 2007.

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44 thoughts

  1. Erin says…

    Such an awesome the list idea! Thanks! Erin :)

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  2. suetreiber says…

    great idea!

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  3. Laura Reaux says…

    I just checked out her list. I LOVE that so much! I haven't done any of the Weekend Creative projects yet (I've wanted to, but have just been SO busy!), but I really want to try to make time for this one.
    Great suggestion, Ali!

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  4. Kimberly White says…

    What a cool idea! And one I think I can do this weekend! Thanks for your weekend creatives Ali! Have a wonderful day! Kim

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  5. cathy walters says…

    Okay, this is SO cool...I turn 37 tomorrow! :) I'm definately doing this.

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  6. Jennifer Kolakowski says…

    LoVE this. Thanks again for doing this Ali!

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  7. sophie says…

    Oh what a super idea...this is the year I turn 45...yikes...that makes for a loooong list...better get going on it...and Ali...thanks for the posts/pic at drs. re: suspicious moles...I'm the one that had a melanoma removed from my back this September...nothing scarier...fortunately...mine was small (0.25mm) and still in the superficial spreading stage (not gone vertical!!) is good...and blessed.

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  8. Kelly Bryan says…

    Love this prompt, Ali. It was just what I needed to reflect upon a wonderful year.

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  9. Debbie says…

    THanks for the link!
    Have a wonderful Groundhog's Day!

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  10. Margie says…

    Thanks for the Weekend Creative prompts. This will be the first one I do, but I still really enjoy the ideas just can't always squeeze them in!

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  11. Janine says…

    Ali, thanks for sharing. Love this. BTW I had fun with one word challenge and used scrabble tiles to take shots of my one word in different places. Loved doing this and have used one of the shots as my new blog banner. Thanks for the inspiration.

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  12. janine says…

    This is a really cool idea - the link list is fab! Love looking for the positives. Love lists. Think I can do this one:)

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  13. noell says…

    This is just a great idea. At first I was thinking I didn't want to look back because right now I'm looking forward. But as I read through her list, all kinds of amazing things from 2007 came thundering into mind: I had two articles published in a book, my scrapbooking show has taken off, I was interviewed on an international radio station. These are things that SHOULD be listed in one place!
    And this year has already started with surprises: my eyes were opened thanks to a wonderful vegan podcaster and I am now a whole-foods vegetarian and aspiring vegan and feeling so wonderful.
    Thanks for another great idea, Ali.

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  14. caryl says…

    ...i LOVE lists!! i just turned 50 this past year tho...yikes...this could be a loooonngg weekend project!!

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  15. Sue B says…

    This is such a great idea. I'll need to think of 64, then. Thanks for sharing.

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  16. AmyGee says…

    Love this many memories of 2007 running around my head. My 36th birthday is Friday; what a great way to remember the year and begin my anew. Thanks!

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  17. slowJudy says…

    CAREFUL about that age thing, Ali!!!!
    gets harder..........gets v. hard!!
    see you in 2 weeks????

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  18. Deb Wisker says…

    45 things??? How about I start with 22 1/2 and see how far I can get with that?!LOL!!

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  19. Ronda P. says…

    Such a very cool thing to do. I did something similar last year:
    Just went back through my pics, gathered some scraps & left over embellies, and went to work. The layout is with 2in by 2in pictures & squares...easy to punch.

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  20. Karen Travels says…

    I made a list! You might find #20 a bit amusing, coming from Oregon!

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  21. teensleuth says…
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  22. Allison says…

    I did it! :)

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  23. Kim says…

    great idea... I just made my list of 34 things (my age.) thanks, Ali!

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  24. Karen says…

    What a cool thing to do. think i will work on mine this afternoon!

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  25. Jill says…

    Ali - Thanks so much for this was great fun to look back on the year in this way. Here is my little & big list:

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