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Weekend Creative : February #2 : punch collage


This weekend's project is inspired by Margaret's heart collage (just right for Valentine's Day) and Australian artist Catherine Swan's beautiful paper butterflies (read more of her story + see the size of her art here). I originally discovered Catherine's work through Oh Joy.

Repetition is one of my most favorite principles in design and punches are one of my favorite products. I use punches to create repetition all the time when creating scrapbook layouts + minibooks (especially using that square Giga punch ). This new little collage will be replacing my holiday collage that has been above my sink since November (will be storing the collage with my holiday stuff + will pull it out and stick it back in the frame for next year).

This collage was created using a Martha Stewart butterfly punch and a variety of different scraps of paper: junk mail, scrapbook paper, pages from old books, etc. My white sheet of background cardstock was cut to 10x8 to fit into the mat of the black frame. I used tiny foam dots as adhesive. There's no real method to choosing which papers to use - I tend to go for a balance between text, lines, dots, etc.

The basic prompt: create a collage (or a scrapbook page) using two things (1) a punch of some sort and (2) the principle of repetition to bring it all together. Here's some additional punch shapes if you are looking for something to add to your collection: heart, star, postage stamp.


Have a great weekend!

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185 thoughts

  1. Laurence says…

    I've just finished my own little canvas like the ones in your book, that you show another enabling project. I need to make one like that, I already have an idea, thanks for all the inspiration you give us !

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  2. Kim M says…

    You're such an inspiration. Not surprising that the butterfly was the only punch at Michael's that was sold out!

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  3. Rosa says…

    I love it!! i have a couple very nice butterfly punchers one bit bigger, one a bit smaller it seems but i'm sure i can make it work, thanks for sharing, hugs, Rosa.

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  4. Leigh says…

    Thanks for the inspiration, Ali!
    Last year, I created a Christmas collage like you did in a similar frame and made one for fall, too. I was thinking that I should take down my Christmas one and replace it with a winter one, but hadn't gotten on that yet. Your Weekend Creative Challenge was just what I needed to get it done. Thanks so much!
    You can see my collage here:
    Now to find a butterfly punch so I can make a new collage for spring...

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  5. Cherie says…

    Love this project! Simple, but cute! My kids were even interested in helping!

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  6. Peggi says…

    Love all those precious butterflies - they just look happy! A beautiful project - I definitely want to try it out!

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  7. nicole says…

    Such a cool inspiration - thanks. I did a "Welcome Baby" Card yesterday:

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  8. psmullican says…

    Loved this project, Ali! You can see my take at my blog: Keep the inspiration coming!

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  9. AnnaB says…

    Oh this is sooo cute! You are amazing! I'd love to do something like this.

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  10. Lyn says…

    I just found your site and love this project and LOVE your site! I look forward to checking back often. Thanks for sharing! Lyn

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  11. Michele says…

    This is such a gorgeous creation! Very inspiring!

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  12. Linda A. says…

    This would be a great project to do with that new MM slice I just saw on their blog!

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  13. tania says…

    i bought the jumbo heart punch and made a bunch of 5by7 mini ones. I am going to frame a few but send the rest out in the mail as suprise valentines. Thanks for the inspiration!!! Love the weekend creative prompts you are leaving for us.

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  14. laura says…

    Found that butterfly punch @ Michael's over the weekend....and made a collage of my own! The punch is not as sturdy as my other ones, it actually fell apart the first time I used it! But my oh-so-handy and patient hubby was able to put it back together!
    Thanks for the wonderful idea! It was a lot of fun to make!! =D

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  15. Carrie says…

    Thanks Ali! This was really fun! Only had a heart punch so made a Valentine's Day decoration. Hoping to get my hands on the butterfly punch!
    Love seeing everyone else's take on this great project!

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  16. Chris says…

    Thanks for the wonderful idea!!
    I made one using black paper as the background. I just love it.
    If you want check it out it is posted on my site. Just click on my name and it will take you there.
    Thanks again.

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  17. Corinna Lyons-Revello says…

    As always, you have totally inspired me here. What a fantastic project!

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  18. cheryl says…

    Thank you for this WONDERFUL project idea!!! I actually did one to display in my house for Valentine's Day. I put it on my blog today.

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  19. Patti Q says…

    Love this project! I just did mine this morning, it was quick and fun! Keep 'm coming Ali!

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  20. deB says…

    like everyone here has mentioned I'm never cease to inspire. You're project is fabulous! I'll bet Martha sells some serious butterfly punches after this. ;-)

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  21. Lisa says…

    Super glad you shared this, in fact I did 2 of these this weekend. Love the idea.

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  22. Mel says…

    I love your weekend creative. I have loads of punches I use them mainly for card making although I try to remember them when scrapbooking. I made a little collage with a small daisy punch. The added bonus was how I noticed the patterns of the papers I chose when they were punched out. Just goes to show how looking at something in a different way extends possibilites. Thanks Ali.

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  23. Jess says…

    I was so inspired I made one too. I don't have the butterfly or hearts so I used the old SU! daisy punch. I found myself using the punch like a little flower shaped camera lens. I enjoyed choosing where and how to punch very carefully to get just the effect I wanted. Thank you again for all your inspiration.

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  24. ruth says…

    BEAUTIFUL, I have too many punches to mention, but my favourites are the butterflies. I am craving those Martha ones!

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  25. kendra says…

    Wow. How stunningly simple yet beautiful.

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