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Wednesday Sponsor Giveaways: Get It Scrapped, Lettergirl, and Scarlet Lime


One person will receive an online class spot in Art Journaling 101 and another person will get a spot in Art Journaling 102 with Dina at Get It Scrapped.

Are there are times when photos and journaling on a traditional scrapbook page don’t convey all you’d like? Scrapbooker, mixed-media collage artist, and visual journaler Dina Wakley uses a line-upon-line approach in her online classes at Get It Scrapped! to teach even those who think they’re not artistic the craft of making Art Journal pages. Classes include downloadable pdf and video lessons.

In Art Journaling 102 Dina teaches you how to “amp” up your images, layers, and textures. Art Journaling 101 covers the basics of art and journaling techniques and includes a bonus Spray Ink tutorial.


One person will receive a Katie Return Address Stamp (choice of rubber or self-inking) from Lettergirl.

Gina has been hand-lettering for 16 years. She sells her custom
stationery through retail stationery stores across the country; the "Katie Return Address"
design is an etsy exclusive.

Shop Gina : Meet Gina


One person will receive Scarlet Lime's bright and cheerful February kit. You can read more about Scarlet Lime here.


To be entered into the drawing today leave a comment letting me know something that is making you happy right now. Comments will be closed at 8pm this evening with the winners posted shortly after.

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2774 thoughts

  1. Amanda Berens says…

    A productive day at work....and the fact that my productive day at work is now over...

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Erika M says…

    Watching my daughter sleep, eating a crisp apple, and rainy afternoons are making me quite happy right now!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Lauren says…

    Happy for me today is my daughter who was feeling cruddy yesterday, feeling much better today, and going back to school tomorrow, which means back to work for me!
    Happy that we are all feeling better.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. esther says…

    the listening ear of a good friend

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  5. cindy barriga says…

    I am happy that me and my entire family are healthy and content. That I have a job I love. That I am paying down my debt. That I have a creative outlet. Also, that today I turn 30. I am just plain HAPPY for LIVING. :D

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Katy says…

    thinking about spring being on its way! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Rinda says…

    Something that makes me happy right now is the TV show "Life on Mars." Goofy, I know, but it does.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Denise says…

    I am happy right now watching my 10-yr old daughter cook dinner for the family. She is so proud of herself!

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  9. Micha B says…

    sunny skies pouring light which reflects almost blindingly off the snow is making me really happy! it's so bright it almost feels like spring!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Rosslyn says…

    The recurring thought that makes me most happy right now is it is only 8 weeks until hubby comes home from deployment! Hooray!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Pauline says…

    It's got to be the simple beginnings of spring that are making me happy right now - the weather is suddenly ever so slightly milder and I'm not having to scrape the ice and snow off the car in the mornings!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Delores says…

    I'm totally happy that I'm only 19 hours away from taking my little girl on her first flight on the airplane!!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Melissa Mac. says…

    Quiet time is making me happy right now.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. tara doherty says…

    a student who came to me and tole me that my grade a to him helped him to get a 4000 renewed my faith in my teaching.........

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Michelle says…

    I am happy that there is only one day left of this committee week - it is the last committee week left until Florida's legislative session begins on March 3rd - and strangely enough, I can already see the light at the tunnel!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Lisa Martin says…

    I can't believe you have the time for this! THANK YOU. and if you EVER want to do a give away for Anna C, lemme know! haha AS IF. What's making me happy is a cool shoe box I altered today. It holds my sewing things.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Margarita says…

    I am happy I am changing the way I think. I stopped complaining about a lot of things and just started doing/organizing/learning. It sure feels better to accomplish than to complain!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. melissa says…

    I am happy because I found a job and started last week. I was laid off Oct 2008 and would have been at the job for 19 years this feb. Its hard knowing your a great worker and you feel like no one wants you. The interview preocess was almost 1 month long and had 4 interviews.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Vicky says…

    I am happy that my surgery went smoothly today and that the nerve block is still working so I'm not having any pain!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Brandi George says…

    The sun is shining and making me very happy right now!

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  21. kelli says…

    I am happy because I'm not taking life for granted, and I'm living every moment to the fullest.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. KrlliLee says…

    Selfish I know....but a quiet house :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. CMG says…

    Right Now, many things are making me happy. Here are some reasons:
    I am happy to have a beautiful and healthy family to come home everyday.
    I am happy to see my twenty students in the morning eager to learn.
    I am most happy to see the little faces of my students when they learn their dad is returning from Iraq- it makes a world of difference. At the beginning of the school year when I helped my Kids (students) write their goal for Kindergarten one student surprised me by telling me that his goal was to learn how to get his daddy back. Then he asked if I would be able to teach him that. He wrote numerous letters and notes to him when he felt sad and often visited the "Our Home Family" board and contemplated his family page.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Brandi George says…

    The SUN is shining! This is making me very happy right now!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Linda B says…

    lots of things make me happy this week... friend came through back surgery and is going to be A-OK friend got engaged friend found out she's not sick, but expecting wee one #2
    ...daughter got A- on college physics midterm
    ...I get to see the musical Menopause this Sunday with friends!
    Linda B

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