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I find myself spending lots of time on the couch with little Anna in my arms these days.

This past weekend we moved ourselves over to my parents couch on the Oregon coast. It was a great little getaway and change of scenery. Anna and I stayed on the couch most of the time while Simon got to get outside and run in the dunes, in the tall grass, and on the beach with Grandma & Grandpa.


Grandma and Simon also had a chance to make a cake so we could celebrate Anna's almost one-month birthday. Don't you think it is almost always a good time for cake (especially one with rainbow sprinkles on top)?


Good times (especially when you get to wear your striped pj's all day).



Back at home now and hoping to make some more progress this week getting used to our new normal. Finding myself wanting to get some things done...and get off the couch a bit more at least in the mornings.

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68 thoughts

  1. Sandy says…

    Great photos and looks like you had a great time. I'd sit on the couch and just look at her too.

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  2. Heather S. says…

    Life is such a treasure. Thanks for the reminder every time I visit your blog, Ali.

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  3. julie says…

    I agree, it is always a good time for cake.....Especially when it is made by mother(grandmother) & Simon :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Jenn N says…

    What a beautiful picture of you and Anna.
    Isn't it nice to have the comfort of being at your parents place. They seem to be so wonderful with their grandchildren and those are the relationships and memories Simon and Anna will treasure forever.
    Have a good week and take your time getting off the couch.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Mart says…

    Life is GOOD!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Bonnie says…

    Very Sweet.
    My son will be 8 in a few days and I've been thinking a lot about those times spent together on the couch. It's a time to cherish.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Heather says…

    Enjoy these times, for they won't last for long.

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  8. Angie says…

    Our newest sweetheart is just 11 days old today. I spent the last week hanging out on the couch with Lauren while hubby and the big boys play and go to school. Just this morning I left the house with three kids for the first time and survived! Now we (me Lauren and brother) have all day to hang on the couch again! I am starting to feel the pull to get some stuff done in the mornings too; I think we will start tomorrow though!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Becky Swisher says…

    Aahhh the speed of slow or fast it's a great ride!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Anne M. says…

    Simon looks so much older in the last picture.
    Oh, how I miss those days of couch cuddling with a newborn - mine are 6 and 3.
    Congratulations and enjoy.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Jules D says…

    My son is almost 18 months now and he is in constant motion. I think back on the time when he would sleep on me for hours and I kick myself for wishing that I could get up and get something done. I wish that I had just been completely present, watching him sleep and would have realized how quickly that special time would be over. Sit on the couch, Ali, and enjoy her...please.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Shelly says…

    Aww, what a great photo of you & your baby! Makes me wish I could go back and hold my two daughters again--they're both grown.
    Today I have the opportunity for a girls' shopping day with my "baby", and by the end of a exhausting day I will wish for those days just sitting on the couch holding her.
    Soak up every moment with your little ones.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Gretchyn says…

    The picture of Simon with his striped pants and big grin just make me think of Tigger somehow. Looks like you guys had a great time over the weekend. Thanks for starting my day off with a smile!

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  14. christina says…

    Look at your big, tall, lanky, striped-legged boy! Your mom looks like a wonderful human being--that photo of the two of them with the cake exudes calm. I am finding that the grandparents have been SO helpful in easing the transition to big-brotherness for Bean...
    You and Anna look so peaceful & beautiful too. Glad you got to hang with your mom & dad. Happy almost 1 month to Anna!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. mary says…

    I just want to echo all these comments about taking your time getting off that couch :) The first twelve weeks are so sweet and precious and exhausting, and they pass too quickly. Enjoy more time sitting and gazing at your new sweet babe!

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  16. Jan Connair says…

    I remember the days when it seemed like a huge accomplishment to stop nursing long enough to take a shower by 5 p.m., before my husband got home from work. I don't know where the time goes when there's a new baby in the house, do you?

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  17. DeAnne Barker says…

    I think you look so much like your mom, very nice picture of you and Anna. Thanks for sharing.

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  18. Jackie says…

    Oh, please, stay on the couch and enjoy....♥

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  19. noell says…

    You remind me of your mom in this photo of you and Anna. Sweet.

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  20. gail lindekugel says…

    savor the sweetness of just being right now. I remember the magic of being up in the middle of the night, just my babe, me and the moon in a quiet house listening to the night music and snuggling. It all goes by too fast, my first baby will graduate from college in May when she left our house this weekend I just wished she was still little, would climb the stairs to her room and come down sleepy eyed in the morning to have breakfast at our table. Instead she speeds away in her little pink car to do homework, feed her cats and live her life.(just like we raised to her do...but I miss her!)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Debra Ruth says…

    The very sweetness of every day and every thing when a newbie arrives... time is so fleeting... like the memories of little kicks within, they fade quickly.
    Enjoy and take your time getting back to the mundane, it will always be there, these couch moments will not.:)

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  22. emily falconbridge says…

    aww ali! look at you with your girl! and when did simon grow so gigantic?!! xx

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  23. Puanani says…

    I think you have a little more time on the couch with that little sweet potato...

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  24. Steph H says…

    Cannot wait for those couch moments in the coming months. Well, technically I'm already spending lots of time on the couch because I' so stinking tired. But having company on the couch will be even better!

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  25. Sarah says…

    STAY ON THE COUCH! She'll never be this little again.

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