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Anatomy of an Album: Baby (the beginnings)


American Crafts 12x12 Corduroy album in Blush; K&Company Butterfly; Hambly Butterfly transparency ]

And so it begins. A collection of stuff: images, stories, and bits of this & that picked up along the way.

I want Anna's baby album to essentially be a home for a bunch of different things. Some pages will be artsy, some simple, and others will just act as a place to store stuff. Little things (like the hospital bracelets & hat below) will be kept safe and sound inside the pocket of a page protector.

My mission is to selectively keep stuff, tell stories, and create a home for the memories of her first year. 

This is not an album with a master plan. There are no spots to fill in the blanks. It doesn't all match. Rather it is something that is evolving as she (and I) evolve.

I am using is a 12x12 3-ring album from American Crafts in Blush. Inside are four different sizes of page protectors from American Crafts: 12x12, 8.5x11, 6x12, and the divided 12x12 with 6 pockets for 4x6 photos. The pages are intermixed from one size to another which is one of my favorite things about 3-ring albums.


The current first page (shown above) is a divided page protector from Crop-In-Style that is designed as sticker & die cut storage. I am using these page protectors for little things because each pocket has an extra piece of transparency that essentially closes the pocket keeping the contents safe inside. This particular page protector has 5 pockets and holds a hat, the hospital bracelets, a clothing tag, the newspaper birth announcement, and the proof of the hospital photo. I envision that I will use more of these throughout the album.


[ Information and supplies on this layout can be found here. ]

One of the reasons I like to include 8.5x11 (besides that I like scrapbooking in that size) is that it fits standard sized papers - such as a document from the hospital and some information from the pediatrician that will be fun to look back on some day. The back of the layout above is a certificate from the hospital with Anna's footprints stamped onto the page.


[ Information and supplies on this layout can be found here. ]


Cosmo Cricket Animal Friends patterned paper]

The layout on the back of the music 6x12 page is one that documents what was happening around here at week 6. Journaling is from this post.


[ Hambly Onesie Transparency ]

As I mentioned in the beginning, I don't want this book to be just layouts. I want to include more bits of life such as this onesie. It's one of those tiny ones that only lasts a few weeks but is such a great reminder of what a miracle this whole thing is in our lives. Currently it is just sitting in there on top of the onsie transparency. I am not sure exactly how I am going to attach it to the transparency yet - I don't want any sort of adhesive that will yellow the onsie. 

The next couple pages are divided 12x12 protectors with 6 pockets for 4x6 photos. I want to be able to quickly slip in some of our favorite photos that may or may not be scrapbooked in a crafty way. 

It's a start. I am excited about getting some more stories documented - especially some layouts about meeting family, our time in the hospital, etc. I've done a few more 12x12 double-page spreads for Creating Keepsakes that will be coming out in issues later this year and will be placed in this album once they are photographed. There's no particular order to how I am telling these stories - usually it just depends on which one is inspiring me the most when I have the time to put something together.

I'm also planning to add in some 12x12 photo enlargements - maybe one like this:


I'm excited and inspired to get more of her stories told and to give them a home in this album.

I'll share some more interior shots again in a couple months as the album begins to grow.

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164 thoughts

  1. Jess says…

    A wonderful start to Anna's baby book Ali! So creative and simple.

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  2. Asta says…

    Ali,Anna's baby book is gorgeous. It is a wonderful gift for her. It will remind her of the special bond you share.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Sue says…

    Love what you've done so far. Anna will have a lot of wonderful memoires in that baby book. One suggestion about the onesie - include a photo of Anna in that onesie. You will all marvel at how tiny she was at this point in her life!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. breeoxd says…

    hey, just a quick question. Love the book, but do you notice that the three ring binders get very bulky and run out of room quickly? I stopped using them , tho I like them best. do you have any suggestions? Would love the flexibilty again.

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  5. Steph says…

    It's just beautiful!!! And, oh my gosh, she looks exactly like you in that bottom photo. How cool!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. JennyRebecca says…

    She has Simon's smile!!!

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  7. Scraptician says…

    This is good stuff, Ali. And though the days of my babies are long gone (my oldest turns 18 next week), I appreciate the opportunity to share in your time with Anna.

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  8. Renee says…

    Have you considered using those cute baby safety pins to attach the onesie to the transparency?? Like the ones with little ducks on them? That would be cute and then you wouldn't have to use any adhesive at all.
    Love what you have done so far. I have no kids, and live vicariously through others. LOL

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. SueB says…

    Love the album and especially the smiley 'n Mom pic at the bottom of the post - it's a keeper! TFS!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Jan Connair says…

    Anna's album is shaping up nicely!
    I wonder if you could just put the onesie into a large Ziploc bag and 3-ring punch the sides of the bag, or staple it onto the Hambly transparency. I have my kids' first outfits in Ziplocs in what we call their "keepsake boxes." My oldest 2 sons are 23 and 21, and the outfits are still in great shape--not yellowed at all.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Michelle says…

    This album is precious! I love how you are mixing page sizes and items all into one concise album. A beautiful keepsake to treasure for years! Thanks so much for always sharing your process with us.

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  12. Karen Kennedy says…

    Thanks so much for sharing your journey. I always am so inspired by your creativity. I have my little one's hats and clothes in a keepsake box, but I really like the idea of putting them right in the album so we can marvel at the miracle. I am working on my 2 year old and 9 month old's books and using AC 3 rings too. I started with posts and quickly moved to 3 ring because I love adding the different page protector sizes. Thanks again for sharing your life!

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  13. Elise Blaha says…

    Ali, I love this.

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  14. Cyndi says…

    You could sew the onsie on.

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  15. Susan W says…

    It is beautiful. Makes me want to have another baby :)

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  16. Nicky from Canada says…

    Love it Ali - it is a perfect baby book - she is so cute.

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  17. Staci Miserlian says…

    Ah, I see I was not the first, but I would suggest stitching the onesie on with white thread - not all the way around, just tacking down key areas.
    This looks like a wonderful, creative remembrance book.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Marty says…

    You are such an amazing,creative artist. Such neat ideas and precious memories. I am in awe!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Vera says…

    This is perfect. I have a box of these baby items and I have photo albums. Thanks for the 'permission' to put them all together! : )

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  20. Katie says…

    This album is adorable...and so is her little face. I'm inspired to finally start an album I've been putting off for a long time.

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  21. Michelle says…

    HI Ali-
    The album is so precious! I have another onesie idea- try sewing it on with embroidery floss, maybe a cute tiny butterfly design in certain spots to tack it into place. Safety pins would be cute, but I think they would leave a "rust" mark after a while.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. texasgirl says…

    Love how your album is coming together. That picture of her is just way to cute!

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  23. Danielle says…

    I love what you are doing with Anna's album it's going to be a beautiful book for her and for you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Noell Hyman says…

    I use these same corduroy AC albums (LOVE them) and I haven't felt like they were getting full too quickly...makes me wonder, though. What did you switch to?

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  25. Noell Hyman says…

    I love this idea of the safety pins. I was also thinking you could add clear stitching to certain areas--just enough to keep the outfit flat--like packaging for dolls.
    Both of these options would allow for removal in case you ever want to, without doing any damage to the outfit.

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