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Seeing Things


[ Supplies: AE Baby Girl Tags; AE Baby Pink Patterns & Solids; AE Baby No. 1 Word Art; Andrea Victoria Faux Bois Spring Paper Pack; Anna Aspnes CurvyCorner Stitched Blocks No. 1; Katie Pertiet Library Card Collection Basics; KP Curled Notebook Paper; KP Botanist Overlay No. 4; KP Clock Part Elements ]

I have been finding a nice rhythm between my digital and paper scrapbooking lately. Some days I feel like just working on the computer and other days I want to cut & paste (and then of course there are the days when I do both). I don't have any set rules for why one story would be told digitally
and another with paper. It's really more how I feel at the moment. These days this is often dictated by the new little person in my world.

Sketch Something I hope you see, whether I post a digital or a paper layout (or one that includes a bit of both), is that they are both open for translation (read more about the idea of translation from a post last November here). The digital layout above could easily be replicated with paper elements (see sketch to the left).

So much of creativity is about how you see things; and more often than not how you allow yourself to be open to seeing things in new ways. 

It's been my experience that many of us tend to pass by things in our surroundings with a nonchalant "this doesn't apply to me" thought as we rush on to the next thing on our list. We move too quickly to whatever is next: the next image, the next page, the next person, the next job, the next thought, without really looking or giving something the chance to inspire us.

Today I challenge you to take a closer look at something you initially pass by. Slow down. Do a double-take. Take a deep breath. Let yourself be inspired by something you would normally skip. This could be an image online or a conversation or a new person or something you read in the newspaper. 

There are so many gems hidden in our world if we just slow down enough to experience them.


Today is the last day of Designer Digitals Quarterly Sale: 30% off everything in the store. Here are a couple shopping suggestions from the layout above:


Baby Girl Tags: these would work great printed on cardstock and used on a paper layout. There's also a Baby Boy version. 


Katie Pertiet's Library Card Collection


Anna Aspnes CurvyCorner Stitched Blocks No.1


Katie Pertiet's Clock Parts


Curious about digital scrapbooking? Wondering where to begin? Check out the links here for more information.

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31 thoughts

  1. cindy mandernach says…

    what a sweet picture. she looks so much like you, ali. love the clock parts. i really need to start the digital part of scrapbooking, too afraid i guess.

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  2. Lara says…

    I admire (and envy) the time you make for everything. You are an inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Aseel says…

    I love your layout, so pink and "soft"!
    I am sitting at the computer with morning sickness (so bad!) trying to stay positive and telling myself I can get through this, your posts and layouts never cease to inspire me and make me smile!
    Thank you Ali! Have a wonderful day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Hannah says…

    beautiful layout!
    I recently scraplifted a digital layout from a magazine that I just loved....and I did it all traditional....! It turned out great!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. christen says…

    what a beautiful layout. i love the idea of scraplifting ideas from digital to traditional layouts. i have tried it a few times and been very happy with the outcome. thanks.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Amy Zarrella says…

    that is a GORGEOUS layout...going into my "to scraplift" file!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. lillian says…

    Hi Ali:
    I've been really working on my proportions. So often my pages look just a little off - and I think it is a proportion issue. If it's not too much trouble, could you tell me the size of each of the elements on your 12x12 page? Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Heather Crawford says…

    Hi Ali..such a sweet, soft it..I play around with digital and tend to be more hybrid..I have bought SO many of your brushes..just can't resist them! Wondering how you round the corners of your pictures? Is there a quick and easy way to do it with a clipping mask or something?

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Jill says…

    It is so refreshing to read about another artist that doesn't have any rhyme or reason as to which pages/projects are fully paper, digital or hybrid. I just do it as I get the urge and it is all good recorded memories!
    Anna is so adorable!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Laurel says…

    OMG what a gorgeous layout!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Joy Buss says…

    I LOVE your challenge for the day. Been trying to slow down more lately and cherish the little things. I feel life is moving to quickly right now. My daughter has been wanting to look at scrapbooks at night before bed so we have been going through all of them. Wow..seems like that baby stage was just yesterday and now my oldest son is going to Highschool next year. Thanks for the inspiration and the reminder!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Dori says…

    Absolutely lovely.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Sarah in Iowa says…

    I love it! (If only I could get out of this NESTING MODE and start srapbooking; although, I know that there are too many things to do before this baby arrives.... especially now that we're told he's measuring 1wk5days too big! That means, he could be here any time now! YIKES!)
    Best to walk away from the computer.... things to do!
    Thanks for sharing another INCREDIBLE page with us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Jill says…

    Great advice, as always! You get enough attention for your creativity, but I hope people are also aware of your "notice life" "appreciate today" philosophies. Even if I stopped scrapping tomorrow, I would still follow your blog. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. jamie says…

    great post. incredible layout. i had to 'look' again to see it was digital. it looks so 'natural'.
    your words are right on. i have been on the couch sick for the past day. while down i found myself looking deep into my children's faces as they were in the room. listening to them talk. their facial expressions. trying to connect with what makes them 'them'. it resonates with your challenge to slow down and take things in more. yikes...these kids are growing so quickly, and they will never be this age again.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Kristin Rutten says…

    Beautiful LO, Ali ... I have to admit, I love when you do digital. Love your paper stuff, too, but since I'm about 99% a digi-gal, love to see what you do on your computer. Which is why your post was great, too... I'm one of those that tends to breeze by the paper (not in the store, unfortunately, but in the "how-to's"). Enjoyed your chat, yesterday, too. I don't know how you squeeze it all in, but I'm sure glad you do!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Ali Edwards says…

    I count nesting as a wonderful form of creativity! Enjoy it :).

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Jenny says…

    Ali, this is a gorgeous page! A quick question for you - what font did you use for the words "mama" and "sweet baby Anna"?
    Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Ali Edwards says…

    Sure - the photo is 7.5 inches x 5 inches. The notebook paper is 8.25 x 10.5. The library card is 3 x 4.75. The other patterned area is 4.25 x 4.75.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Aubrey Ervin says…

    You are so right!!
    I appreciate your constant inspiration!
    I actually was struck by one of your posts of your Anna's room a few months ago and was inspired to make an alphabet print of my own!
    I posted about it below if you want to see it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Ali Edwards says…

    Edwardian Script :)

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  22. Andrea says…

    Beautiful layout, Ali. I didn't even realize it was digital until I read your post. Digital is becomeong more and more appealing as it looks more traditional, but I just feel like I am so computer-skill lacking sometimes and I always talk myself out of trying.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Tammy says…

    I'm so glad that more "traditional" scrappers are joining in the freedom of digital and/or hybrid scrapping! I personally love my paper and adhesive, but being a hybrid scrapper has opened up my creativity and productivity SO much! Thanks for sharing your amazing skills with us everyday! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Kathy F says…

    I made it a point to go to DD this morning after reading your blog! :) Such cute stuff over there and I did get the baby boy and girl tags... :)
    Oh, Dedra, tagged me and I am tagging you for blog tag! :) If you would like to are the details:

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. anna says…

    that layout is sooo inspiring as well as your thoughts on how you've been scrapping lately. whatever you feel like is a great way to scrap! :)
    also, it was fun viewing your blog after a week (gasp) of not being able to!
    thanks for sharing with us ali!

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