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And the giveaways go to...

One person will receive Express The Moment's May kit. This month's theme is Unforgettable and sells for $24.95 (over $40 in retail product).

K Weston • Not nearly enough time. A few hours a week perhaps. But then, I really
consider blogging an opportunity to record, so if we're counting that,
it's more like an hour or so each day.

One person will receive a great package from that includes a Silk-Covered Accordion Album with photo corners, a very cool Masking Tape from LInvite (Red Dots print), and 3 sticker sheets.

April Styles • I scrapbook whenever I get a chance these days! My son is now down to
ONE nap a day and I make sure that all my 'chores' are done so I can
use his nap time wisely...which means SCRAPPING!!! xx

One person will receive the four lovely season stamps shown above from Catslife Press.

hayley kiernan • Need more time to do more scrapbooking. I try and do a little bit each
week when I can inbetween working and looking after my children as
husband works away. Probably would do more if I had a craft room.
Before every meal have to clear away else its messy scrapbook pages!

K, April, and Hayley please email me at ali at ali edwards design dot com with your contact information.

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8 thoughts

  1. Kim Rose says…

    Congrats to the Winners! As soon as I get the contact info I will ship your kit!
    Kim Rose
    Express the Moment

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. anon says…

    sadly, all i find lately is product placement on this blog. :( i hope we will return to more substantive post soon. i am a big fan - but tired of just reading product pushing, day in and day out. where is the content?

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Carolyn says…

    I so disagree with the anonymous post - I love the chance to win some products I may not try if Ali didn't post about them; and she just had a baby, I think she's doing an awesome job keeping up with her blog and all the other things life brings with a new addition... of course I don't take much stock in a comment posted anonymously either, can't be courageous enough to give constructive criticism in a respectful manner... bleh! Love your blog Ali :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Vickie says…

    Congrats to all the winners!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Debbie S says…

    I agree with Carolyn. It's amazing and wonderful that Ali gives us the opportunity to win some prizes, and expose us to what is working for her. The woman has a husband, a young son and a new born baby, for goodness sake! Give credit where credit is due. Every little bit is an effort made for her readers and fans.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. SusyC says…

    What a stupid comment anon, no wonder you didn't put your name to it. I am amazed that Ali hasn't taken time out after the birth of her beautiful baby girl. All credit to her for maintaining her blog to the extent she has. I too like the opportunity to win new products (as yet unlucky, but hopeful). I also like to see what new products are available on the market (although sadly, many are not available here in the UK) and you can bet your bottom dollar that if Ali endorses them, they are great! Thank you for your time Ali, it must be quite difficult for you to fit everything in at the moment. Kisses to Anna. xx

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Ali Edwards says…

    Thanks for the feedback anon.
    I actually agree and am in the process of coming up with some strategies & ideas for providing more balance overall. The product placement will not be going away but I am working towards adding more content-rich posts and theme weeks (look for the addition of second posts to my daily line-up coming soon).
    Next time feel free to leave your real name. I appreciate constructive feedback.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Shellly says…

    I love seeing all the new products that Ali shows. If I see a new product that I like listed here, I can go directly to the web-site and purchase it, or sometimes I'll see something that gets my "creative spark" going. This also saves me a lot of time going from web-site to web-site searching for products, or aisle by aisle (and spending too much seeing all the temptation) at a store.
    So, Ali keep all the new product updates coming my way!

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