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Three Things + 1 : Adhesives


Adhesives aren't glamorous but they are totally necessary for the stuff we create. In a wonderfully simple world one type of adhesive would work great for each step of a project but the reality is that different adhesives are needed for different parts of the process. Here's the four I use the most:

3L Scrapbook Adhesives 3D Foam Squares : Love these for lifting up photos, embellishments, and other accents.

Therm O Web Super Tape : Love this double-sided tape for adhering ribbon, strips of paper, or other long thin elements. This is also great for adhering patterned paper to the outer edges of chipboard minibooks. Super, super strong.

Kokuyo Dot N Roller : I have to admit that I am seriously attached to this adhesive. It is my favorite for adhering photos, papers, etc - the basics.

Glue Dots Mini Glue Dot Sheets : My favorite for tiny little embellishments.

[ Three Things is a weekly product series : check out the archives here. ]


A very warm welcome to my newest sponsors: Coordinates Collections, Ormolu, Arlyna's Closet, Express The Moment, ReVa Scrapbooking Kits, Transparent Touches, and Creating Keepsakes Events. Look for giveaways from each company coming soon.

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23 thoughts

  1. {vicki} says…

    I have never used the thermo tape, but will give it a try since you reccommend it.

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  2. Nicky from Canada says…

    Will need to try some of the super tape for a mini book - they are my favorite type of project.

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  3. Alexis says…

    Scrapbooks are so much fun to make! =) Its been a while since I've actually had time to do anything like that, but I think this weekend I'll try and start on one. Maybe I can get my sis to help! =)
    Alex - Professional Cutie

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  4. Kris B. in Rochester, NY says…

    Can't believe I use all of those, too! Love 'em all but I use the Kokuyo Tape N Roller vs. the Dot N Roller...haven't ever tried the dot since the tape does exactly what I want. Might have to pick up some next time, to give it a try, too!

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  5. the craftivist says…

    i'm a total convert to dot-roller type adhesives as well. i love that the one I have is moveable as well, so I can change around a layout and am not locked into any mistakes I may make. For a perfectionist like me, it’s genius!

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  6. angelaschlater says…

    I am also a huge fan of super tape but recently have become obsessed with thermoweb's sticky lines. It is a little easier to work with, especially for ribbon, and they make it in several widths. you should check it out.

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  7. Traci says…

    I LOVE Kokuyo Adhesive. Its the Best!!!!

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  8. tere says…

    I have so many great comments about -Dot N Roller-, and now that you too recommend it i want to give it a try!
    My problem is that I'm so addictied to adhesives :) I love them, I have a little lazy susan on my scraptable to hold my little collection!! :) next time i see them on slae i'll try the -Dot N Roller- :)

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  9. Jaana says…

    I'll echo some love for the Kokuyo Dot 'n' Roller. Seriously the best adhesive I've ever used. I've got my sister converted, too. We've taken to buying it in bulk!

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  10. Pascale says…

    I started to use Kokuyo Dot'n Roller in Japan and I'm totally addicted to it. The trouble is, refills are hard to find in Europe...Thanks again for allowing me to translate and post your article, I just finished the translation and your useful advice will be available in French on my blog tomorrow!

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  11. lizgleason says…

    i really hate to be the downer of this discussion. from a previous blog about your favorite adhesives i bought the dot and roller AND the 6 pack. i think you suggested it for a christmas present. anyone remember?! and at first i LOVED IT! it was great....until i had to refill it. and every refill after that wouldn't work, like the used tape wouldn't flow onto the other just stayed flappin' about. so i had to improvise as not to waste anything. eh, i'm not sure i'd get it again. but i love the glue dots and the foam 3d adhesive! =)

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  12. sue says…

    man... how many sponsors do you have? I am so currious as to how much money your blogs generates... Dont get me wrong I sooo love your blog and style... but wow.. they go all the way down the page and beyond... after watching a swgment on Oprah when some blogger (whose bog i didnt think was as good as yours) apparently made enough money to live of her sponsors... i found this a little hard to believe.... I wonder if having sponsors makes this more of a job than a personal blog and whether the you lose a little of the fun that blogging brings a person when it becomes a job rather than a source of exploration, sharing and joy.... anyway... love the blog.. thanks for the rant :0)

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  13. Ali Edwards says…

    That is such a bummer Liz. I have a local friend who had the same thing happen - I wonder if there was a bad batch?

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  14. Ali Edwards says…

    Hi Sue - this blog is definitely a part of my job and part of the way I support our family financially. I am really lucky that I get to have a job that is related to my passion for memory keeping and creativity. I am also really thankful that the sponsors have chosen to support my efforts here online.

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  15. Ali Edwards says…

    And it is definitely still fun.

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  16. ~KellyAnn~ says…

    I agree that adhesives aren't glamorous - but couldn't the manufactures at least invest in some graphics that are a little more appealing, colorful and enticing??!
    *That's the graphic designer/graphic artist in me coming out!

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  17. lizgleason says…

    thanks for responding ali. heehee, you were responding to me! =) but i was very in awe over it. i just couldn't believe it!! you recommended it, and i read some reviews on it and did see that a few had problems. i would love to try it again, because i really did love it to death...literally! i'll give the new glue dot roller a chance, but really miss the the dot n'roller.
    did or do you have any problems with refilling?

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Sue says…

    I am very glad to hear that it is still fun for you... maybe you are very lucky but you are definately very talented... we all love to people watch.. and blogs are the ultimate people watch medium... but its awesome to find a blog that you want to return daily to see what's going on... you make us think and laugh and create... what could be better than that.
    Congrats on the new baby she is adorable...

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  19. Laura Reaux says…

    I started using the Dot N Roller a while back, maybe a year ago or more? And I have never turned back. I love it! I have the mini Glue dots, too. I'll have to try the other 2 one day.

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  20. Katie Squires says…

    my fav glue is TOMBOW MONO GLUE....I use it on everything :) Even to glue my kids doll furniture back together :)

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  21. Jaimee says…

    I am obsessed with Thermo Tape...I don't think I could live without it :)

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  22. Linda says…

    I love that our routine can relax, and no more homework time after school!

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  23. Sharon says…

    Hi Ali,
    I am just wondering if you would consider posting anything NEW about adhesive, what you are perhaps going to use now that the Kokuyo Dot n' Roller has been discontinued. (You probably have a stash to tie you over:-) But I think it caught alot of people by surprise and they will be looking for a new one to use, I know I am!
    Have a happy Friday!

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