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Eight Months & New Layered Template

Click for a larger view. Supplies: Katie Pertiet: Naturally KraftyNotebook Paper Pack, Beige Paper Alpha Caps; Michelle Martin Colbie Solids, Ethan Solids; Anna Aspnes: Stitched By Anna White No 1; Ali Edwards Remember Good Times Template; Circle Month Overlays; Patti Knox DIY Acrylic Alphabet.

Here's the journaling

Eight months. Eight months of life. Everyone always talks about how fast it all goes by, this thing called life, and boy does that manifest itself right in front of your eyes with an infant. I have said it before and I know I will say it again, Anna, we are so glad you are a part of our family. Not a day goes by that one of the three of us doesn’t remark on how cute you are or how cool it is that you are with us. It’s hard to explain just exactly what the impact you have made on each one of us really is and maybe it just can’t be defined. You are here and you are joy. Living and breathing and crying and laughing and watching and eating and swimming joy. 

At the eight month mark you are still sitting absolutely straight and tall with an inkling for moving forward out of that position. You are most enamored with your brother. He can make you laugh consistently and your eyes are always watching to see just what he is going to do next. You are still a tiny little thing at just 5% for weight, weighing in at 14 pounds, 10 ounces last week. You are definitely wanting to be a part of everything happening around here my little wide-eyed sprite.


AE_RememberGoodTimes_LAYEREDTEMPLATE_PREV  AE_CircleMonthsOverlays_PREV 

Remember Good Times Template and Circle Month Overlays

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46 thoughts

  1. Teresa Victor says…

    Gorgeous layout, Ali. :) We're going through so many of the same emotions here with our just turned 7 month old little Ella. Life sure is AMAZING. Anna is beautiful! Have a great week!

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  2. Jennifer says…

    Not only does the time go so fast but she will advance so quickly having Simon as a role model. I am constantly blown away by some of the things that my 19 mo. old daughter does b/c she has a big brother (whom she idolizes). Enjoy, as I know you do! :)

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  3. lisa says…

    My guy is 18, a Senior, preparing for college, moving out, going forward. Oh, how fast it goes. I could have sworn he was 8 months old just yesterday. So glad you inspired me to capture everyday moments with him, Ali. We both sat down and looked at some of his scrapbooks last week...and I was struck by how different our memories were of some of the moments, and by how grateful we were to relive the moments together, as adults.
    Also, really enjoying Yesterday & Today!

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  4. Maureen says…

    (wrong box at first...)
    I love seeing the progression with your little love. Amazing how infectious that joy is. Enjoy!

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  5. Leora Henkin says…

    How beautiful. And, I can't beleive that she is 8 months old already. How did that happen!
    Thanks for sharing, Leora

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  6. Katie says…

    So precious. She is adorable!

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  7. Cynthia says…

    The journaling. Oh she will treasure this so much:) life goes by so quick and to take the time to document. You rule.
    Ali,I see you have been doing so much more digital. What do you prefer more? traditional or digital? Cynthia

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Kathleen D says…

    I don't know how you do it all! Blogging and running your Y&T class at the same time, and not to mention taking care of your lovely family. Just wanted to post here how much I love your Y&T class! The amount of input you give is amazing and makes the class so "totally worth it". It feels like we have one on one contact with you. I took a few of your workshops years ago when you went to Va. I flew in from FL to meet a girlfriend and that weekend it "snowed". Being from FL. I was ecstatic to get to scrap "snow pictures." Doing the Y&T class has brought back these fond memories and many more. Just lovin' it! Thanks!
    (aka Katemac)

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  9. Kathy W says…

    Wow, wow, wow. I can't tell you how much I wish that I had this kind of album for my "baby" (now 21). Not just the pictures (I actually have those) but the wonderful, detailed journaling. Maybe it's not to late if I take those photos and dig deep for memories....I also look at this and think what a treasure this would be if those photos and thoughts were about me, looking at myself as a baby with my mom's thoughts at a time I couldn't remember. This is such a gift for Anna; thanks for sharing.

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  10. Gen says…

    Hi Ali,
    Do I have to have photoshop in order to use the layered templates and overlays? I really would like to use them but I am not sure how they work.

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  11. Anna Aspnes says…

    Sweet sweet girl! Love the different angles on that circle BrushSet

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  12. Vanessa Rae says…

    Ali, thank you so much for sharing your life with us. You are such a great mom, artist and writer. And doesn't time just seem to fly while witnessing the lives of those you love?!

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  13. Melanie K. says…

    Oh my gosh! She IS tiny! She is so adorable though ... I was studying your layouts (that is what I do with your layouts) in CK this month ... you are truly a wonderful artist. Simple (but deceptively so!) ... you always are able to infuse your layouts with such MEANING. Not just embellishments. Thank you for sharing it all with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Ali Edwards says…

    Hi Gen - you do need to have Photoshop or Photoshop Elements to use the layered templates. Many of the other elements (like the circle overlays used here) can be opened in Word and printed. Here's a link to some more information on both: /hybriddigital-scrapbookin.html

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Ali Edwards says…

    Hi Cynthia - I like both of them equally well. At different times I feel like using one or the other (or a hybrid combination) for the different stories I am telling. I don't feel like it needs to be one or the other. It might seem like I have been doing more digital based on what you have seen here on my blog recently, but most of my layouts for Creating Keepsakes are all paper as well as the pages I did for my Yesterday & Today class. I still do more paper overall ;).

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  16. angie says…

    I feel so much of what you wrote. We have two boys, 6 and 4 and our girie is 7 mos; born two weeks after your Anna on the 26th of Feb. Life is so perfect for us with three but even more so having the experience of a daughter. WOW, life is so sweet. And oh my your Anna girl is lovely and so petite and tiny!! Our Lauren is a bit more chunky! She is the other side of the curve at 95%!! Thanks for sharing the page of her, it is great!

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  17. Melanie J says…

    That is a wonderful LO, Ali. I love the progressive photos and the sweet journaling that you included--not just where she is at developmentally, but where you are all at emotionally. She is a little one! My 11-month-old is topping the scales at 27 lbs. right now. Fun how they are all different :)
    Congrats to the winners!

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  18. Angela W says…

    Beautiful! Your creations are always so gorgeous!

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  19. liz says…

    Oh Ali, you really are so good at what you do. I LOVE Anna. She deserves every layout you dedicate to her, as does Mr. Simon.

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  20. Annette says…

    love the layout Ali. I too have a tiny one he is now 9 and finally weighs in at 52lbs.... Had to do a lyout when he hit 50.... The best part about that is that they stay little longer (LOL) he is in the 10% since birth on heigh and weight... Someday he will be tall and slender and I will wonder where did the time go...
    Enjoy them both. Thanks for all of the inspiration and for the Y&T Class just amazing, looking forward to Thursday.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Hajira says…

    Love the layouts! and want to use the templates. Do you have any tips for converting 12x12 templates to 8.5x11? Thanks!

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  22. Anita G. says…

    Oh she is just adorable...I can see Simon in her face! I soo enjoy following your blog and looking at your work...just love it! Enjoy this first you already will go by soo fast.

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  23. alexa says…

    Beautifully designed and crafted layout :) I love your work ... Just purchased the overlays! How did you do the writing round the circles?

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  24. lynne moore says…

    just love the nickname "sprite." I tried to get my daughter to "pick" that name this year. She is stuck on trixiie tho. (Spelling intentional).

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  25. Marie-Précieuse says…

    Hi Ali! I love this layout!! And I see you in Annas little face on month 7! Gorgeous! and so precious!! :)

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