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Anna At 11 Months : Scrapbook Layout & Glass Bead Gel Embellishments


Today I am telling a little story about Anna at 11 months.

This layout is a good example of combining a bunch of different techniques on one page: photo enlargement, hybrid scrapbooking (printing out some of my new twill strips from Designer Digitals and adhering them), playing with Golden Glass Bead Gel and UTEE to create my own heart embellishments. All this while telling a story about what's happening with Anna right now.

Here's a look at my process:

Re-size an image to 12 inches wide in Photoshop (300dpi). Change the canvas size to make it a few inches taller to accommodate the twill strips. Open, drag, and drop the twill strips onto the large canvas. When I can I like to get a couple things onto a page at one time before printing.

If you have an over-size printer you can print at home or upload to your favorite developer. Here at home I am using the HP Photosmart B8550 Inkjet Photo Printer
and the above image was printed on 13x19 photo paper from Office Max.

Trim your photo and twill strips and grab a 12x12 sheet of cardstock for your background. This cardstock will be completely covered so it doesn't matter what color you choose.

After printing and trimming and cutting a strip of cream heart pattern paper I decided to play around with some of Tim's Grungeboard heart shapes (from the Elements package). 


STEP FIVE : Paint all the hearts. I used Delta in Antique White.

After letting the paint dry I coated three of the hearts with Golden Glass Bead Gel. Above you can see an image of what it looks like inside the container - essentially it's a gel medium (basically an adhesive) mixed with tiny glass beads. I applied it liberally with a paint brush and let it dry.


On the other three medium sized hearts I used a small dot stamp and embossed with clear UTEE (ultra thick embossing enamel).


STEP SEVEN : I printed my journaling onto the cream heart pattern paper and after all the hearts were dry and the beads were set (I let them sit overnight) I adhered them with foam dots. 

Here's a look at the scanned image of the layout (scallop ribbon from American Crafts):

AE_anna11months_Low click to view larger

JOURNALING : January 10, 2010 : My dear sweet Anna girl, today you are 11 months old and man how we love you so! Here are some of the things you are doing right now: (1) Crawling super fast, especially when attempting to get into your brother’s bedroom and get your hands on his legos. You are definitely speedy but you also like to stop along the way to see if anyone is watching - this is also a very quick stop + look move. (2) When you aren’t crawling you are standing & cruising along furniture and grabbing at anything and everything. You seem especially fond of magazines, books and computer cords. (3) You got a fun push toy for Christmas and have been having a fun time walking with that around the living room and up and down the hallway. (4) Eating so many things! You pretty much eat what I eat and you drink from a sippy cup (but you definitely want my glass of water instead). (5) You have developed a fondness for a white stuffed cat and a little giraffe-blanket we call your snugglie. (6) You LOVE looking outside and going outside and always seem ready to venture out. (7) And the books. One of my favorite things is your interest in looking at, turning the pages, and being read to anytime. It’s so fun to watch your interests changing and growing and your personality developing. Love you.

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85 thoughts

  1. Kristi says…

    Ali, that bead gel looks awesome! I can't wait to give it a try :-) I love Anna's layout.

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  2. 2littlezsandme says…

    Love this layout, Ali! My goodness, how time flies!?! Eleven months. Sweet girl.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. jennifer hamilton says…

    I also LOVE this layout! Thanks for the inspiration! btw She is a DOLL :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Debbie Servantez says…

    Adorable picture of your daughter! And your layout is an inspiration. Thanks for sharing! ( I remember my girls at this stage...they leave a trail, don't they? )

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. stephanie says…

    Thanks for sharing this. My daughter is 18 mos. and it reminds me how time flies and how I need to capture some of these things. Love that you enlarged the photo.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Brooke says…

    Thanks for the detailed look at your process.
    My son is 18 months and I think the last portrait I took of him was at 11 months!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Dmarie says…

    This is as sweet as the little girl in the photo...your daughter is beautiful.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Catherine A. says…

    Thank you so much for taking the time and documenting/sharing this with us. It's a lovely layout and what a beautiful little girl you have.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Debbie Smith says…

    Ali, I love the technique of using one enlarged photo and illustrating Anna's personality and actions with words. You describe the simple act of crawling so well, it's a story in itself! My 14 month old Angus is also crawling - now I feel inspired by your LO and free to use one favourite photo and words to fill in the rest of the story.
    I wish it was cheaper in Australia to get enlargements of photos though.
    Debbie ;-)

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  10. EssenseVibez says…

    seems like you just had her yesterday--great layout!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. emmamason says…

    aaah the inpsiration!
    and how cute is she!!!?!
    is the photo 12X6 or 12X7 or is it just 12 X something ish?

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Lynette says…

    So simple...and so utterly beautiful.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Annette says…

    love the layout...Hard to believe that she is almost a year old. What a beauty she is.....My first grandbaby is due in a few months, a girl. Looking forward to using up some of the girly stuff I have.... Thanks for the inspiration daily. Your blog is my favorite place to visit in the morning...

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Jenink says…

    thanks so much for showing the 'step by step'- seeing the process is really helpful. I'm just starting to explore hybrid scrapping and really need the inspiration.

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  15. Esther says…

    So much sweetness!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Majda says…

    This is so sweet and Anna is such a beautiful baby-girl! Thank you for all your inspiration, Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Suzana says…

    So lovely! Anna is a very cute little girl!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Sandi Keene says…

    What a great layout and new technique. Thank you for sharing with us. Hello, Story!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. ale says…

    ali, anna grows prettier and prettier every day! thank you for the inspiration and for sharing your creative process with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Jan C. says…

    Gorgeous hybrid layout. That photo of Anna is perfection.

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  21. Peggy says…

    1) Isn't she just adorable!?!?!!!! Oh, knew that!!
    2) Love the layout!! Thanks for the step by step, how-to.
    3) Thanks for the reminder to journal as if you were speaking to her. Because ultimately, she will be the one picking up the book and noticing how much Mommy adored her every moment.
    Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Sue says…

    Beautiful layout and thanks for the step-by-step. She's such a sweet little girl and I just can't believe how quickly this year has flown by. Next thing you know, it'll be 'birthday time'!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. says…

    Only one "word" Ali! WAOW! it's great! and Anna is so cute!Thanks for sharing

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Leslie says…

    Such a cutie!!! It's so fun to watch Anna growing up (and remembering when my youngest was 11 months old).

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Aseel says…

    A lovely photo of Anna and a great layout. Thank you for sharing. It's a good reminder to capture what my 20 month old and three year old are into right now.

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