Shop our new Pieces of Us Collection!
Shop our new Pieces of Us Collection!
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Stock up now during our Christmas in July Sale
Stock up now during our Christmas in July Sale

And the giveaways go to...

Congratulations to the following:

Two people will receive Compositors from

(1) sarah • I love my camera, because it can capture the memories I want to hold onto and help me rememeber those that i will want to look back on later on, even if it might not be right at the moment. I love when they say a picture is worth a thousand words.

(2) dawn • My favorite new tool is my fisheye lens! I haven't had the chance to try it out yet, but am super excited to get some creative shots with it soon! I would love to learn more about photography! Great giveaways!

One person will win the “Life is Good” collection kit ($30) AND the add-on kit too ($10) from Treasury of Memories.

ereive • My favorite creative tool is probably my vintage typewriters that I recently got on ebay and had refurbished. I have one with a regular font and one with a cursive font. They are amazing. They give everything that little bit of vintage flair that I am loving right now. It's funny that I use my computer so much for so many things, but at the end of the day, I would just rather use the typewriter to journal... I love them. :)

Clickin Moms is giving away a 6 month membership.

KathleenB • My favorite tool right now would have to be inks! I love to ink everything. Great giveaways again...thank you so much. Hope your family is on its way back to good health soon!

If you see your name above please email me ali at aliedwardsdesign dot com with your contact information.

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3 thoughts

  1. Tara McK says…

    congrats everyone who won :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Elizabeth says…

    Thanks for hosting the fun specials Ali! We LOVED all the great emails we're receiving from your "feature!"

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. erin reive says…

    yea Ali! Thanks so much... I used to live in Bellingham and went to Western and I used to love going to Treasury of Memories... I am sooo happy I won this kit! I miss that store. :)

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