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Today You & Special Offer From

Today you started third grade.

You were up at 6:30am after a bit of gentle prodding (it's hard to get up early again after a summer of late sleeping) and had a breakfast of bagel with cream cheese, OJ, and vitamins. It's your breakfast of choice during the school year - at least it was in second grade.

You chose to wear long shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt telling me that you weren't yet ready for pants. The new shoes bought for you a few weeks back are already worn with extended outside use - especially while climbing trees in the backyard.

The bus comes to this house a bit later than at our last house (which means you get to sleep at least a half-hour more). You and Anna and I waited out on the front porch for the new bus driver.

You didn't seem nervous, in fact I'd say you were excited.

The bus pulled up, you climbed right on, and off you went.

Today your sister really wanted to get on that bus with you.

Today you ate "back to school" cupcakes baked by Katie when you got home. You ran around a bit outside, watched Cyberchase online, and had an apple along with more than enough cupcakes.

You were mad that we wouldn't take you to Target to get a new Buzz Lightyear.

You got over it.

In the late afternoon you and Anna danced and sang and argued and whined a bit about the Wiggles before we ate chicken nuggets, fruit salad and french fries for dinner.

Around 7:45pm you took a bath and put your jammies on and asked me to read the next chapter in Charlie And The Chocolate Factory.

Today you and I had a great talk about conversations. Before you feel asleep we talked about your day and how it went and what was your favorite part. I asked you questions, you answered, and then you asked me questions about my day. You told me that third grade was cool.

Your sparkly eyes told me even more.

WHAT I LOVED ABOUT DOING THIS | Doing this forces me to slow down, to reflect, to remember the little details, and to feel lots of love in my heart for this awesome kid. This is what I love about memory keeping.


As many of you know, Noell Hyman has more than 150 scrapbooking video tutorials on her website at Normally the cost to access these tutorials is $55 for six months but for today and tomorrow only you can use coupon code BA2BC to save $25 off a membership, dropping the price from $55 to $30.

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I've also really been enjoying participating in the Paperclipping Roundtable podcast discussions from time to time. You can check out the latest episode here.

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60 thoughts

  1. Anna says…

    You have honestly just brought tears to my eyes reading this and remembering that very same day..
    Thankyou for that!
    Kind regards, Anna

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Lain Ehmann says…

    I love this. THIS IS WHY I SCRAPBOOK! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Jonnelle says…

    So glad that 3rd grade is cool!
    We started 2nd grade, at a new school, but it's awesome! (they've had the autistic program there for years which is a wonderful change from last year where the teachers weren't used to our special little ones!)
    BTW, LOVE the red door!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Oh good services is a major hooray! And the red door was the first thing we did when we moved in :). We had our door at our last house painted the same's kind of our thing (I think I need to do a page about that).

  4. Sonja Chandler says…


    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Megan says…

    Yay for third grade! I meant to call you yesterday and tell you, I saw Simon walking to class with the BIGGEST smile on his face and talking a mile a minute with a buddy. This is going to be Simon's year!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Oh that's so cool Megan - love you!

  6. Katie @ cakes, tea and dreams says…

    I love these little details you capture - and the sparkly eyes say it all.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. dawn says…

    Oh Ali you brought tears to my eyes too. I was so hoping you wouldn't wait to long for a back to school post. I love that you had Anna right there enjoying the moment. Simon looks tall and like he's ready for a new adventure. I love that you captured the whole day and wrote it for us. Thanks to your reminders and inspiration I've been writing more and more details of my kids days too. I love love the red door and yes you should do a layout there is a story there afterall.

    My son Sam started 3rd grade too and he came home that first week running and saying " Mom 3rd grade is still fun and awesome I love it." Now 2and1/2 weeks later he's still excited everyday and can't wait to go back. I hope the same is for your Simon. If you have time check out my back to school post I just put up yesterday of Sam and his sisters on their first day. It's at

    Thanks again ali truly loved it

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Rachel Kizirian says…

    s exciting to see the warmth and coziness that you have with your "small" and also as it is delicious to see the old comments and see what is already huge! and Anna, who is already up ... recently, he was a baby .... Congratulations on the family so beautiful!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Karen says…

    Here in Oklahoma we've been back to school for a month but it's still a struggle to get my son up on time on school days (oddly enough, he got up way too early in the summer to watch cartoons). It's been hot here and just turned cooler this week with several days of rain. Yesterday, I pulled out a pair of pants for my son to wear for school and he refused to wear them, saying "Mom, I'm just not ready for pants yet. Summer is NOT over". I guess our boys are thinking alike!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Michelle says…

    Anna looks like the cutest little sidekick! It's so great when kids love school.

    Growing up we lived in several different homes, we lived in Jersey and then down to Florida. In total I think we lived in 5 homes and my mom always painted the door red. Hers is a little more like a fire engine (I like yours better)! My mom says she does it for good luck. It may be an old Cuban myth or something, who knows! I just thought it was interesting that you do it too. Maybe if I show her this photo she'll like the nice dark red. Let's hope! =)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I think the neighbors were definitely curious :). This house has shutters that are currently dusty blue (lots of dusty blue around here which I am slowly changing) which will be painted black this weekend. I'd love to hear the good lucky story if she tells you.

  11. Marsaille says…

    I noticed the red door too! Always wanted one. I am Episcopal and was told that it is a sign of welcome to all,hence all E churches have red doors. Not to sound creepy, but I think the good luck stems from the Bible when all the doors were marked with blood to be passed over by King Herrod? OH what is that story???
    In any case, death didn't come a knockin.
    I also wabted to say that I am inspired by the little starter "Today you"- can't wait to do this for my daughter today. She confronted her first bully with strength and poise. MUST be documented.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Carmen Pauls Orthner says…

      This happened during the time when the Israelites (then known as the Hebrews) were in Egypt and became slaves. Moses (who was born to a Hebrew woman but raised in the Egyptian Pharoh's palace) became their leader. He asked the Pharoh to let his people go, but Pharaoh refused), and God sent a series of plagues to convince Pharaoh that it was better not to keep God's people in captivity any longer. The last plague was that the first-born son of each Egyptian family was killed by the angel of death. God told Moses to have each Hebrew family mark their door with animal blood, so that death would pass their house by ("pass over"). This event is now celebrated in the Jewish rite of "Passover". Hope that helps. It would be interesting to know if that is in fact the origin of the lucky red door tradition.


    2. Carmen Pauls Orthner says…
  12. Lori says…

    Doing a little shopping for the designer digital sale - saw your new items - love 'em! Perfect for my 3 kids :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Cool! Thanks Lori - I've really been enjoying working on them.

  13. sarah says…

    i always love these 'today you' type posts ali. tihs one made me smile a lot. and look at how tall simon is getting!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. krystal says…

    beautiful post! so going to sign up for paper clipping- thanks for this great offer!! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Lori says…

    Lovely post, Ali! What a wonderful record of Simon's day; he'll treasure those details.

    I have a little guy who really struggles to get meat/protein down as well, so bagels with cream cheese and OJ are staples in our home too!

    And one more thing....I absolutely love reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I used to teach 2nd grade and it was always one of my favorite read-alouds.

    Ahhh, such good memories you evoke!

    Thank you,

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. ale says…

    i just l-o-v-e the way you translate your feelings and daily life into words. words so full of love that i think all us readers end up cherishing your kids, too.
    (does it make sense? i'm brazilian and can read english pretty well, but when it comes to writing... not so good...)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Christina says…

    Love this idea. I will this "today you" about my mum today. She is staying with me for a week as my father is in hospital. She has dementia and I have been wanting to document it in a "nice" way. I think I just found it. Thanks so much.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Stephanie says…

    Love this post! Since you are at a new house, does that mean Simon is going to a new school, too? He is growing up so fast!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Stephanie - he's at the same school because he's in a special program that pulls kids from around the district.

  19. Shannon McPheeters says…

    I SO need to do this! I love the way you capture the little details. My daughter just had her first day of first grade and her exact quote was, "It was AWESOME!" As a mommy of a little bug with similar circumstances as Simon I always love to see how he's doing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. carriep says…

    So glad that Simon had a great start to a new year. I just wish all kids would be able to have someone who cared for them when they were home and could talk through their days. There are so many little ones at our school I would love to wisk them off and give them that little extra.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Brooke says…

    this is such a great memory. I love your honest, loving journaling.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. rachel says…

    I'm a brand spanking new follower but had to comment because I did a double take looking at your back to school picture! That is the exact color of my door and the exact door hardware. (you have excellent taste, my dear!) We also have the side lights on either side of the door, except we have the cheesy plastic "panes" in ours. Here's a link to our back to school pic, you'll just have to trust me on the door hardware, my daughter's butt is hiding it. : )

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      That's awesome Rachel!

    2. Brenda in Sunny SoCal says…

      Rachel I love your blog title, wish I had though of it!

    3. rachel says…

      thanks, Brenda! I just came up with my new blog name a few weeks ago, and I was so proud of myself for thinking of it. : )

  23. Shirley says…

    I'm an everyday reader of your blog but don't post very often. My heart is bursting for Simon and you and the awesome day you had. To experience that bedtime conversation had to be amazing. I hope he has a wonderful school year.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      It really was awesome - thank you for understanding.

  24. Jackie Bremer says…

    Your journaling is an inspiration Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Amy says…

    Love your post. It makes me realize that I need to pay more attention to the little things about our day. Our oldest started kindergarten in Aug and he loves it. So maybe one day next week I can do a detailed summary of our day! Thanks for the inspiration! Your kids are so adorable!

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