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Around The Room | Anna

One of the first things we did when we moved in this house was to paint Anna's room. It was a very, very bright green. Now it's a lovely light pink called Romance from Sherwin Williams.

My goal with her room this time? To create a comfortable place to sleep and play - and especially make more room to play. I moved the hopscotch rug from Simon's room to her room.

Everything in her room are things we already had - some things were moved from other rooms. I love the idea of shopping from what you already have...a move makes that even easier with everything temporarily displaced.

The yellow and white pieces on the wall are both from second hand stores. The "Anna" alphabet print is from PennnyPeople. The wall calendar (with the green horse) is from Stories by Mia.

Little loves. Sheets and quilt from Land of Nod.

Along the window is the low yellow shelf that was found at an estate sale ($10) and in the background is the yellow dresser that was used as her changing table in the old house.

Original elephant art by Mati Rose. The "A" was a gift purchased in New Zealand. The little bird is from Cabin + Cub. The print of the woman reading was a gift from my Mom.

A spinning book shelf that I picked up at the Coburg Antique Fair last year.

The awesome poms were used for her first birthday party and are from Pom Love.

Happy little girl.

I read in the paper yesterday that there's a Komen Race for the Cure event here in Eugene this Sunday. I signed up to run the 5K and started a little fundraising page with a $1000 goal. I know there are many of you out there who have faced breast cancer head on - some of you I've even had the pleasure of meeting and hugging in person. Here's to those of you fighting this disease, to those who have passed on, to the loved ones who put one foot in front of the other each day, and here's to finding a cure!

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41 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    Thank you for sharing Anna's room with us. It's such a pretty,playful room for a little girl. I love the spinning bookholder and all the different artwork.

    I have a question about the new house, I'm thinking the bedrooms are upstairs now for the kids. If this is right how is Anna doing on the stairs, do you let her go up when she wants to her room or do you have a babygate at the bottom? Just curious because of my little 2year old I babysit and just starting to sneak towards the stairs for the first time and not sure what I want to do.
    So happy to hear about you doing the 5k for the cure. It's such a wonderful thing for everyone to join. I'm hoping to join one next year near my hometown. Happy Monday.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yes, bedrooms are upstairs. She is able to go up and down by herself now...most of the time there is still someone near her, but for the most part she's doing well on the stairs with one hand on the wall for extra support. When we first moved in she did a bit of sliding on her bottom or tummy, but with daily up and down she has gained better coordination. We didn't get a baby gate.

  2. Dorothy F says…

    As a survivor, I thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Ingvild says…

    Anna is such a sweet girl - I love all the details from her room. Love how you put in a few "drops" of orange to break up the pink.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Brené says…

    Love seeing Anna and her beautiful room!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Jessica Woodford says…

    Beautiful room! I really loved the shot of Anna's bedding from above!
    It's so wonderful that you signed up for the Komen Race for the means so much to so many people!

    Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Lori says…

    anna's room is absolutely adorable!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Kathi says…

    Love how you hung everything at Anna's height. I don't know why so many people are afraid to do that. It looks great.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      She likes it - it's fun to re-arrange her treasures and be able to access her own stuff.

  8. Mary Kathryn says…

    what a beautiful room! I used poms just like those for my daughter's first birthday as well and love how you're using them now. Could you tell me how you attached them to the ceiling?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thumb tacks.

  9. Kristin Rutten says…

    Beautiful room, Ali... I just love that color! And thanks for supporting Race for the Cure! Now that our own family is in the middle of dealing with cancer, it has become that much more meaningful to me when I see others sharing in the battle! Thanks also for providing the cool word art for my own fund-raising efforts for my brother. It's just perfect for this project and I'm excited to share it today on our blog. :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      You are welcome Kristin!

  10. Heidi says…

    She has such a pretty, comfortable room!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. cat123 says…

    a wonderful bedroom !!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Catherine at Design Editor says…

    Love it! Such a sweet color. I'm all for the repurposing and the use of baskets. Anna's the best accessory though.

    Good luck at the race!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Susan Hessler says…

    Love it! I'm inspired to run a 5K - next Spring...

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Susan says…

    Love the sweet room. What a wonderful color for a little girls room! Though I did not have breast cancer I am a survivor of thyroid cancer so thank you for running for the cure.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. KENDRA says…

    I love that you have everything "Anna height" in her room.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Deborah says…

    Is the elephant art the actual painting or a print? So glad you're back home safely!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      It's an actual painting. I believe there are prints available as well.

  17. Karen says…

    I love how you have the mirror hung low so she can see herself... it's never too early to log mirror time (:

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      LOL. It's really great for learning stuff like "where's your nose?."

  18. Claire says…

    It's a beautiful room, you are very talented and always inspirational. I'm impressed how you find the time for painting rooms and doing so much with two young children! Thank you for sharing and inspiring.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. amber@SAHM's musings says…

    What a beautiful, sweet room. It looks so peaceful. I love that spinning bookcase. So cool! I too will be running Race for the Cure this weekend in Oklahoma City w/my niece. We will be running in remembrance of my Granny that lost her battle with breast cancer just last week. This race is near and dear to my heart for so many reasons. Good luck w/your goal and have fun at the 5k!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. andi says…

    you continue to inspire me/us....good luck with the run, and the fundraising...

    your comment about 'shopping in your own home' struck a chord with me - i do it constantly, and my kids love the fresh take on things every once in a while....thanks for that!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Tanya Watson says…

    what a lovely room she has, i love that she has the very hungry caterpillar i think all kids should have that book, both my kids have one each for when they have kids to i will keep them (in many mnay years to come that is lol) we are in New Zealand and they each have a buzzy bee to which is a standard toy for kiwi kids (well i think it is and all the kids in our family have one)

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Jessica D. says…

    Such a beautiful room! That top picture may be my favorite Anna pic so far this year. She just looks so happy! Thank you so much for running the 5K - as someone who has lost my grandmother to breast cancer and then watched my mother fight it for years (AND WIN!!), it means so much to me when people are willing to work for a cure!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Kari D says…

    LOVE this room for Anna! So bright and filled with wonder! Perfect! Love there is old and new filled with love!
    Komen Race for the Cure has been a big part of my May for the last 10 years. I am one of Kathy's Crew..we do the warm up for the race and then I walk it (85 year old knees on a less than 85 year old body!). 2010 was the first year I could not make it because of a torn meniscus. Kathy Caiello recently opened her own gym and commissioned the local high school to do a Race for the Cure mural. It was on the stage for the warm up in 2010 and now hangs in her club. So many of us have been touched by this is great to have a way to take action and do something to cure it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Shannon says…

    Love that you share where you have found your wonderful finds...especially the ones from Esty. Have found some of my favorites because of you. Thank you. One you might like:

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. denise says…

    she is so adorable. i love how everything is just within her reach and how you repurposed things from other rooms. wasn't that yellow "rack" in your scrap room/office at one point holding stamps?

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