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Weekend Creative | Stencil Glitter Initial Boxes

Here's a super simple little glitter project that could work for lots of different holidays or gift-giving occasions. I made these for all the kids attending our little Halloween get-together this weekend. Planning to fill them with goodies of some sort.

Remember, I like simple. You could definitely use this as a base and take it a lot further. For me, this is just right for this project.

For this project you need four things:

I asked Sally if she'll be stocking any more of these cool boxes for the holiday season and she said yes. Look for some in her shop soon or send her an email through her site.

STEP ONE: Lay stencil on top of a box. Liberally squeeze glossy accents onto stencil and use your finger to spread it around the letter.

STEP TWO: Remove stencil and pour glitter over top of adhesive area. I usually dump more than I need and then shake off onto the paper below. I then pour that glitter back into the jar or onto the next box. I got a recommendation to add a spray fixative on top and I think I'll pick some of that up tonight or tomorrow. I like the idea of keeping that glitter in place.

It's super simple and a great way to give a gift.

Have a great weekend!

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20 thoughts

  1. Madeline St Onge says…

    How cute Ali

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. dawn says…

    Thanks Ali, how do you do so much. Cute and simple.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Lissa says…

    This is too cute!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Kristyn G says…

    Very cute! if you go back over the glitter with a thin layer of glossy accents it will seal in the glitter too :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Kelly says…

    thanks so much for the glitter tips. i am just starting to use it and it is all over the place, much to my son's dismay! i can't wait to try the 'sealing' techniques.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. shannon says…

    I LOVE this idea! :D Maybe for the grandparents for christmas from the kiddos because it's a project my 4 yr. old can participate in! :D

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. ethnic scrapbooking says…

    I HATE GLITTER...but every holiday seem to get suckered into a project by the kids...this one doesn't seem too bad...I'll have to show it to my kids...I see customized/monogramed Christmas cards instead of goodie boxes.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      I kinda feel like that too - not a huge fan but this was quick and easy and not too messy.

    2. Heather says…

      That's why I am such a huge fan of Stickles... all the sparkle without the mess!!

  8. Cindy McDannold says…

    Great idea for little hands to be able to have a special container for their "special" items. I see it beginning reused as a pencil/crayon keeper or for small doll accessories that always get lost. I think my 11 year old niece might like one for her favorite hair ties.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Lynn Mercurio says…

    I don't think that I've ever read your blog when the word, "awwwww" didn't come out of my mouth. The picture of those two sweet girls asleep in their car seats is so adorable.

    These are great projects and while glitter can/is messy, it really packs a big WOW factor.

    Can't wait to see costume pictures! Happy Halloween!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Sabrina Kapp says…

    Count me as another 'not so much a fan of glitter' but I am becoming converted. I've already emailed your link to several friends who are room mothers, team moms and troop leaders! Question about your source for the boxes - when I clicked through the link, I only see custom mouse pads. Am I missing another link somewhere?

    Can only imagine the excitement is growing at your house! Enjoy your family weekend!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      That's the right place. She doesn't have them available right now but said she should have some within the next couple of weeks.

  11. Lori says…

    thanks for sharing the etsy bananafishstudio - ahh - the journaling tags are awesome. I couldn't resist ordering several. i am always on the hunt for journaling tags!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. June W says…

    I see this project with numbers for an advent calendar...can hide the boxes around the house with trinkets inside. I like the idea of the fixative for the glitter. I seem to always have some on me even a few days later after a glitter project.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Nonnie says…

    What a great project for any party! Love this idea!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Kerry says…

    Love these this is great will be using these for some gifts that is for sure!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Lisa McDonald says…

    Ali ~ Shim and Sons no longer have those boxes associated with the link you posted (if I checked correctly). Do they have a main web site or do you know of somewhere else I can find them. The look like that nice recycled cardboard and I'm thinking they would be nice for small Xmas gifts...HELP!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Lisa - I wish I had another source. I chatted with Sally and she let me know she planned to add more to her shoppe but that the source she originally ordered them from did not have them in stock anymore.

  16. Craft Tutorials for Paper Crafters says…

    [...] These stencil boxes are great for gift boxes. Tutorial by Ali Edwards here. [...]

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