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Thank You Mom

As a family memory-keeper, I have an interest in looking to the past in helping to shape the stories I share today. I enjoy comparing the past and the present and bringing together stories from yesterday with those of today. The connections between generations are of particular importance to me.

I think of my Mom often during theses early years of raising my kids (a boy age 8 & a girl age 1). I think about what her life was like when she was in her 30’s, the choices she made, the attitude and faith she possessed (and continues to share today). I think about the things she cooked, the hours she spent in the car driving us here and there, the sacrifices she likely made for things she might have wanted in her life, the unconditional love she has always given. I think about how lucky I am that she is my Mom and that I still have her here to tell her how much I love her.

I’ve been lucky to see her connect deeply with my son – a boy with autism who loves fiercely and is fiercely loved. He adores her and my father.

With the birth of my daughter, I find myself reflecting even more specifically on the Mother/Daughter relationship. I find myself hoping that I will be able to cultivate a relationship with Anna in the same loving manner my Mom has with me.

Reaching out and saying thank you to your Mom is really as simple as beginning with a three word prompt, “Thank you for…” and then filling in the blank. So often in this life we attempt to make things much more complicated than the need to be. We get mixed up in the layers of time and hurt and happiness. We forget that a simple thank you can mean so very much.

Here’s what I’d like to thank my Mom for today:

Thank you for teaching me how to make the best popcorn: cooked in a pan on the stovetop in oil. Big bowls of goodness that I now regularly make for my own kids.

Thank you for sharing some of the challenges you’ve had in your life. For entrusting me with your feelings both happy and sad.

Thank you for being a model of the power of prayer.

Thank you for instilling in me the importance of naps and rest.

Thank you for being a model of forgiveness and moving forward.

Thank you for listening to me share my own challenges as a working Mom.

Thank you for being proud of me and encouraging me to find my own place professionally.

Thank you for loving my children and me so completely and unconditionally.

Mom, when I kiss my kids on the top of their heads I often think of you and say a prayer of thanksgiving for you and all that you have brought to my life.

This post was inspired by Procter & Gamble’s Thank You Mom Reunions contest, that offers adult children the opportunity to give their mom a heartfelt “Thank You” and a chance to win $1000 for a special trip to reconnect with mom. I am participating in P&G's Thank You Mom campaign in conjunction with

Interested in being inspired to tell stories that connect the past and present? Check out my 12-week online workshop Yesterday & Today at Big Picture Classes.

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58 thoughts

  1. Leanne says…

    Just beautiful, Ally. Absolutely beautiful.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Leanne says…

    side note ... I worked with a woman who spelled her name "ally" with that darn Y at the end matter how many times I tell myself (when typing YOUR name) to spell it correctly - I always manage to hit that send button without proofing my own mishaps!!! PLEASE accept my apologies! (I tried to delete my comment and resend, but I couldn't!!!) I am so sorry ... :(

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Lynn Mercurio says…

    Brings tears to my eyes. I wish I had been able to make a list like this to share with my Mom, although I think (hope) she always knew how much she meant to me. I'm hoping that one day my grown daughter and I will have the relationship that I had with my mother...we aren't there yet, but I'm prayerful and hopeful.

    Thanks for sharing this tender thought, Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Krystal says…

    Love your post, Ali. I am a regular reader, however, P&G I am NOT a fan of. I've done a lot of research on this company and they participate in some very inhumane acts.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. dawn says…

    Ali, this is so sweet and heartfelt. I love how you express yourself. The pictures are so cute also, Anna looks like you. I was wondering do your mom and sister scrapbook or is it just you? Thanks for reminding us to remember our moms.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Alida says…

    So inspiring! I'm sure you've also thanked her for taking a lot of photo's of you growing up. That is a priceless gift. One you are also blessing your children with.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Dorothy F says…

    Having lost my mother when I was just 30 and still missing her every day, treasure every moment that you have. I love your blogs and appreciate your willingness to share with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Amy says…

    Wow, Ali. You and your mom are so blessed to have such a wonderful relationship. Thank you for sharing your heart and for the gentle reminders of what life is all about.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Lisa A. says…

    Beautiful! In my 30's w/2 children, I, too compare my life to my mother's. Thanks for the reminder to just begin with "thank you for."

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Suzanne says…

    What a beautiful post, that brought tears to my eyes!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Carrie says…

    Beautiful. You are indeed blessed. This is not something everyone has. Cherish it, as I know you do.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Sally says…

    What a sweet post, Ali. I have a great relationship w/ my Mom too, and so do our kids. Even so - I appreciate the reminder to tell her how much I appreciate her!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Alexandra says…

    You and your mom are quite a pair - two beautiful people - inside and out.
    thanks so much for sharing this.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. teresa says…

    So, so beautiful, Ally. Absolutely beautiful.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Judy Webb says…

    Some of my family do not understand my fascination with the past. It is more compulsion for me to find where I come from and how it influences me. I thank you for understanding and writing about our feelings so beautifully.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Lisa W. says…

    Just beautiful...thanks for reminding us to say "thanks" and feel greatful for all our blessings.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Kerry says…


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  18. Debrajean says…

    Absolutely beautiful! And clear to see that you are carrying on the tradition of being an amazing mom.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. kimbee says…

    Bravo sweet one, you just shared, with this one little paragraphy

    "I think of my Mom often during theses early years of raising my kids (a boy age 8 & a girl age 1). I think about what her life was like when she was in her 30’s, the choices she made, the attitude and faith she possessed (and continues to share today). I think about the things she cooked, the hours she spent in the car driving us here and there, the sacrifices she likely made for things she might have wanted in her life, the unconditional love she has always given. I think about how lucky I am that she is my Mom and that I still have her here to tell her how much I love her."

    what every mother, hopes and dreams their child will feel one day.. Your Mom is one lucky woman to have such an amazing daughter.. Awesome post!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Cindy WElch says…

    With the death of my own mother just 15 days ago, my eyes welled with tears reading this. i was lucky enough to be her constant companion the last week of her life and i thanked her for all the things she did for me, but it will never be enough....

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Melanie K says…

      Cindy, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss ... my mom passed away almost two years ago and there is not a day that passes that I am not so very thankful that all of my siblings and I were there with her. One of the hardest moments of my life, but the one I am most grateful for having experienced.

    2. dawn says…

      Just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss also. Happy you got to spend that time with her, keep it close to your heart.

    3. Lisa says…


      It's been eighteen years since my mom passed, and not a day goes by that I don't miss her. I, too, was gifted by spending the last days with her. I held her in my arms, talking to her and kissing the top of her sweet little head as she passed from this life to the next.

      I want you to know that you will persevere. Time does not heal all wounds, but it does teach you how to move on, to keep going, to take all the love and lessons your mom taught you and make sure you pass them on...just like Ali spoke of in her post.

      Take good care, Cindy. You're in my thoughts.

  21. Tweets that mention Thank You Mom | Ali Edwards -- says…

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ali Edwards and Becky Higgins, Josephina Mydreama. Josephina Mydreama said: Thank You Mom: As a family memory-keeper, I have an interest in looking to the past in… [...]

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  22. Melanie K says…

    Popcorn cooked that way IS the best, isn't it? A really great post today, Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Lynnpenguin says…

    Wow...reading this brought tears to my wonderful of your to have written this...wish my Mum was still around...I did write her a letter when I first got married thanking her for all she'd done and what she meant to me ! It's so important to do this! Thanks for sharing your heart and soul!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Emily Kinsaul says…

    Beautiful! I am inspired when I read your blog! Thanks for sharing your heart with us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Lynne says…

    This is beautiful. My mother passed away 11 months ago, and I am so glad I thanked her while she was living.Your post is such a touching reminder thank all of our loved ones while we can.

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