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December Daily 2010 | Day Eight

Welcome to Day Eight!

A day without photos for me. I did take some (including one I just took tonight of Simon in his Santa hat that I'll likely use tomorrow), but decided to use my journaling from this post. Behind the journaling I added one of the words from my Painted Christmas Words package. That story, along with a note Simon wrote me, is my Day Eight.

Here's a look at that first page:

In Photoshop I opened the Remember Template from the 6×8 December Daily Layered Template package, made the background white, drew a new text box with the Type tool and then copied and pasted my journaling from my Loving post. I made the "Loving" at the beginning of each sentence bold and red. I also changed the color of the frame to a light brown.

Next I opened the Joy.png file from my Painted Christmas Words package and enlarged it by dragging it from the corner (I work in Photoshop CS4 so I need to hold down the shift key while doing this to maintain the correct proportions). Edit/Fill to recolor and then I adjusted the opacity to about 20% by moving the slider at the top of the layers palette. I moved it down in the layer palette to just above the background.

Printed the whole thing on cardstock. I'm using the same Cream Puff cardstock from Bazzill throughout my album.

Along the edge I trimmed a tag from this set and added a little metal key. Here's a close-up look at that part of the page:

I used adhesive and just a bit of stitching along the bottom of the tag.

And page two:

Lately Simon's been reaching for my 12x12 white cardstock when he wants to write me a note (which usually takes up just a bit of the page). That was the case with this note. Since I couldn't fit it onto the page as he had written it (straight across the top of the 12x12) I decided to cut out each word and paste it back together.

After adhering I ran it through the sewing machine to create the lines.

I definitely could have left out the "th" that he crossed out, but I liked it.

Finished off the page with a strip of pattern paper, a couple little gold gems (I think these came from Micheal's - they were in a little strip and I trimmed off individual ones), and a 7gypsies label sticker with Simon's name and age.

SUPPLIES : Ali Edwards Painted Christmas Words; Small Gold Jems; Bronze Key (unknown source); Making Memories Clasp; The Girls Paperie Pattern Paper; Cavallini Christmas Cheer Gift Tags; Hamby Red Vintage Plaid; Ali Edwards Christmas Boxes; American Crafts Playroom Thickers (in green here); Claudine Hellmuth Studio Paint Dash of Red: Two Peas |; Ali Edwards 2010 6×8 December Daily overlays; Ali Edwards 6×8 December Daily Layered Templates

All posts related to December Daily can be found here.

Since 2004, Shimelle has encouraged creative women to take back the holidays with the online class Journal your Christmas. Every day, participants receive detailed prompts designed to make journaling easy, plus crafty ideas and photography tips too. JYC alums sing the praises of this class: "The prompts are seriously amazing and help you document and reflect on the holidays in a deeper way," "without doubt my favourite," "I *love* JYC". The class includes permanent membership so you can join in as many Christmases as you would like at no extra cost. Join Journal your Christmas at any time or gift it to a friend, or choose any class at to kickstart your creativity!


I’d love to have you include a link to your DAY EIGHT page here. Please link directly to your post or image on Flickr vs. your general blog link. Thank you! Also – don’t feel like you need to leave a comment!

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82 thoughts

  1. Peg says…

    Wow, tell Simon he has really neat handwriting for such a young boy! :) Love the coincidence that this note from your 8 year old landed on day 8.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Brooke M says…

    Thank you so much for this page. I was sick this past Monday and did not have anything to take a photo of as I spent the whole day in bed sleeping. No clue what to do that day. But a page of journaling and reflection would be perfect!! Thanks for the inspiration!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. shelly k says…

    Love this page...even without photos!!! Great job!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. jan Davis from Canada says…

    In the quiet morn, while all is tranquil in the house and little bodies are still snuggled deep into comforters and teddy bears; I give myself some me time while sipping coffee from my favorite mug. This is my morning ritual, my solace time. I find I open my mind to the possibilities of the day. Your blog is part of my daily awakening and I find it to be a continual source of inspiration to me. It is not just about journalling but engaging in the "everyday"

    Today my inspiration comes from a little boy named Simon and his text message from the heart :) His handwritten words has reminded me to stop in the hurry of my day to embrace the heart of not only my children, but my "inner" child too. Thank you Simon for reminding me that this season is about the child in all of us :)

    I hope you enjoyed the movie,

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Thank you Jan :) - what a nice message.

    2. Layle says…

      Wow Jan, your comment brought tears to my eyes.

    3. Diana H says…

      I love your comment! I have a similar ritual when I wake up (I have no kids) but I sit and eat oatmeal before I go to work and get my daily inspiration from several blogs! I love the Simon updates as well! So moving!

  5. Tweets that mention December Daily 2010 | Day Eight | Ali Edwards -- says…

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ali Edwards, Josephina Mydreama. Josephina Mydreama said: December Daily 2010 | Day Eight: Welcome to Day Eight! A day without photos for me. I did… [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Wilna says…

    Oh this is lovely. Funny enough, i am working on the exact same concept... except that my girls have a Christmas list to make. LOVE!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. lisa truesdell says…

    LOVE his note - and how you used it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. heidig says…

    Loving this page! Loving the note from Simon.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Mary (Happy Now) says…

    Awesome. SO very awesome.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Katrina Kennedy says…

    Is it possible that this is my new favorite page?! LOVE the way you've included his note. So perfect and such a treasure of his age.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Maggie says…

    Oh my, I LOVE the way you included Simon's note! :) Just fabulous!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Heather M. says…

    I ADORE Simon's note, so precious!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Amy Brock says…

    Loving that I CAN'T WAIT to find out what Simon's Friday surprise is too! I hope you include it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. barbi d. says…

    I LOVE how you chose to use Simon's note.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Tina Lee says…

    I love it! Thanks for sharing your family with us. I love how your DD is coming along. I'm working on mine, just slower because of waiting on photos, but no problem :-D

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. december daily « faith. everyday. says…

    [...] above is my sad attempt to keep up with the December Daily over at Ali Edwards. Parker (4 years old) is standing in front of our tree singing Christmas carols…and getting [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. josephine says…

    Again, I want to be you when I grow up! Your pages are beautiful.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Mrs. b says…

    I promised to get back with a question regarding the recoloring, and here it comes :-)

    Do you know what (or if there is any) the difference is between by using the Edit/Fill to choose color, and that one where you double-click on the layer, click on the Color Overlay, and from there choose the color?
    I tried both of them now (I have so far only known of the Color Overlay), and don't think I can see any difference, so maybe it's just two ways of doing the same thing. (But I'll keep thinking of it until I know :-)

    I also want to thank you for describing the change of the opacity of the layer - that is a new thing learnt for me today! :-)
    Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Lori says…

    the painted words - joy - as the background how clever how you lowered the opacity and put it behind your journaling. i bought it already, but i wouldn't have never thought to do that - i love it. thanks again for the inspiration! i am 2 days behind on decdaily, but hoping to catch up today!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. julie b. says…

    loving the fun things you are doing with your book this year!
    My book this year is all about simplicity....makes it much easier to keep up with it if I don't 'junk it up'! =)
    Happy Holidays!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Amy says…

    I had no idea that I needed those painted words! But I guess I do. lol Great layout!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Karen says…

    Love seeing a day with words....a kind of permission to not have to have photos everyday (I know its our own daily & we can do whatever we want, but still its a kind of 'Ali Permission' kind of thing! :>). I really like that you took previous writing/journaling from a previous post and so sweet with Simon's writing. I'm always looking for ways to shrink down the kidlet's notes, drawings, etc. and what's nice here is that its still the original vs. a photo or digi scan that shrunk & printed. A gal's gotta have options, right?! :>

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Michelle Mac says…

    Thnaks so much for including an example of a day without a photo! You have shown how cool that can be.

    Also, I was a bit late asking a day or so ago, but I really love the red foil strips you got from Paper Valise, but they don't seem to have them anymore - do you know anywhere else I could get them?

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Lacey says…

    Super cute note from Simon Ali :) Thanks for explaining the above..been wondering how to do that! :) I enjoy seeing what you will come up with every day- first thing I do in the morning when I get up LOL Working on getting caught up from the past few days... thanks for the inspiration :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Anne M says…

    Thanks for the inspiration for days without (great) pictures! Simon's handwriting is precious and worth many great pictures ;) I love the little gold gems on your patterned paper.

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