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Birthday No.9 | Soaking It All Up

photo taken by Kim Ackerman

Number nine was a good one.

The celebration began with a visit to Simon's classroom on Friday.

Simon's teacher had him introduce all his guests to his classmates. He starts off with "This is Grandpa." and then moves on to "This is Chris." He goes around all the rest of us including me, "This is Ali." After he finished his teacher asked him if Chris and I had other names. He said "Dad" and "Mom" and then explained that the other kids wouldn't be calling us Dad and Mom so he was telling them our real names.

I also got a couple great shots of Simon at the front of the class while everyone was singing Happy Birthday.

After our school visit we headed back home to do some prep work for the party on Saturday: decorations, goody bags, wrapping, etc.

Grandpa and Anna looked at photos on Grandpa's computer.

When Simon came home he opened up a few of his gifts.

On Friday night we had dinner with all the Grandparents at a local Mexican restaurant. The waiters all sang Happy Birthday to Simon.

And on Saturday, from noon to 2pm our house was full.

It was so fun to have six of Simon's friends and some of their parents here for a couple hours. Pizza, cake, playing outside, chase, building lego mini-figures, opening gifts, chatting, etc. Some of my favorite photos are a line of kids along the kitchen counter all building lego mini-figures that were included in their goody bags.

When asked what his favorite part of his birthday was this year he said, "having my friends here."

Happy Birthday Simon - we love you so much and are so excited that you are nine!

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85 thoughts

  1. Lisa says…

    It has been so very wonderful to watch you grow up through your mom's eyes. You are so loved. And you bring so, so much love and joy to your family. I am so very happy you are nine. Blessing to you, Simon.

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  2. dawn says…

    What a fun birthday weekend for Simon. So glad it went well for him. I know kids love it when they have a friend party, it's exciting to have them all over to your house to help celebrate it. Everything looks great, the decorations, the cake is looks wonderful, love that you and Anna had matching type outfits on, having grandparents there. Thank you for sharing all these with us, it's so much fun hearing about him thru you and your words & pictures. He's a great kid with great parents.

    p.s. also have to mention I love that your starting to have your posts go up early in the mornings. To make time to check out my favorite blogs I get up early early each morning before kids are up and going, so this makes it easier for me to see yours. Have a wonderful day and can't wait to see some layouts from this birthday weekend.

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  3. Helen says…

    So glad he/you all had a wonderful day

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  4. Alida says…

    How wonderful! It looks like it was a lot of fun. My eldest turned 6 this week and we had a Wild West party with cardboard saloon doors and cacti, bunting and a teepee etc. It was hard work but the kids had a great time, especially playing amongst the hay bales.

    Great introduction Simon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Julia says…

    Oh, Simon, it looks like you had a brilliant day. The cupcakes Mom, Dad, Anna and your grandparents brought to school look so yummy yummy! Did they taste as good as they look? Have a wonderful year full of great adventures, fun, love and lots of lego.

    Lovely pictures, Ali! They are a window for us in a part of your life. Thank you for shaing them with us. ♡ Julia

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. sue says…

    You are a lucky young man to have your parents and grandparents around you when you celebrated your 9th birthday. What a wonderful birthday weekend!

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  7. Erica Black says…

    What a special day for Mr. Simon! Happy Birthday from all the way in Mexico! Love all the photos, decorations. My daughter turns 12 today and for invites we did the same number theme and she loved it! For a "tween" it can be tricky, so thanks for that post as well~ Have a great week ahead! Im off to deliver cupcakes for her class.

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  8. Steph says…

    Happy Birthday Simon! Congratulations on being NINE. That is awesome!

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  9. Lady Aga says…

    Happy Birthday to your son, Ali:) I'm sure, it was a very fun weekend for him!

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  10. kelly says…

    happy birthday simon! the image of you blowing out the candles is the very best!

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  11. Sarah says…

    That's some great thought process on his part to introduce his parents by their first names; turning NINE brings great wisdom, it seems. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIMON!

    It has been A JOY watching him grow up! Thanks for sharing Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Paulette Sarsfield says…

    Oh My. Such sweet memories of my own days gone by. I loved birthday parties for all of my children :o) Now I'm your Mom (so to speak)...patiently waiting for the joys of our little Cole as he begins this same path! Thanks so much for sharing Ali, it is such a treat.

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  13. Lisanna says…

    you are a great mother and simon and Anna are fantastic!!!
    fabolous bday for simon!!!

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  14. Debbie S. says…

    I LOVE blowing out the candles photos, and you took a great one! Awesome! Happy Birthday to Simon...what a wonderful document of his big day! :)

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  15. Pam says…

    What a fabulous day for Simon and all of you! I am very impressed that Simon thought to introduce you & Chris by your first names. Great reasoning skills. He and Anna are very lucky to have such wonderful parents! Happy 9th Birthday, Simon!

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  16. Veronica says…

    Happy Birthday Simon! Here in Sweden we say: Grattis på födelsedagen :-)
    Lots of love/veronica

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  17. Deb J says…

    Glad you had a great day Simon. It's so fun watching you grow up and the changes as you do.

    Ali, you have some great pictures. You do a great job with making memories for the kids.

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  18. Kathy says…

    Looks like a wonderful moment share by parents, grandparents and of course the birthday boy. Love the cakes. Makes me want a cupcake right now.

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  19. Kari D says…

    Thank you so much for sharing this very special day. This weekend I was reminded how much pictures of special occasions have meant to me (and how sad I am that my camera is 'mort' these days!). Your family is so blessed to have your caring eye and talent. LOVE each picture, but have to say, my favorite was the one where Simon was blowing out the candles! PERFECT!

    Happy 9th birthday. Simon!

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  20. playcrane says…

    I like how you said "soaking it all up." You just want to savor all the wonderful memories.

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  21. Val says…

    What a special couple of days for Simon. I loved the blue stars on the goody bags.

    Can I ask what the paint color is in your kitchen? Love it!

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  22. robin prophet says…

    I love and admire you and you whole family so much.You and Chris are the glue - honest,sincere, real. Makes me wish I could be part of your family.

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  23. Jessica Woodford says…

    What a wonderful birthday you gave Simon! Such a special ocassion for children....hold on tight to this year...his last in the single digits :)

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  24. Queen Mary says…

    Ali, he looks like a really happy kid! You're lucky you have the photo but -- I went through a couple of years with an anti-photo/steal your soul phase and am missing some fun times. My fav is Anna and Grandpa looking at pix on the computer! My how times have changed!

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  25. joanne smith (spagirl) says…

    Happy Birthday Simon!! Looks like you had such a wonderful time!

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