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On Tuesday | Creative Field Trip

On Tuesday I embarked on a creative field trip to Portland to visit my friends Kelly Rae and Andrea.

On Tuesday I took my camera along as I usually do, filled with the possibility of images and captures that would say all that I wanted them to say and maybe even more.

On Tuesday I was lucky.

On Tuesday I took just two photos. This one sums it all up for me. I was there. I was at that table and saw and felt and laughed and smiled and listened and was filled up with the amazing abundance of friendship.

On Tuesday I received the gift of companionship, of a leisurely breakfast, of trying on two rounds of clothes at Anthropologie, of animated talk between good friends about life and marriage and kids and babies and sickness and photos and work and best laid plans and ideas and possibilities.

On Tuesday I felt light.

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52 thoughts

  1. RobbinD says…

    What a great photo and a memory jogger. Wow, you and Kelly Rae together. What love and creativity all in one place. There is nothing like girl time! Thanks again, Ali, for all you do and all the inspiration you provide.

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  2. jenn says…

    I *love* creative field trips... so vital. And I especially love this photo... it sums up my favorite kind of moment.

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