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Today You | Digital Scrapbook Layout

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JOURNALING | 02 | 2011 There’s so much to celebrate about you right now Anna. A typical day for you begins when you call out to me, and sometimes Daddy, to come get you out of your crib. That happens around 6:30am. We come in, have you put your paci down in your crib, and scoop you into our arms. More often than not the first thing you want to know is, “Simon sleeping?” We let you know the status and then begin our way downstairs. For breakfast you either have a bagel + cream cheese, toast, or a toaster waffle. On the weekends you have pancakes or waffles that you help Dad make. After breakfast it’s usually time for Sesame Street or time for you to get picked up to go to Kim’s house. Whether you go to Kim’s or stay here with Katie your day is filled with lots of playtime. Some of your favorite activities include painting, reading books, playing in the toy kitchen and playing outside. On Mondays you go to a gym class + on Wednesdays you have a music class (Katie takes to you both of those). You take an afternoon nap that lasts between one and two hours. Late afternoons here at home usually involves more play or a movie with Simon. We eat a family dinner around 5:30pm and then hang out until your bath time - usually around 6:45pm. Bath time is something you LOVE. We follow up the bath with jammies, a couple books, a prayer and you turning out the light. We love you so much Anna and are so glad you are part of our family.

White Cardstock | Michelle Martin Pacifica Solids
Pattern Papers | AE Transitions Paper Collection (coming this weekend)
Photo Mask | Katie Pertiet Perforated Photo Masks No. 2
Handwritten Phrase | AE You Vol. 2
Today You Title | AE For The Love Of Words
Stitching | Stitched By Anna White No. 1 and Stitched By Anna Baby Pink No. 1
Journaling Font | Neutraface
"Filled With Joy" | Katie Pertiet Collagebles No. 3
Cardstock Tab | Katie Pertiet Cardstock Tabs No. 1

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43 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    I love these pictures of Anna, still getting use to her bangs. She looks so grown up. The story is sweet too. Great page.

    I have a question though how do you get Anna to sit still and smile so happily in most of her photos. You really capture the true joy in her everytime. I babysit my 2yrold cousin and it's impossible to get her to sit still, most of the pictures of her is just her playing and not looking at the camera. Any tips or suggestions would be great. Thanks

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Susan says…

    Great journaling! And love the photos. I realized on the recent pages I've done I've got the pictures (lots of pictures) but the journaling just isn't there and I do so want to tell the story.Thanks for the reminder = although that may have not been your intention - that is what I've come away with.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Terri says…

    I love this. Ali, when you print this out, what kind of paper will you use?

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Hi guys - sorry I missed this earlier. Most of the time with my digital pages I upload them to be printed at or Sometimes I print them here at home on 13x17 photo paper that I get from Office Max.

      These pages are definitely flat when they are printed. It's just a different "look" - I actually love having the variety within my scrapbooks. It's simply another way to get my stories told.

      This post shows an image of a layout that has been printed:

      Here's another post that includes a review of Persnickety Prints (and photos of printed layouts):

    2. Terri says…

      I guess my question has more to do with my inexperience with digital layouts (I always print a photograph and then use real paper).

      I love the look of the digital paper but if you print it on photo paper, doesn't that make it look more like a photograph or does it still look like paper?

    3. Johanna Hörrmann says…

      I am sure this is something you have written about before, Ali, but I'd be interested ithis question, too. Do you just send it away to be developed as a big photo print? I am still struggling to find a good print service for my week in the life pages (!) here in Germany as none I have come across offer matching sizes I could work with. I know some US services offer shipping to Germany, but I think it would make more sense environmentally to find a service close by.

  4. Leora Henkin says…

    This is wonderful!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Lee says…

    Lovely page as always. The journaling is pitch perfect. Looking forward to the Pattern Papers introduction. I'm becoming quite a digi paper collector - to go along with my paper *sigh!* :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. audra says…

    Beautiful layout Ali, it's just precious.... I'm looking forward to your new collection of patterned papers & love the one you used!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Amy L says…

    Ali, she is just so adorable!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Monika T says…

    Hi Ali,

    This layout is so beautiful! I was wondering if you could tell me more on how you go about choosing your patterned paper? Do you buy kits or do you buy them individually? I'm a newbie when it comes to scrapbooking so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Monika - most digital papers come together in a package (that's how most of the ones I have are anyway). I purchase ones that catch my eye for a color or design I love. I also tend to stick with generic patterns that can be used on any layout (vs. a specific theme).

    2. Ali says…

      With traditional scrapbooking papers I usually buy them individually.

  9. madeline St onge says…

    Love this Ali, and I love Anna, she just brightens my day when I see pictures of her
    Thank you for sharing her with us

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. heidig says…

    she's so precious!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Alida says…

    This page is just filled with joy. Love the way it captures Anna, and love the soft yellow, pink and grey colours together.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. ale says…

    this is amazing!!! i bet anna will love to see and read these stories later. you made me see that scrapbooking is more about memory keeping than having the latest releases.
    i've just added your guest post at kelly rae's blog to my favorites. i'll try some of those tips right away!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Alicia says…

    I love how you implement pages in your scrapbooks that seem like time capsules of the way things are in various stages. I have started implementing such topics in my own scrapbooks now. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Heather Prins says…

    this is beautiful!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Susie Leggett says…

    Just love it. These images and this layout made me smile today. Love anna trying to get out of bed, love her silly tongue rolled, and love her reading with her dad. Definitely captures "two". It is a wonderful age.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Tweets that mention Today You | Digital Scrapbook Layout | Ali Edwards -- says…

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ali Edwards and Katie Pertiet, Josephina Mydreama. Josephina Mydreama said: Today You | Digital Scrapbook Layout: click to view larger JOURNALING | 02 | 2011 There’s so… [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Rosa says…

    Oh, and forgot to mention my fav picture... The one with the leg over the crib! I so remember those days...

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Cynthia says…

    What a sweet girl!!!! Love the crib picture! What a fabulous lay-out!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Jill says…

    Hey Ali - question for you. I'm wondering where you have your photo canvases made? It looks like there is one on the shelf in the layout above, and I also noticed at least one in photo you posted last week(?) of a collage of wall art in your house. I'm interested in processors that offer different depths of canvases - I've looked a shutterfly and and both seemed to offer only 1.5" canvases. Thanks much :) Have a groovey day with the kiddos!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Jill - Color Inc ( has been great for canvases (they are a sponsor here and they do great work). All the canvases and most of the mounted photos are from there. I have a few thin mounts from Persnickety Prints that are great too.

      I'm planning a post that talks more about what I've been doing with my photos - I've got a big canvas on order from Color Inc and am looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

    2. Heather H says…
      02/25/2011 also does photo canvasses.

  20. Suzie Perrie says…

    I love when you do these today you pages! It is a great snapshot of life in this moment.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. lindsey says…

    My internet is REAlly slow and waiting for your layout to load. I had to stare at what seemed like an hour (but didn't mind because of the beauty of course) the portion of your new paper collection. Can't wait, it looks devine!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Judy Webb says…

    I hope you do not go completely digital. I have learned some about digital pages. But have so much paper, so many tools, so many embellishments and so many vintage photos already printed that I continue with paper. And really, I think I like paper better. Especially now that Vintage has become so popular. I am so old and the things and people I am recording are so old that sometimes I could journal just about the paper I am using. So funny. I am having loads of fun....and getting those memories recorded.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Judy - I love both paper and digital and combining the two. No plans to just stick with any one of them.

    2. Maureen says…

      Judy, you're not old, you're mature!maybe...;-) If you go digital you'll be able to make layouts so much faster!

  23. Jessica says…

    I can't wait for the new cardstock this weekend.Looks great!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Maureen says…

    Oh that is so TWO. I suspect it will be time to take down the sides of the crib pretty soon. Anna has 'that look' about her, and you wouldn't want it any other way.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Brooke says…

    Owh. Gorgeous photos and beautiful, beautiful journaling. It's interesting how similar the life of my son is at age 2.5 years, although if he slept in til 6:30am I'd be really happy!

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