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A Conversation With Simon | Scrapbook Layout

Cathy released this great layered template a few weeks ago at Designer Digitals: Story Guide Layered Template No.1. I've been wanting to do it with Simon since I saw it and finally had a chance last night.

You can read her post about the template and see her hybrid version here.

This is going right into our Project Life album for this week.

My favorite one?

The coolest person on Earth is: Me.

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46 thoughts

  1. Julie B says…

    This is so cute. The response that got me was when he said "tall" for one of the three words to describe himself. Not so funny for Simon (because maybe he's taller than the other kids his age), but it immediately reminded me of the movie "Return to Me" when the male lead has gotten spiffed up thinking he might see a special someone and he asks the kid who walks his dog how he looks...."tall." Cracks me up every time. :)

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  2. Amykins says…

    This is awesome! Just yesterday, my boyfriend walked by my computer and said, "Who's that?" I told him it was Anna. He couldn't believe she was so big. Then he asked, "What's the latest with Simon?" I updated him like Simon is one of our family members. I just read him Simon's answers here and he got a big chuckle out of the "Henry the Octopus" answer.

    Thanks so much for sharing your kids with us. You were merely a teacher of mine at CKU-Anaheim (A Week In The Life) but I feel like you are so much more. I love keeping up with the goings-on of the Edwards clan.

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  3. Jenni Hufford says…

    what a cool kid :)

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  4. Christie Weiss says…

    Hi Ali, I really enjoyed seeing this and loved the similarities between Simon's answers, and my son Nicholas (me and spaghetti in particular!). I did this page a couple of weeks ago after his 9th birthday.

    Thanks for always being an inspiration!


    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Stefanie says…

    Love this and I am going to try this.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Lawrenbc says…

    It's Ripley's 7th birthday today and I just did my "interview with a 7-year-old" at dinner tonight before reading your post! Now I definitely need to go back and ask her some additional questions, like food that makes her puke and who the coolest person in the world is!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Beth says…

    Great post. I tried this with my twins girls (age 3) I said "What do you want to be when you grow up" Avery said "A Mom" (so sweet right?) I asked her sister "Do you want to be a Mom too?" She said "Nah...I want to be a Dad!" Gotta love it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Maggie says…

    The sweetest thing:
    What do I want to be when I grow up: A Father.
    That is so precious!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Sarah says…

    When I was little, I remember that I wanted to be a princess who was married to Prince Charming.

    Thanks for the nostalgic memories!

    As for wanting to be a father when he grows up, now THAT is priceless. (He obviously has a great role model of a father to be inspired to be one at such a young age. WAY TO GO!)

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  10. Raylene says…

    I cracked up with "HENRY THE OCTOPUS" that's a new one on me! Too funny!

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  11. Tracy says…

    I love this! A few years ago I did a survey with my son similar to this. It is one of my favorite pages to look at!

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  12. Marie-Pierre says…

    "If I could change my name" is not bad either!!! lol So so cute!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Jo says…

    I bought this template too, loved the idea and have already done one for each of my boys. My eldest son who is 7 said exactly the same thing for the coolest person on earth!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. HeidiY says…

    Love his answers!! And great questions - I'll definitely have to use some ;) Can I ask how you asked him all these questions? Did you do it all at once, or in pieces? I'd love my kids to be so honest in their answers, too...

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Jen Demmon says…

    This is great! I've done this for years with my step-daughter. she and her friends love to look back and see what they liked and what they said even a few years back. My SD is 15 so, added things like favorite store for clothes shopping and favorite place to go. I now do pages for her BFFs since she is rarely without them.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Heather H says…

    That's awesome! I had my 8yo daughter answer the questions a couple of weeks ago when Cathy showcased her layout on her blog, but I haven't gotten around to making my own layout yet. I love Simon's answer to who the coolest person on Earth is... :D Go Simon! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Terri says…

    For anyone who has used this template -- can you alter the questions? I emailed the quiz to my 8-year old but he changed some of the questions so that they better fit him.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yes, you can alter the questions. The questions are on a text layer.

  18. Project Life | Weeks Eleven + Twelve | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] I included the interview page I did with Simon. [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Nathalie says…

    I LOVE this ... it inspired me to buy my first digital thing (see I don't even know the lingo) and try to figure it out - I'm SO close but can't quite get how to size my pictures so they don't look all stretched out. Can someone help me?

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Digital Scrapbook Layout | A Conversation With Simon 2013 | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] about digital is that the products you love don’t go away). I used it to document a bit of Simon’s story (see it here) in 2011 and then asked Simon this same series of questions this past week. His birthday week seemed [...]

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