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Project Life | Week Fifteen

Welcome to Project Life | Week Fifteen

I'm actually a bit surprised that I've been so consistent with this project. I think one thing that helps is knowing I want to post about it here each week - that definitely motivates me to get it done. So thanks for showing up and encouraging me to keep on keeping on.

This week I added a bit more "scrapbooking" stuff - grabbing products that were already out on my table from other projects in progress. I'm really loving stamping lately - the fact that I've ordered/received new inks recently from Jenni Bowlin, Cat's Eye, Close To My Heart, and Tim Holtz might be helping just a bit.

Here's a look at page one:

Large stamps are a retired set from Studio Calico. Small stamps are from Educational Insights. Inks are from the Chocolate & Blueberries set from Cat's Eye.

The fourth card over in the middle are actually "stamp-offs" as I was getting the ink off each letter before moving on to the next. Love that pieces of scratch paper have a home in this book. Some of them look so cool - especially ones that include paint and ink.

I included a long journaler with my post from yesterday that details my observations from the weekend.

If you'd like to learn more about working with long journalers in both Photoshop and Word (including video tutorials) check out this post.

The "I Want To Remember" stamp was from the Studio AE February kit. I drew the heart right onto the cardstock. Ink is "Chicken Feed" from Jenni Bowlin.

Along the bottom of the long journaler I added a small strip of pattern paper and a tiny jewelry tag.

On the back of the long journaler I decided to just do a piece of pattern paper, a plastic heart, a little circle accent, and a "happy" sentiment.

Love this idea for those times where I don't have something else specific I want to add. I think that plastic heart is an old product from Heidi Swapp and that pattern paper is an older product from Studio Calico.

Of course I had to add in Harry's newest release.

Something different this week is the introduction of a new product which will be available at Designer Digitals this coming weekend. It's a thick lined journaler that you can print and add your own handwriting (or of course you can add type within a program like Photoshop or Word).

The journal card comes "plain" and will include a couple different sizes: 8.5x11, 8x8, and 4x6 both vertical and horizontal. I added the stamped "love" on top of this card after printing with Staz On ink. The "love" stamp is from an old Studio Calico set of alphabet stamps.


In looking at my album right now I think it's likely that I'll have three volumes for this year if I keep up the same number of inserts. I'll see what it looks like at the end of the month before deciding if I'm ready to move to a new album in May.

Project Life is a product created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The album kit (similar to the one I'm using) is available for purchase through Amazon. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life here.

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57 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    Ali, thank you for sharing another fun week with us. I love the plain journal cards what a fun and different way to add those into the album. I like your added stamps too. It motivates me every week to keep up on my PL just knowing it will be posted on my blog and on Jessica's blog and I've just recently joined the PL community over at BPS, so many ideas from everywhere.

    A couple questions please if you don't mind? What is the letter "A" circle in the 2nd pocket over, I like it. What is the last picture of on the right side, looks like a layout is that from recently or one that's coming up? Just curious, it looks cute and has stitching. Also how old was Simon when he started watching the Harry Potter movies? How did you know he wouldn't be too scared to see them? My son Sam has been wanting to watch them but I'm worried it will be too much for him to handle? I haven't seen any of them but my hubby has and he's not sure either. Thanks Ali for everything.

    Reply 6 Replies
    1. dawn says…

      I loved reading the comments you left about this letter "A" ladies. Thanks so much for taking the time to let me know. I thought it was just something cute that Ali made up either for her name or for Anna's. We all know how much Ali loves her initials, that's a good thing by the way. I think it's kinda neat that it ended up in your PL now and what a treasure to have there.

      Thank you for the tip on watching the movies with my son and seeing how he reacts to them. My hubby loves loves Harry Potter so he will probably want to watch it with him and this will be their little moment for them. I appreciate the feedback on this.

    2. Monica says…

      Hi Dawn, I have a 7 year old son and he has seen the two first Harry Potter movies and that has not been a problem. I´m thinking of letting him see no. 3 too. He has not watched them alone the first time, so that if something is worrying him he has someone to talk to. I think you should see them too, they are great!

    3. Adrith says…

      Yep, that's the Third Army patch. My husband was deployed with 3rd Army during his first deployment. :)

    4. Bridget says…


      The circle A patch is an U.S. Army patch for the 3rd US Army (General George S. Patton's unit from WWII). It is a very storied Army unit and has been heavily involved as the Army command in the Middle East for the last 20+ years and many veteran's of the campaigns in Iraq wear this patch. Just a little FYI.

    5. Ali says…

      Hi Dawn - the letter A is a patch that I've had for years (I think my sister sent it to me). It was floating around the house and office so I just stuck it in there for safe-keeping. The layout you see there will be in a magazine this fall. Trying to remember how old Simon was when he starting watching Harry Potter - he was little - but remember that he's also a different sort of kid. He's seem them all (and all the Star Wars movies) multiple times and doesn't seem to be afraid, have nightmares, etc. One of the signs of autism at a young age is a real indifference to things that one would naturally be afraid of - cars, etc. Sometimes I wonder if that plays into this too - I have no idea :).

      I think the first one is pretty harmless - I think you might want to watch it first and see what you think. How old is Sam?

    6. dawn says…

      Ali, thanks for replying back for me. You are probably right about Simon watching the movies, I remember from our neighbor boy that he isn't afraid of things, but I thought movies might be different. I love that Simon is into Harry Potter and the Star Wars, fun stuff for boys. My Sam is 9 his birthday is a couple months before Simons. I will probably go ahead and let him watch the first one and see how it goes. He's read the first two books but some if it is still too hard to understand for him. Thanks again Ali.

  2. Mel says…

    I love your weekly post showing us your project life from the past week. Keeps me motivated to keep going. I know at the end of the year it will be so great to look back on. I am going to start to mix it up a little and I really love the mix of journalling too.

    I might mix mine up in the coming weeks adding a few more elements, etc.

    Thanks for the inspiration you provide us for PL and scrapbooking and of course life in general. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Tiara says…

    So glad you take the time to post each week. This is my second year of Project Life, and I always look forward to your post. Such great ideas and variations from week to week. Loved the "all stuff" post from last week! Also, love how you continue to remind us all (as Becky does) to make it our own. Thanks so much for posting and enjoy the rest of your week!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Janie says…

    Thanks so much for posting PL. Your posts have kept me motivated to keep up with mine. I especially love the paper at the end of the journaling...and the little tag... what a cozy way to finish it off!!

    I have wanted learn digi scrapbooking for a few years and this summer I vow that I will!! I hate to miss out on all of your fun digi kits.
    My daughter wants to do a garden this summer... if summer ever comes...we are expecting 6 inches of snow this afternoon...

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Lisa W. says…

    Oh gosh I LOVE love love seeing your project life. It just has that "Ali touch" and it is so awesome. Thanks so much for always posting. Mine needs caught up BAD. I have been trying to finish 2010:(

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Marty says…

    I love your PL posts as well. Really fun to look at. This is my first year doing PL. I am a couple of months behind, but catching up now. I am just doing a monthly, not daily format. Also, my kids are in their late 20's and out of the house now, so I don't have a ton of kid photos. We do have a bulldog named Foster, so he makes for some great pictures and I love to photograph, so I am usually not at a shortage for pictures. I'm just wondering if other folks are in this same "age bracket" for doing this project? I'm sure that this has been asked before, but where did you get the page protectors for the long journalers? Did you stitch these, or can you purchase them? Thanks Ali!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I think there's lots of different ages doing this project. You should check out the gallery at the free Big Picture/Project Life community:

      For the long journalers I just use an 8.5x11 page protector. I slip in the long journaler, stitch along the side, and then cut off the excess page protector with my paper trimmer.

  7. Annette says…

    I love the way your album is coming together!! Working on my album is like a treat when I get to the end of the week. I am focusing on a topic each week. Last week was spring, this week is home...two weeks ago was "stuff of life" in which I took no pictures, just collected random bits of this and that throughout the week (thanks for planting that seed in my mind). What I love most is that my husband and three daughters (18, 11, 9) ask me what the "theme" for the week is and offer photo suggestions. They enjoy it as much as I do. Keep posting!!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I totally love the idea of a theme week Annette - I was thinking of doing something similar and focusing on each of our family members (one per week).

  8. Laura says…

    I love the thick lined journal spot but don't scrap digitally. I hope you release a 4x6 rubber stamp version!

    Fun to see that you are a Harry Potter fan too.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. audra says…

      I love this idea as well! I have a AE membership to TT as well & am LOVING all of your stamps Ali!

    2. Stacey K says…

      Awesome idea i love stamps!!

    3. Ali says…

      Thanks for the suggestion! I'll pass it on to Technique Tuesday.

  9. Martha Thomas says…

    Thank you for sharing! I continue to be so inspired to press on in my Project Life adventure. Is there a flickr group you are posting to with your Project Life stuff? I'm trying to find a place to "put" all the photos of other Project Life albums that inspire me so I can refer to them as I work on my own. I was thinking about pulling them into pinterest, but I'm unsure if they will allow that. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Martha - I don't know of a Flickr group but there is a free community (with a gallery) set up at Big Picture Classes:

  10. slmnontec says…

    I'm doing my third year of PL. My daughter is grown and living on her own, but I find lots of "life" to document. I can be a bit more introspective in what I put into my journaling as it's not all a focus on little people (which I did with full out enthusiasm years ago). It's amazing to me that if I just keep in the moment of the day that an opportunity comes up to document something special or unique -- like last week when my daughter brought us some edamame beans to taste for the first time. Got it with the camera. Now it represents a moment shared. Love that....

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I think that's just the best attitude ;).

  11. AbbyS says…

    Hi Ali! My PL pages are filling up the album fairly quickly as well. I'm hoping it can hold up til June. I love how you used stamps in this week's PL. Speaking of stamps, I just signed up for your AE Studio stamps at TT! Incorporating your stamps into PL I think would make it fun -- something different than my previous pages.
    Thank you for the inspiration, as always!
    Have a good one!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks for the support Abby! I've been loving my stamps :)

  12. Alexandra says…

    Thanks Ali - love this.
    Do you have any pointers on keeping the momentum going on this project? Do you do little journal spots as things happen or when you compile everything? And... are you still doing lots of it from your work-station in the kitchen? I would so appreciate any little tips you might offer - I have to find a way to stay up-to-date with this project - want to be efficient but still free-flowing and fun.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Alexandra says…

      Thanks for the great ideas and the inspiration.
      What I keep learning is that documenting anything about our lives is meaningful (and fun!) and that there are no rules - just stories :)

    2. Ali says…

      Hi Alexandra - still doing lots of work from the kitchen - at least the initial stuff for the week. This week I ended up doing some additional stuff here in my office - it really just depends on what I've got going on. One of the things I'm trying to do is mix things up a bit each week - add this, add that (like a long journaler) - create a weekly focus (thinking of doing one week that's all photos of me or all photos of Simon, Anna or Chris. I might just do that over the next few weeks. For me, even when I come up with some idea like that, if I don't completely follow through I'm totally fine with it. My main goal is to get "something" in there each week rather than getting discouraged and skipping it. I like how someone in the comments today said they are focusing on something each week like the yard, the home, etc. I think that's a great way to mix things up too.

  13. Theresa says…

    HI Ali....Love looking at your project life! Mine is also looking pretty full....I am thinking of trying to get thru May and then just do another album June thru December.....Thanks for the inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Sarah says…


    Each time I see YOUR PL post, it inspires ME to keep up with mine. I had slacked off the past week or so and was busy playing catch-up for a little while last night - downloading pics off of the camera, etc and planning my spaces accordingly while glancing at my PL calendar where I keep notes on things we're doing, new recipes we're trying, etc... With a new baby due within the next few weeks, I would LIKE to stay caught up so that I don't fall off the wagon once my life turns a little crazier with two kids under the age of 2! (However, the older one will turn 2 next month and has just STARTED acting that age... NO, ME DO IT is the latest catchphrase in this house; I'm sure you can relate.)

    Thanks again for the inspiration!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Oh yes, I can so relate to that :). Excited for you as you enter the new phase of two.

  15. Dorothy F says…

    I am doing a POTD with my Project Life again this year. Your blogs are a huge incentive to me to keep up to date. I usually print and journal every or every other day. Love the progress I am making. Thank you again, Ali, for the inspiration and all you share.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. alissa says…

    thanks, ali, for reminding me to pu that cardboard cover from my harry potter BD in my april envelope. :)
    love the new thick lined journaler!
    i am so loving your project life. it's so inspriational.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Sue in Canada says…

    I just bought the SB on the Road ... I am a flight attendant and I always say I am going to document my trips before I retire (sometime in the next coupl eof years most likely)...I think this may do the job :-)
    Now I have to start bidding many of the destinations I have traveled in the past and document this wonderful career!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Irene says…

    Here is my suggestion for catching up/keeping up: order packs of the plain journaling cards. One pack stays in my purse. Often I am busy when the momemnt I want to remember occurs (e.g. funny conversation on the way to school). When I get to wherever I am, I pull out a plan card and write away. I've taken what I've written an put in my book that way, but I also cut it up and stapled (thanks mini attacher) it on to one of the cards in the kit, or sometimes I pull one of my stamps out and decorate it that way. Also, it has come in handy waiting for food or doctors. I pull cards out and ask my kids to draw/write on them (e.g. "draw what you are afraid of about going to the doctor today" or "tell me what your favorite thing about going out to dinner is."). I've gotten some real treasures that way. Another pack stays on my kitchen counter for the funny little momemts that unfold. Sometimes there are food stains on the cards and if it is really bad I rewrite them, but I am always happy to have caputured the thought. Oh, another idea for chatching-up--look at your photos and thinkk about what you were thinking when you snapped the shot. I've been 3 weeks behind, but if you just work on it, there are so many priceless momemnts/thoughts that it isn't hard to catch up. This is my third year doing it an I am still enjoying the process! Thanks, Ali, for keeping it fresh!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Tere (Marie) says…

    Love your PL.
    Someday I'll take it on :)

    I see you have new stamps. I know you posted a question asking, "what's your favorite ink stamp". Did you find one you preferred?

    Much thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Kaly says…

    I'm glad you have kept up with it! It's fun to see how you are putting it all together, adapting to each different week.

    Two questions:

    1. What's the name/place you got the journal spot you stamped "odds and ends" on? I think you posted this a LONG time ago, but I've recently been looking for some labels like this!

    2. You now have two instax cameras and I'm wondering which one you have been preferring to use - mini or a bit bigger?


    Reply 0 Replies
  21. madeline St onge says…

    So happy you are sharing this, you are motivating me to do this next year

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Julie says…

    Hi Ali,

    I love your work so much. I love reading your blog because I feel so inspired to capture and remember the everyday moments.

    I LOVE the moments and memories story strips stamps, but unfortunately it looks like they are all sold out. :( I don't know how I missed these when they first came out. I know it's probably unlikely, but do you think there is any way that more of these will be made?


    Reply 0 Replies
  23. ShellyP says…

    I just had a question about the typewriter that you use. I have several typewriter fonts installed on my computer, but I was thinking of shopping on e-bay to find an old typewriter, but then wondered where I would find ribbons for it. Do you have problems with finding a ribbon for yours?

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. france says…

    I will tell the truth and say I wasn't a big fan of the whole Project Life thing originally...My favorite aspect of paper crafts is the process and Project Life seemed to be more about just "getting it done." Plus, i worried that perhaps I didn't have enough of a life to fill the pages. I am happy to say that following your progress has helped me to completely see it in a different way. I think this week, more than any other shows that the result can be anything you make it. Additionally, I love how it keeps you focused during the week on preserving your and your family's stories.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I'm so happy you see that France :). I need to hop over to see your site and see what you've been up to...

  25. Dawn says…

    Hi!I love love love your handwriting! Is that your everyday penmanship ? Can I learn it ? I know it sounds crazy but I dislike my writing so much that I don't journal and what is scrapping with no words? Is there a book you can recommend or any hints for this "bad hand writer"?Thank you!

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