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Things That Matter Most

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31 thoughts

  1. TaraMcK says…

    No truer words.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. linda says…


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  3. ELISA says…

    Whoa. thanks for the mental adjustment ali!

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  4. Miami Momma says…

    So TRUE my friend, So true.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. donna goar says…

    YES! Thanks for the reminder.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. ale says…

    truly inspiring words - thanks, ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Sue TR says…

    Awesome! Thanks for the light on a drizzly new england day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Sally says…

    Thank you. Needed this TODAY.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Karlene says…

    I needed that. Thanks.

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  10. jan from Canada says…

    Ah, something I quoted at the end of a resignation letter to a boss that refused to change my hours to accomodate me, after having my 4th child. He agree'd initially, shook my hand and then 1 week before my return, went back on his word. I had been there 14 years. So, I quit.

    I am happier than I have ever been, working part time, with more time for giggles, cuddles and joy :) he did me a favor!

    sometimes, forced change is the best change of all :)


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  11. AbbyS says…

    ...seriously on the same boat, Ali! Thanks...needed this!!

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  12. Therese says…

    I had never heard this before. I love it!!!! TKS!

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  13. Patricia says…

    Amazing ~ This was posted on the chalkboard at the coffee house I stopped at yesterday. I came right home and put the quote on my blog. And now, here it is again! I think God might be trying to tell me something! It's an awesome reminder to keep our priorities our priorities. Thanks for this post today!

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  14. Laurel says…

    Love it! Do you mind if I use the image in my home (I love your handwriting)?

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  15. Crystal says…

    Thanks Ali! A lot of us out here needed to read that today.

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  16. Lori says…

    amen - printing it out slapping it on my bulletin board

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  17. Carrie says…

    I'm on medical leave from a crappy job (what matters least) and I am savoring every single minute that I get to be at home with my children over the next few weeks (what matters most). I already knew that my job kept me from my kids, but I'm more motivated than ever to change it!

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  18. Karen says…

    Oh so very true! SO glad I stopped in today to see this perfectly timed message. Hope what matters most to you, Ali, is shinning brightly! :>

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  19. Mary-- The Yellow Door Paperie says…

    So so true. This speaks into my life right now!

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  20. Laura says…


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  21. Anna Aspnes says…

    Love Goethe. Studied him and his works a lot while I was at college, in his native tongue though. Great words!

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  22. Kristyn says…

    LOVE this!! Perfect quote as I get ready for the last days of school. I'm preparing to be fully present this summer.

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  23. Dee says…


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  24. Nancy L says…

    Great quote. Just snapped a picture of it and I am going to write on my dry erase wall for the family to see.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Jenn says…

    Thanks for this Ali. I feel like it came at just the right time for me. I'm about to uproot my family, leave a house, neighborhood and friends that my family and I love, to take a job 2,200 miles away (in a location that I'm not sure we like, let alone love) so that I can spend more time with my husband and son. It's terrifying and I waiver been excitement and panic on a daily basis. I keep reminding myself that time with my family far outweighs a house or location (or money), but sometime it's hard to fight back the panic. I've been thinking about you and coming to your blog a lot during this time... it always reminds me of what's really important. Thank you for that.

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