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AE | The Weekend Lens

06 | 05 | 2011

This past weekend was the perfect mix of fun, family, and friends (I kinda think that's what all weekends should be).

Here's some of the things I want to remember:

06 | 03 | 2011

I WANT TO REMEMBER pulling over for some coffee, a snack, and to stretch our legs on the drive from Eugene to Seattle and grabbing the camera as I got out of the car. I'm so glad I grabbed that camera.

06 | 04 | 2011

I WANT TO REMEMBER THIS LIGHT coming through the trees in the backyard where I spent so many days outside as a kid. I want to remember how it shined right down on my baby girl and my Mama.

I WANT TO REMEMBER how awesome it is when it's finally sunny after months and months of gray.

I WANT TO REMEMBER how much my kids love, love, love my parents and how happy they are to have them to themselves for the whole day (both my kids and my parents).

I WANT TO REMEMBER how much I loved playing with a slip-n-slide on this very same hill when I was a kid. I love that my parents went out and got one on Saturday for my kids to enjoy. For some reason the hill seems a whole lot less steep than it was back then.

Le Pichet

I WANT TO REMEMBER how much fun it is to try new restaurants, especially ones recommended by Paolo. We shopped and had lunch near Pike Place at a great little French restaurant called Le Pichet. Paolo left us late afternoon to go meet his brother as they had general admission tickets and had a goal of getting as close as possible to Bono. Check out these shots.

I WANT TO REMEMBER how wonderful it is to reconnect with old friends. For dinner before the concert Chris and I met up with one of my best friends from high school Dana and her husband Josh (he's also a friend from our class in high school - they started dating in college). It's been years and years since I've seen them but in our Facebook world it felt more like last week. We met for dinner at The Pink Door (also near the market and also recommended by Paolo) and loved it.

06 | 04 | 2011

I WANT TO REMEMBER how much I love live music. After dinner we headed over to Qwest Field to see U2 (Lenny Kravitz opened the show). I only took a couple shots early on as my phone battery was fading fast, but this was an awesome concert. The video screen you can see underneath the light green portion of the stage was the most amazing thing. Throughout the show I kept saying to Chris, "that screen is so, so awesome." The spectacle of the screen and the inclusion of so much video made the entire experience that much more phenomenal. Love the music, loved the filming/camera work/video. Love U2.

I WANT TO REMEMBER the long walk back with a swarm of people to the car from Qwest field after the concert was over.

I WANT TO REMEMBER how much I love hanging out with my family. On Sunday we met John & Liz & Henry & Lucy (my brother and his family) for a few hours of swimming before heading back towards home. The kids swam and swam and swam and ate lunch and then swam some more. It was cool to hang out where they hang out in the summer. I also loved that Dana & Josh met us there and we were able to meet their kids.

I WANT TO REMEMBER that it's always worth the drive.

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36 thoughts

  1. Project Life | Week Twenty-Two | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] of our adventure to Seattle over the weekend I’ve got a couple of inserts this [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. audra says…

    Ali, looks like a wonderful weekend! You need to do something special with the picture of Chris & Anna - it's perfect, simply perfect!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. dawn says…

    Love your weekend thru the lens. The first photo is so filled with fun and love, so glad you grabbed your camera too. The second one is breathtaking. I love how you pair your photos with such thoughtful and hearfelt words so we can feel like we were there too. The last line says it best, it's always worth the drive. So glad your parents get to be so close to your little ones.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Sarah says…


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  5. KathleenA says…

    Oh, you make me miss Le Pichet! I loved to eat there when I lived in Seattle! Sounds like you have a wonder weekend!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Dori says…

    What precious pix! Thanks for sharing them with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Tanya W says…

    I love all your photos Ali but can't get over how much older wee Anne is looking now shes growing up so so fast...too cute...

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Elizabeth Scott says…

    Great weekend. Love the photo of the light shining on Anna and your Mother!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Sarah R says…

    What an awesome weekend! U2 was fantastic! We saw them in Edmonton, and, I agree, the screen and the stage were awesome!
    Your posts always make me pause and reflect on the blessings in my everyday life too, thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Sandi Keene says…

    what great stories - what great photos. treasures, each one.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Jennifer Levin says…

    I love these photos! The one of Chris and Anna just melts my heart! It's so magical that you were able to capture that beautifully perfect moment!

    Thanks for sharing your weekend photos with us. ~Jen

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Kendra says…

    I love your last sentence most of all!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Christine says…

    Love the picture with Anna and Chris. I especially love Anna's "salt water sandals". My girls wore these all summer when they were young. They come in so many yummy colors. Sounds like the concert was amazing. Thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. rebecca says…

    We were at U2 as well - what an experience. The night was perfect & that stage was unreal, and those boys know how to do it right!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Catherine says…

    We luv Le Pichet, onw of our favs. It feels like a bistro in Paris. And eating outside at the Pink Door is the best. We like to eat there in summer and have with Cristina and her family.
    So glad we had beautiful weather for you all to enjoy.


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Catherine - miss you :).

  16. Debora Prass says…

    I know what you mean about that screen making the show so phenomenal! I saw the concert in April here in Brazil, and it was so amazing. I had the same thoght going through my head: I just love live music! Thanks for sharing the stories, so cool to see our kids with our parents, right?

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. JennV says…

    Yay! Love it when you blog about coming to Seattle (since I live here.) I heard all about that U2 concert and I'm so sad I missed it. So glad you liked the Pink Door! That's one of my favorite restaurants downtown. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Michele H. says…

    Amazing photos:) Your words about your parents & kids relationship is so awesome. I feel the same exact way about my girls' relationship with my parents too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. lee says…

    I love the simple prompt of "I Want to Remember..." that you used to capture so many different moments from your weekend. What a nice way to consider it. =)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks Lee - it's one of my favorite ways to get the words down.

  20. Amy Pelletier says…

    Looks like a great weekend. Photographing my daughter and her grandparents is one of my favorite things to do. It's priceless. And, U2 is BY FAR my favorite group to see perform live!! I'm so envious you were at that show!! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Cathy says…

    That pic of Anna and Chris is one of the best snapshots I've ever seen. Seriously. What a shot, Ali. Love, love.

    Love Seattle too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Cynthia says…

    Lovely post Ali. I love the picture of your daughter and husband; talk about capturing a 'moment' that truly needs no words - it is beautiful, absolutely beautiful. The word prompt is excellent too.

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  23. Christine says…

    Love to see how much other love U2! I was at the concert in Edmonton, Alberta just a few nights before and was in awe of it all. U2 never disappoints.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Tammy B says…

      I was at the concert in Edmonton, too, but it looks like Seattle had a little nicer weather than we did! Bono probably didn't have to get out his umbrella and sing "Singing in the Rain"!! I've seen this concert twice and it gets a little better every time.

  24. Liz says…

    that is one awesome post to remember...i love to remember things in life forever and for my kids when they are older....remember

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Jenell says…

    Ali - thank you for sharing your life with us. I love the "I want to remember" series and the photos you take. This inspires me. I just (finally) got a new SLR camera and have been having so much fun with it, but I learn a lot from you. Thank you thank you thank you.

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