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Stock up now during our Christmas in July Sale
Stock up now during our Christmas in July Sale

And the giveaway goes to...

One person will receive a Bits and Bobs kit from Magpie Club.

#246 • Debra Lawrence said…Such a fun summery group of supplies. Inspiring!! Good luck everyone!

Congrats Debra! Please email me with your contact information.

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39 thoughts

  1. Shelly K says…

    WOW! About know this is hard for some of us! I like to think that I do an extra special job for my kids and their birthdays...really make them feel special and give them a party that is full of fun. I hope they will remember those moments and feel the love I have for them. I'm a good mother! (Always trying!)

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  2. Wendi J says…

    Special about me- I truly embrace the saying stop and smell the roses and I do my best everyday to appreciate the journey and not just think about the final destination. LIfe is not a destination but a journey.

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  3. Laurie Allen says…

    I raised one son and then voluntarily and without compensation took in 31 foreign teenage boys for up to a year in my home as high school foreign exchanges students! So, I have an international group that calls me "Mom"!

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  4. Pam Bray says…

    God bestows on each of us a special gift, mine happens to be compassion, so when I hear of a need and if I am able I try to be as helpful as I can. Sometimes it is with a note, a call or a prayer. TFS

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  5. Liz S says…

    I'm a mother of 3 awsome boys. I love to craft and I think thats what helps me feel like a female in this house of males.

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  6. Pat says…

    The thing that is special about me is that I see beauty in just about everything. Items that would nomally be tossed in the trash get turned into pieces of art. It is a pleasure to give new life to found objects.

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    I like most everyone, has a special love for my mom but didn't have a close relationship when I was younger. Now at 53 and MOM 84 it's fabulous. Unfortunately she just finished battling her second type of Cancer. I've been lucky enough to help care for her. I took her to all of her radiation treatments and most doctor appointments. And now in the summer heat of Iowa I go once a week to mow her lawn and tend to her outside chores. Things like that are very difficult for her since she is now on oxygen 24/7. I'm her long distance driver too, anytime she wants to travel to see her five other children or her seven siblings, I get to ddrive her there. Allthough the farthest is just six hundred miles one way we usually go there once a year. I thank God for this opportunity everyday and wouldn't trade it for anything.
    Peace, Shelly Argumedo

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  8. pa feurt says…

    I love sharing your book and ideas with friends. You really make people see the gratitude of the little things in life each day. thank you for all your ideas and creativeness

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  9. Shelly Greybeck says…

    One special thing about me is my positive attitude. I can pretty much see a positive in everything, even if it seems like such a negative thing to others. The way I see it, there's got to be some good that comes out of eveything, no matter how you look at it! It drives my husband crazy sometimes because he is a very pessimistic person...I even call him Mr. Minus at times.

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  10. norma says…

    well, if I would have to say something special about me, it would have to be mmmm, this is kinda hard since it's esier to say special things about other people, I guess it would be that I am a good friend, once I'm your friend I'll do the imposible to help you out with anything you ask me to help you with, I you ask my opinion belive me I will tell you the truth, I will listen and make you laugh when you are down, I guess that is something special about me

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  11. Roxanna Baldonado says…

    What is special about me? I would have to say we are all special in each of our unique ways! I would have to say my spcial gift is compassion. I am a mother of three and grammie to four. I love to take items that others would see as trash and turn them into art. I especially love my family and love to capture everyday moments and scrapbook those moments to cherish forever. I work as a Health Tech at an Elementary School and truly love my job. I love to work with children and care for them when they are hurt or not feeling well. Thank you to all of the sponsors for these really great give aways!

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  12. Bev says…

    It's hard to think of something special about myself. I do what has to be done. I raised 3 great children who have now raised their own. I have a 96yr old mother to help. I find some time to craft and demo at a store 2 times a yr. I love trying and learning new things.

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  13. Deb R says…

    This is always been the hardest question anyone asks of me. What is special about me? I love my family, most people and all animals. I marvel in the unexpected and the everyday things that make me smile, whether it be a bird or the sound of a dog snoring, or that hug from a dirty child that has spent the day picking dandelions or making mud pies. I am thankful for each day and find something to be happy about no matter how hard things are.
    Thanks for a chance a great giveaway!

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  14. Sandy says…

    I am positively always positive. I like to look for the bright side of everything and this sometimes drives my children crazy.

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  15. Linda B says…

    To me, "kree-ey-tiv-i-tee" is what makes each day a little brighter and to share that makes it even happier. I love to inspire others, especially when it comes to being creative, to capture memories and make them last forever, and I'm blessed to be inspired from all the wonderful artists in my stamping/scrapbook world including all of you!

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  16. Julia Mitchel says…

    I never feel special, but my speciality is Genealogy. I love being a genealogist and guiding people to find ancestors to join Patriotic Societies. These societies promote Patriotism, support our Veterans of all wars, and encourage study of American History. All of these make me happy and fulfilled.

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  17. Sandy Nolan says…

    I am a 70 year old grandmother and have been crafting as long as I can remember. It brings me greatjoy and unites the world in a common thread. I have met many wonderful people along my journey - their creativity is abounding.

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  18. yogi says…

    Beats me what's special about me other than I'm just a really nice artistic person who loves to share and teach anything I learn.

    PS these are just awesome prizes.

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  19. Krista H says…

    I am an annoyingly cheerful morning person. (Annoying to those who are not morning people). I love being creative - painting, papercrafts and needlework - and sharing my crafts through giving my creations away and teaching those who are convinced they can't be creative. What joy I receive through their discovering otherwise.

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  20. Renee S. says…

    There's nothing really special about me. I just keep on trying to move forward each and every day and take care of those around me.

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  21. marie sierra says…

    wow ali what an amazing giveaway!
    i am special, why? because i always root for the under-dog..i always try to help the person i see struggling to keep up with the i always successful? no , but when someonw gives me a heartfelt thank you cause i took a moment out of my day to lend an ear or lend a makes my day complete..
    thank you, marie

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  22. DeborahDOH says…

    I have been told I have the gift of gab and am never at a loss for words. I do love to talk and can have a conversation with anyone about anything.

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  23. Jerry Amundsen says…

    I retired last year after 46 years working in hospitals as an RN. I feel like I ran the race and am now loving retirement.

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  24. Leah says…

    Empathy makes me especially nurturing and helpful. My grown son says I am his "voice of reason", which seems like a special title to me, lol. Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!

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  25. Kim says…

    I am a thoughtful,helpful, and understanding person who likes to think the best of others and give everyone a chance. I believe in giving others the benefit of the doubt.

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