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Learning To Ride

learning to ride

We've been taking the slow route in helping Simon learn to ride his bike.

Slow and deliberate with lots and lots of confidence-building praise and support.


While visiting my brother and his family we took him to a track to get in some more practice.

He was doing so awesome...better than ever with his balance.

I had the video camera rolling so he could see that he really was doing it. He loved seeing those videos and it was such a good reminder to me that he's a visual kid and seeing himself in action is a great teaching tool. My favorite parts of the video (which are much to shaky to share) are hearing my brother and sister-in-law cheering in the background as Chris takes his hand off the bike or Simon's back. There's so much love in their voices.


And then he got going a bit too fast around a corner.

There was a crash.

And lots of tears.


And lots of comfort.

And maybe even a bit of chocolate cake with the sentiment "way to go Simon" written in blue icing on top after dinner to celebrate all the awesome riding he'd been doing before the crash and maybe, just maybe encourage him to get on his bike again.


We were a bit worried he'd resist getting back on his bike after the crash but he was totally ready to try again.

Even a rainbow and a bunch of crows showed up to give him some support.


That willingness to try again after falling's so huge.


He got right back on and was totally excited all over again.

Keep practicing buddy - we know you can do it!

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134 thoughts

  1. Paula in Australia says…

    Oh Ali how sweet GO SIMON! The comfort shot of Simon and Chris made me tear up. You can literally feel the love between them in that shot. You must be so proud of your darling boy.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Alison says…

      This totally brought tears to my eyes. Way to go Simon! Our foster daughter has downs syndrome and she finally got the hang of a two wheeler 2 years ago at the age of 19. It was HUGE! And now she rides at least weekly - well enough that she can come with me when i jog. So cool. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Melissa says…

    How lucky are you to have a constant reminder that sometimes slow and steady really does win the race? Way to go, Simon!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I feel really, really lucky :).

  3. Beth Ann says…

    GO SIMON!!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Jenni Hufford says…

    GO SIMON!!! what a great kid! :) love the rainbow-- so cool :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Amy in Texas says…

    Keep at it Simon!! You're looking great!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. monique says…

    What a sweet story! Your story coupled with the pictures brought tears to my eyes.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. ale says…

    go, simon, go!
    we are all cheering for you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. amanda says…

    Simon is one cool kid. And he's blessed with some amazing parents. I hope you're all enjoying a little bit of summer your way...xoxo

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Paige says…

    Way to go Simon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. WendyN says…

    Way to go Simon! I love this post as I have been trying to get my son to ride a bike and it's not going well. He wants nothing to do with it and it's frustrating. This post encourages me to keep trying! Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Lara says…

    Wow - actually made me well up a bit with his perseverance! What a great story to tell in photos. It's such an important lesson in life to pick yourself up, brush yourself off and get on with it. Well done Simon. x

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. dawn says…

    Oh Ali, how sweet the story is and these pictures to go with it. How awesome to have a rainbow just for him and you captured it beautifully. Simon will love this story when he's older and love seeing Chris out there with a steady hand and a loving heart. How lucky for both of them.


    It's funny 2 of my kids got right on a bike and took off almost right away, that's how they still are.
    The other two of my kids have to learn on their own. I would practice and practice with them and we all had tears. But then one day they each went out got their bikes and took off on their own without me even knowing till I peeked out the window and saw them riding around the yard. IT was so awesome!!

    So glad he's still trying. !!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Susie Leggett says…

    This is such a heartwarming story Ali. A story filled with love and pride and patients and persistance. Way to go Simon.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Jen says…

    Go Simon!! You can do it!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Melanie says…

    I love seeing this. My 6 year old is so reluctant to get on his bike (even with the training wheels - that we added back to the bigger bike he got). This gives me hope there will be a day that he's interested in trying!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Angie Ulseth says…

    Way to go, Simon! I know that learning something new is hard, but worth it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Jenny says…

    Yay! Go Simon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. christen says…

    what a great picture with the rainbow in the background! those are some of my favorite memories when we were teaching our kids to ride their bikes.

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  19. peanut says…

    Way to go Simon!!!!

    I was eight before I learned to ride a bike (some how on the bumpiest bit of land around where we lived; I think I was trying to keep up with my sister) and I remember being so amazed that I'd actually done it. It's such a great feeling. Keep up the awesome work. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Ellie A. says…

    Go Simon GO! You are SO awesome :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Laura says…

    Thanks for sharing little snippets of your life with us, Ali. It underscores the point that what makes a life is the sum of the parts--all the litle things, like learning to ride a bike and to perservers. On a practical note, has Simon ever tried a balance bike? It helps kids learn how to stay uprght and how to shift their weight--it's basically a bike without the pedals. Kids I know who've used one haven't even needed training wheels. Way to go Simon! Keep at it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Wendy says…

    Great story! Way to go Simon! At 40, I just learned to ride a bike. (I wish someone had gotten me a cake when I crashed.)

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Margaret says…

    Beautiful, heartfelt, post. Thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. MonicaB says…

    This is awesome...we are in the process of teaching our little one to ride. It's not easy, especially after a crash. Way to go Simon! Way to go Mom and Dad!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Julie S. says…

    I've got tears in my eyes! I'm cheering him on too! LOVE the rainbow! Tell him not everyone gets a rainbow when they do a great job! GO SIMON!

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