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Project Life | Week Thirty-Seven

project life | week thirty-seven

Welcome to Project Life | Week Thirty-Seven.

project life | week thirty-seven

As I was bringing it all together for this past week I was thinking about how wonderfully routine this project has become for me.

For thirty-seven weeks I've been tucking photos and words and the stuff of life into these little pockets.

I love this project.

It's been a very good routine.

project life | week thirty-seven

I was able to get a couple of the Missoni products from Target on Wednesday. A pair of shoes for Anna and a make-up bag for me. The Missoni tags were a simple thing to add to the first pocket.

project life | week thirty-seven

I included journaling from my What Is Real Right Now post as an insert. I also added a really lovely letterpress printed wedding invitation for my sister-in-law's wedding.

project life | week thirty-seven

This week I used these little tags (Avery Marking Tags) for labels on my photos. I've gotten to where I feel like the photos are almost naked without a few words added for context. These were stapled using the Tiny Attacher.

project life | week thirty-seven

I closed up volume 2 of 2011 this week and started a new We Are Memory Keepers black 12x12 album.

project life | week thirty-seven

project life | week thirty-seven

The first volume is January through mid-April. The second volume is mid-April through mid-September. The third will run me through the end of the year. After December I'll likely go back in and divide up the albums more evenly.

Project Life is a product created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The pieces of the album kit (similar to the one I’m using) are available here. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life here.

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52 thoughts

  1. dawn says…

    Wonderful pictures and fun tags to add. I too love love doing this every week and look forward to putting the little bits into it. Cannot wait till the new ones come out for next year!!

    I can't believe your on #3 already. Mine is close to full, might have to get a second one for the last half of year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Char says…

    Ali, What do you store your scrapbook albums on? I have been looking for something that will fit them but have been unable to find anything.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Amy says…

      Hi Char,

      I agree that Ikea has perfect bookshelves! We use these guys here:

      We have three in our living room and it looks awesome with the albums. Good luck!

    2. COEngrGirl says…

      Char, IKEA has several bookcase/shelving system options that fit 12x12 albums. I just recently picked this one up:

      I've got my 12x12 CM albums stored on the bottom shelf. Hope this helps!

    3. Ali says…

      Hi Char - when we moved into this house I had some shelves built into an alcove that were sized to fit these 12x12 albums. Here's a look at them in my office:

      Before that I used a large metal rolling cart from Costco. You can see that here:

  3. Wendy says…

    I just started doing Project Life and I'm loving it. I've read and re-read all of your Project Life links. Thanks for taking the time to provide such great inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. jennifer says…

    Ali, thank you for continuing to share your PL. I love seeing your pages -- so inspiring! You have really helped me stay motivated and on track with my PL. It really is such an awesome project!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Denise says…

    I love looking at your pages every week, thanks for sharing!! I am SO GLAD to see I am not the only one who CAN NOT fit an entire year in one album!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Suz says…

    I loved Bread and Jam for Frances! One of my all time favorite children's books!
    Thanks for sharing your PL with all of us bloggers each week. I know it helps keep me motivated to keep 'er going. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Paulette Sarsfield says…

    It's all so good Ali! I'm just wondering if your plan is to do this every year or just every so often.. It would seem like a LOT of albums to collect over the years is all I'm thinking!?! Thanks for sharing :o)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I'm not sure yet Paulette. I already have a crazy amount of albums since beginning this adventure...

  8. Deb J says…

    I really enjoy seeing your Project Life albun. next year I have to do this.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Marsaille says…

    I wouldn't go back and divide them up more evenly! Don't create more work for yourself, Ali. There is more syncronicity with them the way they are, one flows to the next... leads you through it. Unless you don't have anything better to do. In that case, I could use some help around here. I am a good cook, and we could have tea.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I love tea :). I don't think it would take too long - I meant just make it even between the three - 4 months, 4 months, 4 months.

  10. ShellyJ says…

    I look forward to your update each week :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. sarah says…

    bread + jam for frances, as well as the other frances books, are one of my all time childhood favorites!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Amy says…

    Oh that is so good to know that you split up your Project Life! I just started mine on April 1st and it is already super, super full - will definitely be splitting mine up =0)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Stephanie George says…

    Hi Ali,

    I was curious, I love how you are just taking your journaling straight from your website/blog and using it in your scrapbooking. But I noticed that typically on your blog you are talking to us/your audience, do you change any of the language when you put it in your albums, or just leave it as is? Along the same lines, do you envision your albums for yourself or for your children? Like for example, on your last entry about "What is Real Right Now" you say you and Chris are having a hard time and you ask for our prayers.... did you put that straight in the album? Also you say Anna is "more two than Simon ever was", I love that you are honest with us, but do you ever worry about Simon or Anna reading what you wrote? I hope this doesn't sound critical, because I'm not trying to be at all... I'm just curious as to your thoughts on the topic and how you generally approach some of these tough subjects. How do you decide how much you want to include and how you want to talk about it in your scrapbooks? I guess it's a journaling/diary vs. a scrapbooking type of question. Thanks in advance for any feedback, thoughts!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Stephanie George says…

      Hey Ali, I completely agree that you are a very loving, caring and encouraging mother and your words reflect that. That's why we all love checking in with you every day on your blog. You help us to stay positive and keep things simple. Thank you for your reply!

    2. Ali says…

      I've done it a lot of different ways - depending on the week, the time, etc. For this week I just left the content of that post as it was. In many ways I see these albums for me now...and for them later on if they'd like them (if they do that's great, if not that's totally fine too - part of the way I experience my life is through the process of documentation). I don't worry about them reading what I wrote. On the whole my words are loving, kind, supportive and celebratory towards them and who they are. I hope they DO read them and know that they were loved so very much and that I was also a very real, imperfect person (just like everyone else in the world - a very common bond between human beings).

      There's lots of things I leave out, lots of things that don't need to be said in this format.

  14. jennifer says…

    jennifer olson

    how many albums are you going to do and are you going to buy all of the new stuff too

    i'm going to buy all the new stuff too

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      This year there will be three. I'm planning on getting the new kit (or pieces of one of the new kits) for 2012.

  15. Brandy says…

    I was wondering how you do the last page of the album (volume) when you split it, like what would be the single end page, do you do extra photos or cards to complete it? Also the start page to the next volume? I was thinking of just doing some photos and filler and journal cards of things pertaining to the end week, then the start week, in addition to the 2 page weekly spread. Family pics would not apply, since I am single, no kids. Just wondering what you do. You may have addressed this in an earlier post and I missed it. Thank you for all the inspiration!!!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Brandy says…

      Thanks, I don't know how I missed that!!

    2. Ali says…

      Hi Brandy - there was a bit of discussion about this last week (more in the comments if I remember right). I mentioned that I don't have anything special at the end of one and the beginning of the next right now. I think at the end of the year I'll take a look at that and figure something out :).

  16. samone says…

    love the little avery tags - great idea x.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Jen says…

    Hi Ali - i can't wait to see how you feel when it is done...I did it last year and I felt myself kind of "mourn" the project being done - I got so used to tucking odds and ends in albums/taking photos of things I don't "typically" capture. I took a break so I could appreciate it for what it was and started just capturing a month at a time not daily but I know I will do the daily again. It is a great project and I already cherish it so much. Thanks for posting your journey - it is encouraging to others to pick it up and run with it. Have a great day!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. JENNIFER OLSON says…

    jennifer olson

    were do you get all of your page refill

    Reply 1 Reply
  19. Mikki McGehee says…

    I absolutely love seeing your Project Life albums each week. They are so inspiring! I love that you're sharing the products that have really brought your Project Life album to life.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. borcherding says…

    AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME...every time I read your posts I just get more and more excited about starting this project in January for the first time. I will say though, I am concerned about the about of TIME involved in this project. Most days when I walk in the door at 5:30 from work I am turning around and leaving for PTO meetings, Volleyball games, or who knows what else!! I WANT to do this so, so bad but I worry about having the actually time to do it all! Any tips you can pass on for a NEWBIE? Thanks Ali! Love everything you do and I am keeping you and your family in my prayers. :-) peace and blessings...

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Scrapflicka says…

      I've been doing this for three years now and I tend to take 1-2 hours every Sunday to put it together. I print my pictures at home and keep an envelope in the kitchen for the bits and pieces I'm collecting during the week. I don't journal every day. I did the first year but it just wasn't my style so now I write on days when something important or funny happens or I just write a resumé of the whole week. I do keep a private blog so whenever I feel like it I can go back and see what happen a particular day or copy and paste from the blog. This way it's ok if I fall behind on the album. But really, you get into the routine so fast.

    2. Ali says…

      My biggest tip is to have it out in your house somewhere that gives you easy access to it - mine lives on my kitchen counter. It's easy to jot down things on the cards, etc. I need that visual reminder to make it happen. I also found that posting here each week was a pretty strong motivator.

  21. Christine H says…

    Love the tags! Going to have to steal that idea.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. JENNIFER OLSON says…

    jennifer oldon said

    where do you get all of your page refill

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      They are available through Amazon:

  23. Joeynumber41 says…

    Project Life is kinda tough for last week. My dad passed away on September 12th.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I'm so sorry to read that - peace be with you and your family.

  24. Caroline says…

    Hey Ali, I'm a long-time reader, first-time commenter :)

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your stuff. You are such an inspiration. Thank you for doing what you do and sharing so much of yourself with your readers.

    I'm curious what made you choose to use the black leather 12 X 12 album for PL since your album organization posts show that you were using the linen albums. Any reason for the change?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I've found that the We Are Memory Keepers albums and page protectors are sturdier :).

  25. Julie Lueck says…

    Oh, you are so good. I try to do daily, but since school started, I haven't even been journaling. The funny thing is my youngest just started Jr. Kindergarten. It seems I have been busier than ever with him gone.

    On the storage part, I could sure use your help and fellow blog readers. I have been scrap booking and reading the mags since 1992. I am now getting a new scrap room. I am starting from scratch. I wanted to do counters with drawers, but everything out there seems to be kitchen counter height, not standard desk height. I have the chance to create my dream room, but I am having a hard time finding furniture. I really wish all the pictures on the web came with recipes. Help.

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