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Weekend Creative | Photo Walkabout


This past June when I attended the Your Story Retreat I had the opportunity do participate in a Photo Walkabout with Liz Ness of Great Photos Plus.

We joined up with Jackie Wood and Meredith Winn for a photo challenge walk in Canon Beach. Check out the video to see our adventures, our challenge, and some of the resulting photos.

Walkabout at Cannon Beach from Liz Ness on Vimeo.

I have to tell you that I loved this experience. It was so fun to get together with kindred spirits for the afternoon and just walk around taking photos.

Hope you get a chance to use your camera and see your life through the lens this weekend!

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29 thoughts

  1. Liz Ness says…

    Ali, I had such a blast, too, and we really need to do this again--just something about sharing something you love with friends that love it, too!

    HUGS, girlfriend, and have an AWESOME weekend!

    =) Liz

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  2. Melanie K. says…

    Oh, I love Liz and Jackie! I hope Jackie is doing well ... I follow her blog and send good wished to her.
    I found them when they were doing Illustrative Stories (that was the name, right? my memory!) And I loved watching their art studio time videos. I so want to meet them one day!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Liz Ness says…

      Hey Melanie! We would love to meet you, too! =)

  3. Mikki McGehee says…

    For anyone who loves this idea, I recommend checking out your local Meetup groups. I belong to one here in Las Vegas, everyone is really supportive and helpful, we have done photo walks around town and they are a blast!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Suzanne says…

      Hi Mikki,
      I would love find a group to do this with (I live in the Bay Area), could you expand upon your comment about how to find a local "meetup group"? Thanks!

  4. Julia Rene' says…

    Loved that you kicked you shoes off while walking on the sandy beach and Loved the video - thanks for sharing.

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  5. Sheri says…

    So fun! Good friends that share a passion about photography + capturing life's story in some way = priceless. : )

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  6. Jennifer L. says…

    What a great idea! I'm going to the coast this weekend here in California with my husband for our anniversary, and I plan to take my Olympus and extra SD cards and batteries!! I knew I would be taking lots of photos, but now I'm really jazzed to make the experience even more special! Thanks so much, Ali!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Liz Ness says…

      Can't wait to see your photos Jennifer! =)

    2. Jennifer L. says…

      Okay, so I watched to video again with my husband, and I purchased the ebook for my iPad. I'm so super excited to do some interesting things with my camera! Thanks again a million times!

  7. Torrita says…

    What a fun idea! I just ordered the book and sent it to my equally photography obsessed sister for her birthday - once we're on the same continent again, hopefully she and I can have our own little photo walk-about using some of the prompts! Thanks for sharing Ali :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Liz Ness says…

      Thanks so much Torrita! May your walkabout bring you many good things! =)

  8. Tammy B says…

    That looked like amazing fun! I wish more of my friends were obsessed with taking pictures like I am! I did my own walkabout the other day to try and get some shots of the leaves changing but it has been so windy, most of them are already on the ground. Had a good time anyway!! Thanks, Ali and friends! That was cool!

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  9. Darlene says…

    Totally inspiring, can't wait to find some time for a little walk-a-bout this weekend!

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  10. LaceyA says…

    Loved the video. Totally inspired me. What a fantastic way to play with your creative soul...and just take it all in. Of course, the oceanside will do that for you, especially, in my opinion, the OR beaches :) On a personal note, This totally makes my heart ache. I love Cannon Beach. It was a favorite and meaningful place for my ex husband and I. He chose to ruin our marriage, and so that's why we are "ex's" now. I haven't been back since the last time he and I were there (at least 5 yrs). I so miss this place. I am happy again, have a new love and a bonus son from it...and I keep thinking that I should try to go back and make new memories there. I just don't know how painful it will be for me though...or maybe it won't be? Should I?

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Family makes our house a home. | Retrospect says…

    [...] is one other thing I would like to share. Ali Edwards’ blog today is about a “photo walkabout” with Liz Ness of Great Photos Plus. She has [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Rina Abbott-Jard says…

    Hi - that was so cool. Thank-you for your work in the production and sharing of this! Have a wonderful day!

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  13. esther_a says…

    Loved the video, Ali!! It was great to see how fabulously the photos turned out even though it was such a wet, gray day.

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  14. quinna says…

    I love Cannon Beach...I've many a picture there but next time I'm going to look for shadows!

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  15. Barb in AK says…

    Loved the video. I want to try a walk-around with my dh, and then compare our perspectives. :-) Thanks for sharing. If you ever do something like that again, I'd love to see another video :-) please

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  16. Sharon Dryjanski says…

    How interesting it is when we have to stretch ourselves to accomplish a goal. So inspiring it made me take my camera out and do so pictures on my own...thanks for a great video!

    blessings and hugs

    Sharon Dryjanski Phoenix, az

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  17. Cindy says…

    That looked like so much fun! I'll have to try that myself........and pick up a copy of the book for additional inspiration/challenges.

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  18. Jana says…

    This was a very fun video to see you 4 enjoying Cannon Beach - one of my favorite beach hang-outs! We celebrated our honeymoon there and return often for JP's Seafood chowder. Yum! I love going on photo shoots, and for a while had a terrific friend to share my photo love with. We explored an abandoned stock auction lot / building, graveyard, barn, field hiking trail, and so many other sites together. We'd then return & upload our photos onto our laptops, enjoy food & drinks together while contentedly editing and sharing our latest pics! Truly a photographer's dream day. She's since moved away, but not that far & we hope to connect again sometime soon for another photo adventure.

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  19. Joanne says…

    OMG...I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed that video!!! Cannon Beach is one of my favorite places, but it looked totally different through your eyes. WOW...still thinking about it...thank you for sharing.

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  20. Grace says…

    Hey there Ali....I knew you all did a walkabout but did not realize Liz did a video as well. How way cool! And what a fantastic prompt Meredith picked for a rainy day - shadows, yum! Must gather some local peeps and have a photo walkabout ourselves.

    BTW, love the feeling of Gearhart, YS Retreat and Canon Beach rolling back into my mind. Thanks.

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  21. Kathy says…

    Just watched the Canon Beach Walkabout and I am so inspired. In a week my husband and I will be attending the Texas State Fair and we are going to do our own photography walkabout, I can't wait. Thanks to you all for the inspiration you create in each of us everyday.

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  22. Mary says…

    Enjoyed the Walkabout. Would love to see the pictures sometime.
    Hope that is possible. Thanks for sharing your life with me.

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  23. Krystal says…

    this was SO fun to watch. Thank you for sharing.

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  24. Susan from Colorado says…

    How I loved this video! First of all it looks like you all are such good friends and I love that you get together to do something you all enjoy! But most of all I loved it because you gave me a glimps of home! I was raised in Oregon and my family has a cabin in Manzanita where I spent many a child hood days with my grandparents. My husband and I moved with our young children to Colorado in 1984 but Oregon will always be home. Cannon Beach has always been a favorite of mine so thank you for Hay Stack Rock and all those fun shops in the back ground. I will watch this over and over again. I can almost smell the salt in the air!

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