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Days Of December Sale At Designer Digitals

Just a quick announcement that Designer Digitals has started their Days Of December Specials. Every day there will be a brand new $ .99 cent item AND 285 random items marked down 30% (different from the day before). Today's specials will be at that price until 6am EST on Friday, December 2, 2011. The Days of December Specials will run through 6am EST on December 26th.

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4 thoughts

  1. Elisabeth Costa says…

    Cool..just bought the 2011 overlays earlier today and yeah!!! have my Dec daily base pages done:)

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  2. Brooke says…

    Thanks for this Ali - I just bought them too.

    Just wondering if you could do shout out for me of anyone using Gimp? I'm a bit of a novice and having issues adding the overlay to a photo. I know I made it work last year, so it is possible. hehe.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Brooke says…

      Thanks for the tweet. Looks like I'm the only one. I did manage to get it to work but it's a lot more labor intensive than Elements. Your video from last year makes it look much easier. Hopefully by the end of December I'll be a master!

  3. Thought o’ the day | That Was Random .com - Sharing Random Videos, Images and More. Sharing Random Stuff from Present to Nostalgic says…

    [...] Thought O' The DayThought O' The Day Today's super random Thought o' the day Humorous Thought o' the day - Proudly [...]

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